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FAQ and Terms

Can I download all photos at once?
Yes, you can. Right here »

Can I use the photos commercially (e.g. for client’s works)?
Yes, you can. All photos are free to use, however, please keep in mind although the photos listed here are free to download and use, some photos do not have model or property release. Some photos may also contain copyrighted brands, logos, objects or personal properties.

What about the images with registered logos or trademarks?
Just like on any other stock photo site, you are responsible for how you use the photos. Be respectful to registered trademarks, brands, objects or properties captured on the photos. We are allowing commercial use from the photographer’s perspective — this means that we, picjumbo photographers, are okay with you (or your client) using the photos commercially. But we can not represent others who may claim to be owners of copyright or properties captured on any of the photos. Again, you’re responsible for how you use the photos, picjumbo photographers just kindly sharing their photos with you for free.

Can I use the photos in HTML/PSD/PowerPoint templates that I sell?
Yes, you can. It would be greatly appreciated if you credit picjumbo website in your product description.

Can I use the photos as placeholders in my HTML/PSD templates or articles?
Yes, you can. It would be greatly appreciated if you credit picjumbo website in your product description.

Can I sell my PSD files with the photos included in the design?
Yes, you can leave the photo in your theme/template/keynote files etc., but you cannot redistribute the pictures as a file. It would be greatly appreciated if you credit picjumbo website in your product description.

Can I use the photos in my PowerPoint presentation?
Yes, you can.

Can I resell the photos?
No, you can’t. All these photos are free.

Can I publish picjumbo photos on my own (or other) site with free photos?
Only if you redirect the Download button to image page on picjumbo website (e.g. this is image page) so people can download it from picjumbo website (do not use hotlinking). Reuploading to other photo/wallpaper platforms (for downloading from a different site) is not allowed.

Can I upload picjumbo photos into image library of our website builder/SaaS/plugin to be used by our users/customers?
Yes, but you need our Photo Redistribution plan for this. Read more information about it here: Photo Redistribution »

Viktor, why are you doing it?
I just want to make the internet a more beautiful place. I was a web designer, photographer and WordPress developer and a few years ago there were no access to free high-resolution photos, so I started this site to change it and I published all of my photos for free. See my full story here »

How can I credit or mention picjumbo or photographers?
It’s not necessary but we’re very happy for every mention! If you want, you can use credit ‘Photo by picjumbo.com‘ with a link to picjumbo.com. Thank you for supporting picjumbo! ❤️

How can I support picjumbo project?
There are many ways to do it. The easiest way is to share a link to picjumbo with your friends, buy All in One Pack or become a PREMIUM Member. Or you can easily donate via PayPal on our Ko-Fi page.

Can I promote my product/service on picjumbo?
Yes, you can. Read about all options here: Promote your product »

I have questions about picjumbo PREMIUM Membership. Where can I find more information?
All FAQ related to the PREMIUM Membership can be found here: picjumbo.com/premium-membership/faq »

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