alter table templatelinks add primary key (tl_from,tl_namespace,tl_title); -- duplicate index, to be fixed on mediawiki later alter table pagelinks add primary key (pl_from,pl_namespace,pl_title); -- duplicate index, to be fixed on mediawiki later alter table categorylinks drop key cl_from, add primary key (cl_from,cl_to); alter table imagelinks drop key il_from, add primary key (il_from,il_to); alter table iwlinks drop key iwl_from, add primary key (iwl_from,iwl_prefix,iwl_title); alter table langlinks drop key ll_from, add primary key (ll_from,ll_lang); alter table log_search drop key ls_field_val, add primary key (ls_field,ls_value,ls_log_id); alter table math drop key math_inputhash, add primary key (math_inputhash); alter table module_deps drop key md_module_skin, add primary key (md_module,md_skin); alter table objectcache drop key keyname, add primary key (keyname); alter table querycache_info drop key qci_type, add primary key (qci_type); alter table site_stats drop key ss_row_id, add primary key (ss_row_id); alter table text drop key old_id, add primary key (old_id); alter table transcache drop key tc_url_idx, add primary key (tc_url); alter table user_former_groups drop key ufg_user_group, add primary key (ufg_user,ufg_group); alter table user_properties drop key user_properties_user_property, add primary key (up_user,up_property);
- eqiad
- codfw