Pokémon Database - News & Updates
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Pokémon Presents reveals more details on Legends: Z-A and new battle game
General News — 27 February, 2025
A new Pokémon Presents has aired today - Pokémon Day - and revealed more about the upcoming game Pokémon Legends Z-A, as well as a new battle-focused game. The full presentation can be seen below:
After a little bit of Pokemon history and some brief trailers on mobile games, a new game was announced: Pokemon Champions. It will be available on the Nintendo Switch as well as mobile devices, and focuses on
core-style battles
. It will also connect to Pokemon Home.
Finally, we learned more about Pokémon Legends: Z-A.
Generation 8 Pokémon and Dynamax coming to Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO — 28 August, 2024
Niantic have announced a large update to Pokémon GO, bringing the release of Generation 8 along with the Dynamax feature from Pokémon Sword & Shield. It will start September 3rd with the season, titled Max Out
New Pokémon will be released in the wild: Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Dreepy, and Stonjourner (UK only). Morpeko was also announced previously but it's not clear when it will be released. It will bring a change to battles, with it being able to change form like the main series games. With the new event starting on the 3rd, Skwovet and Wooloo (which were released a while back) will also appear and can be shiny.
Niantic decided to release very little information about how Dynamax will work in GO. But so far we know that from September 10th, mysterious Power Spots
will appear in which players can battle Dynamax Pokémon. A new substance Max Particles
can be collected at Power Spots to take them on.
Only Pokémon caught from Max Battles can be Dynamaxed. Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Skwovet, Wooloo will be the first battles available.
Pokémon Presents reveals new game, Pokémon Legends Z-A
General News — 27 February, 2024
A new Pokémon Presents has finished airing and revealed a new game: Pokémon Legends Z-A. It will be set in Kalos and feature Mega Evolution in some way. Presumably it will focus on Zygarde, the third legendary of the X&Y games.
Here is the full Presents; the Legends Z-A trailer starts around 10 minutes:
New Mythical Pokémon Pecharunt officially revealed
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 15 January, 2024
A new trailer has been released by The Pokémon Company, which officially announces the mythical Pokémon, Pecharunt. It's Poison/Ghost and has a new ability Poison Puppeteer which causes poisoned Pokémon to also become confused.
Pecharunt is available during the epilogue of the Scarlet/Violet expansion pass. An additional video telling the story of Pecharunt's history was also released, see below.
Epilogue for the Scarlet/Violet DLC announced
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 20 December, 2023
An update for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet has been announced, which will include an epilogue to the SV Expansion Pass, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. A short video has been released, which hints at a new mythical Pokémon.
The epilogue will be available from January 11th, 2024.
(If you're happy to be spoiled, here is a link to the new Pokémon.)
The Indigo Disk DLC for Scarlet/Violet has been released!
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 14 December, 2023
The second part of the Scarlet/Violet Expansion Pass, known as The Indigo Disk in now available! In this part the player takes a new school trip to the Blueberry Academy
, located on an island near the region of Unova. Inside the Terarium
are four artificial biomes that house many wild Pokémon.
We are busy updating the site with all the new details so stay tuned! We have some details up for the new Pokémon, which you can find via the links on The Blueberry Pokedex (which contains spoilers, of course).
Final trailer for The Indigo Disk released
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 07 December, 2023
A new trailer has been released for The Indigo Disk, part 2 of the Scarlet/Violet DLC, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero
. The new DLC will be released on December 14th.
The Indigo Disk takes the player to Blueberry Academy, an artificial island near the Unova region. Various quests can be undertaken, and many legendary Pokémon from past games can be found. Trainers from Paldea also make a reappearance in the battle arena.
The Teal Mask DLC for Scarlet/Violet has been released!
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 13 September, 2023
The latest update to Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, an expansion pass known as The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero
has been released today. This first part, The Teal Mask, consists of a school trip to a new land, Kitakami. Of course, we are busy playing and cataloguing all the data for new Pokémon, moves, abilities, items and so on.
Here are some useful links:
- The Teal Mask Pokedex
- Newly introduced Pokémon are listed on the Gen 9 stats page
- The TMs page has been updated with the 30 new TMs
New Pokémon Poltchageist revealed in new teaser
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 22 August, 2023
A new Pokémon video has been released, which tells an ancient tale of a newly-discovered Pokémon, Poltchageist. Here is the video:
Poltchageist is Grass/Ghost type and bears many similarities to Polteageist from Generation 8. UPDATE: a second trailer, showing Poltchageist in action has been released, see below.
New trailer at World VGC reveals new moves and Paradox types
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 13 August, 2023
A new trailer has been shown at the Pokémon Video Game World Championships in Yokohama, Japan. As is typical, they showed off some competitive elements by detailing new moves coming to the DLC. The typings of Raging Bolt and Iron Crown were also revealed as Electric/Dragon and Steel/Psychic respectively.
Also shown were the starter Pokémon from all previous generations, which will be available in part 2, The Indigo Disk. The new moves shown were:
- Psychic Noise - deals damage and prevents target from healing.
- Upper Hand - strikes before a target's priority move.
- Thunderclap - strikes before a target's move and was used by Raging Bolt.
- Tachyon Cutter - hits twice in a row and was used by Iron Crown.
At the end of the video all the type icons used in Terastal come together on a crown to make a 19th Tera Type. Exact details on how it works have not been revealed.
Pokémon Presents reveals Dipplin, Archaludon and more for Scarlet/Violet DLC
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 08 August, 2023
A new Pokémon Presents has just finished airing and announced new features for various Pokémon games, including the DLC for Scarlet/Violet, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. The first part, The Teal Mask
will be released on September 13th, 2023. The trailer for SV is below, or watch the full Pokémon Presents here.
Four new Pokémon were revealed:
- Dipplin, an evolution of Applin, which will be available in part 1. It has a new ability, Supersweet Syrup and a new move, Syrup Bomb.
- Archaludon, an evolution of Duraludon, which will be available in part 2. It has a new move, Electro Shot.
- Raging Bolt, a Paradox Pokémon based on Raikou.
- Iron Crown, a Paradox Pokémon based on Cobalion.
- Also, the Pokémon shown in a previous trailer was revealed to be the Normal Form of Terapagos, with the original being its Terastal Form.
A Tera raid event for Mewtwo was also announced. Players can get a Mew in the game right now by using the Mystery Gift code GETY0URMEW.
New trailer for Scarlet/Violet DLC
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet — 21 June, 2023
A new trailer has been released for the Pokémon Scarlet/Violet expansion, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero
. Not much new information is given, however we do see Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti natively in-game.
The first part, The Teal Mask introduces us to two trainers Carmine and Kieran in the new region of Kitakami. There is a Festival of Masks
going on. The second part, The Indigo Disk, sees you visit Blueberry Academy, which appears to feature a large battle arena known as a Terarium
Popular Quick-Links
- #248 Tyranitar
- #445 Garchomp
- #448 Lucario
- #823 Corviknight
- #849 Toxtricity
- #887 Dragapult
Normal Fire Water Electric Grass Ice Fighting Poison Ground Flying Psychic Bug Rock Ghost Dragon Dark Steel Fairy
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