Hi folks , After a long time , This is my new post,
lots of thing have happened since my last entry on
this blog, Alex my grandson has joined our band
Simply Retro, In 2021 I ended up in hospital with covid phnemonia and came right through it, and a lot of other things have happened since then.
The band has a new drummer yet again but this one is dedicated and is also a drum teacher.
Here is Ash our drummer Alex our GrandsonAlso ,After a good few years I managed to catch up with my Son Robin Burns and his girlfriend and 2 more Grand daughters Erin & Hazel. How fantastic is that ! Also I have found my dear nephew Steve Sledge Armstrong who has been playing Bass guitar with Neville Staple from the Specials, He has been with them for about 20 years,We went to see them at the Southwark park festival, They are a fantastic scar band,
Lots of things have been happening and it is amazing how time flies
Our band Simply Retro will be playing for the Joe Meek Society AGM at the Ace caffe on the 6th of April 2024, As I was one of Joe Meeks Recording artists in 1965-67 . After over 50 years, They have found my Audition tape in the Joe Meek tea chest tapes and I am over the moon about it, Cherry Red records now own the tea chest tapes and have used a lot of unheard material on Vinyl & CD formats,
This is a picture of Simply Retro at the South Norwwod Comunity Festival 2023.

Steve Sledge Armstrong
from the Specials Neville Staple Band
And here is Steve again.
Here am I with Steve at the top pic
And with Neville And Christine Sugery Staple.
My son Robin Burns.
Thank you for reading this blog page, Hope you enjoyed it enough to visit us again.