This is for T220791
ALTERs to run:
ALTER TABLE /*_*/abuse_filter_log ADD COLUMN afl_global tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER afl_filter, ADD COLUMN afl_filter_id BIGINT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER afl_global, ALTER COLUMN afl_filter SET DEFAULT ''; CREATE INDEX /*i*/filter_timestamp_full ON /*_*/abuse_filter_log (afl_global,afl_filter_id,afl_timestamp);
- Where to run those changes: all.dblist
- When to run those changes: After deployment of wmf.25, next week
- If the schema change is backwards compatible: Yes
- If the schema change has been tested already on some of the test/beta wikis: Tested locally
- if the data should be made available on the labs replicas and/or dumps: Same as afl_filter for both columns.
- s1
- eqiad T234052#5785114
- codfw
- s2
- eqiad T234052#5773358
- codfw
- s3
- eqiad T234052#5789653
- codfw
- s4
- eqiad T234052#5773889
- codfw
- s5
- eqiad T234052#5770812
- codfw
- s6
- eqiad T234052#5770937
- codfw
- s7
- eqiad T234052#5782053
- codfw
- s8
- eqiad T234052#5780629
- codfw
- wikitech
- labswiki
- labtestwiki @Andrew (done by @Marostegui)
- Add the columns to the list of OK columns to be replicated: