Renal cell carcinoma

Renal cell carcinoma

1. Renal cell carcinoma

Maya Kolin, MD
Department Of Oncology
Hillel Yaffe Medical Center


• Renal cell carcinomas (RCCs), which originate within
the renal cortex, are responsible for 80-85% of all
primary renal neoplasms
• Transitional cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis are the
next most common (8 %)
• Other parenchymal epithelial tumors, such as
oncocytomas, collecting duct tumors, and renal
sarcomas, occur infrequently
• Renal medullary carcinoma is a rare form of RCC, seen
in sickle cell disease
• Nephroblastoma or Wilms tumor occur in children


• Worldwide, in 2018, there were an estimated 403,000 new cases of RCC and
175,000 deaths due to kidney cancer
• The incidence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) varies widely from region to region,
with the highest rates observed in the Czech Republic and North America
• In the United States, there are approximately 76,000 new cases and almost 14,000
deaths from RCC each year


RCC is approximately twofold more common in men compared with women
• RCC occurs predominantly in the sixth to eighth decade of life with median age at
diagnosis around 64 years of age
• It is unusual in patients under 40 years of age and rare in children


Some notable features of RCC include:
• Common diagnosis of asymptomatic disease
• Resistance to cytotoxic agents
• Relative resistance to radiotherapy
• Variable clinical course for patients with metastatic disease, including anecdotal reports
of spontaneous regression


• The incidence of RCC has risen threefold higher than the mortality rate
• The five-year survival rate of patients with kidney cancer has doubled over the last 60
years, from 34% in 1954 to 62% in 1996 and 75% from 2009 to 2015
• This improved survival is mostly due to earlier detection of these tumors at smaller sizes
(ie, <4 cm) and curative surgical treatment


Risk factors associated
with a increased incidence
of RCC
• Smoking
• Hypertension
• Obesity….
Otherwise, for patients with newly diagnosed
RCC, excess body weight is associated with a
lower stage and lower grade disease
• Furthermore, in patients with metastatic
disease, RCC is associated with a longer
overall survival for those with excess body
weight compared with those with normal or
below normal body weight
• The improved prognosis in these patients may
be associated with decreased expression of
the fatty acid synthase (FASN) gene


Other risk factors associated with a increased incidence of RCC
• Acquired cystic disease of the kidney
• Chronic kidney disease, a decreasing estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
• The risk of developing RCC has been estimated to be up to 30 times greater in dialysis
patients with acquired polycystic disease of the kidney than in the general population
• Among chronic dialysis patients, the incidence of acquired cystic disease is
approximately 35-50%, and approximately 6% of these patients eventually develop RCC


Other risk factors associated with a increased incidence of RCC
• Occupational exposure to toxic compounds, such as cadmium, asbestos, and
petroleum byproducts
• Epidemiologic studies have demonstrated an increased risk for RCC with heavy use of
aspirin, nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and acetaminophen, although
the risk may vary depending on the agent
• The prolonged ingestion of analgesic combinations, particularly compounds containing
phenacetin (of which acetaminophen is a major metabolite) and aspirin, can lead to
chronic renal failure. Such patients are at increased risk for urothelial tumors


Other risk factors associated with a increased incidence of RCC
Cytotoxic chemotherapy — The use of cytotoxic chemotherapy in childhood for
malignancies, autoimmune disorders, or bone marrow transplant conditioning has
been associated with the subsequent development of translocation RCC
Chronic hepatitis C infection
• Sickle cell disease — Patients with sickle cell trait and (to a lesser extent) sickle cell
disease are at risk for renal medullary carcinoma


Other risk factors associated with a increased incidence of RCC
• Kidney stones---A history of kidney stones may be associated with both RCC and
transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract
• In a meta-analysis that pooled data from almost 63,000 patients with kidney stones, the risk
ratio of developing RCC was 1.96 (95% CI 1.24-2.49), and the increased risk appeared to be
largely limited to men. The risk ratio for transitional cell carcinoma was 2.14


Risk factors for RCC
• The risk of a second, metachronous RCC is increased in patients who
have been treated for one renal cancer
This increased risk is most pronounced with younger age at the first
RCC, suggesting that early onset renal cancer has a genetic component


Other factors that modify risk
Diabetes mellitus
• Polycystic kidney disease
• Alcohol (protective effect)?
• Childhood cancer survivors — At least one study suggests that childhood cancer
survivors are at an increased risk for RCC, particularly if they were previously treated
with radiotherapy directed at the kidney or with cisplatin


Genetic factors
• Although most RCCs are sporadic, several
syndromes associated with RCC have
been described
• Factors that favor a hereditary
contribution in patients without a clear
genetic disease include:
• first degree relatives with a tumor
• onset before the age of 40
• bilateral or multifocal disease
• Patients with inherited polycystic disease
may have an increased risk of RCC (as well
as liver and colon cancer), even in the
absence of chronic kidney disease


Hereditary cancer kidney syndromes
Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease
• Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome is characterized by
germline mutation of VHL gene localized on chromosome
3p, development of clear cell RCC in approximately 35% of
• Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome is an autosomal
dominant disorder
• A pathogenic variant in the VHL gene diagnostic for VHL
disease is present in approximately 1 in 36,000 individuals


VHL-associated tumours
Hemangioblastomas of CNS (cerebellum, brainstem, spinal
Retinal hemangioblastomas
Endolymphatic sac tumours of the middle ear
Serous cystadenomas and neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas
Serous cystadenomas of the epididimus and broad ligament


The pathogenesis of VHL
disease has been linked to
mutations in the VHL gene
VHL protein, the product of the VHL gene,
is a tumor suppressor protein that
performs a number of important cellular
• Mutation in the VHL gene causes
accumulation of HIF1A and HIF2A factors
(substrates for the product of the VHL
gene) and increased levels of
erythropoietin, vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF), and other growth
factors, providing a stimulus for tumor


Hereditary cancer kidney
Hereditary papillary renal carcinoma
(HPRC) is a familial cancer syndrome
in which affected individuals are at
risk for the development of type 1
papillary renal cell carcinomas
• Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal
cell cancer (HLRCC) is a syndrome in
which affected family members have
cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas,
and/or papillary type 2 RCCs


Hereditary cancer kidney
• Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome is a rare
human autosomal dominant genetic
disorder characterized by
fibrofolliculomas (benign tumors
arising in hair follicles), pulmonary
cysts, pneumothorax, kidney tumors
The renal tumors are usually of the
chromophobe type, but they can
exist as hybrids with other cell types
(clear cell, oncocytic)
This disorder is associated with
mutations in the FLCN gene, which
codes for folliculin


Histological classification
of RCC
• Clear cell carcinoma (70% of
Papillary tumors (10%)
Chromophobe tumors (≤5%)
Oncocytomas (5–10%)
• Collecting duct or Bellini duct
tumors (<1%)
• Translocation carcinoma (<1%)


Pathology RCC
• Papillary tumors tend to be bilateral and multifocal
Chromophobe tumors have a more indolent clinical course
• Oncocytomas are considered benign neoplasms
• Collecting duct carcinomas, which are thought to arise from the collecting ducts within the
renal medulla, are rare but often very aggressive
• Medullary carcinoma has histopathologic and clinical features similar to those of
collecting duct carcinoma, associated with sickle cell trait


Clear cell RCC
• Clear cell tumors, the predominant histology,
are found in >80% of patients who develop
Clear cell tumors arise from the epithelial
cells of the proximal tubules and usually
show chromosome 3p deletions
Deletions of 3p21–26 (where the VHL gene
maps) are identified in patients with familial as
well as sporadic tumors


Clear cell RCC
VHL is the gene most frequently mutated in clear
cell RCC
VHL gene encodes a tumor suppressor
protein that is involved in regulating the
transcription of vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor
(PDGF), and a number of other hypoxiainducible proteins
Inactivation of VHL leads to overexpression of
these agonists of the VEGF and PDGF
receptors, which promote tumor angiogenesis
and tumor growth


• Although these tumors have a clear clonal origin and often contain VHL mutations
in common, different portions of the primary tumor and different metastatic sites
may have wide variation in genetic lesions
This tumor heterogeneity may underlie the emergence of treatment resistance


While VHL is the gene most frequently mutated in clear cell RCC
(52% of cases), other genes are implicated as well
PBRM1 in 40% of cases
SETD2 in 15% of cases
BAP1 in 15% of cases
These three genes, all part of the chromatin remodeling/histone methylation pathway, are
also located on the short arm of chromosome 3p
Mutations in BAP1 have been linked to shorter survival in renal cancer
In a subset of clear cell RCCs, alterations have been found in components of the
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, spurring the study of mTOR inhibitors in
renal cancer


Papillary RCC type 1
Approximately 10% of RCC are of the papillary
• Type 1 papillary RCC tumors are associated
with MET pathway dysregulation, and patients
can present with indolent disease and have a
more favorable prognosis
c-MET is a receptor tyrosine kinase that,
after binding with its ligand, hepatocyte
growth factor, activates a wide range of
different cellular signaling pathways,
including those involved in proliferation,
motility, migration and invasion


Papillary RCC type 2
●Type 2 papillary RCC tumors may be
characterized by sporadic gene mutations (such
as those involving 1p-, 3p-, or +5q) or germline
mutations in the fumarate hydratase gene,
which is associated with hereditary
leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC)
syndrome. These patients typically present with
more aggressive disease and have a less
favorable prognosis


Clinical presentation of RCC
• Hematuria
Flank or abdominal pain
• Fever
Weight loss
• Varicocele


Physical exam
• The classic triad of RCC (flank pain, hematuria, and a
palpable abdominal renal mass) occurs in at most 9% of
patients; when present, it strongly suggests locally
advanced disease
• An abdominal or flank mass (associated with lower pole
The mass is generally firm, homogeneous, nontender, and
moves with respiration


Physical exam
• Scrotal varicocele, usually left sided, is observed in as many as
11 % of men with RCC. Varicocele typically fail to empty when the
patient is recumbent. This finding should always arouse
suspicion for a kidney tumor that has obstructed the gonadal
vein where it enters the renal vein
• Inferior vena cava involvement can produce lower extremity
edema, ascites, hepatic dysfunction and pulmonary emboli


Kidney cancer was called the “internist’s tumor” since it was often
discovered from the initial presentation of a paraneoplastic
• Hypercalcemia
• Non metastatic hepatic dysfunction (Stauffer’s syndrome)
• Acquired dysfibrinogenemia
Erythrocytosis (is noted at presentation in only ~3% of patients)
• Anemia, a sign of metastatic disease, is more common


At present time RCC most commonly
detected as an incidental finding on a
radiologic imaging
Widespread use of radiologic cross-sectional imaging
procedures (computed tomography [CT], ultrasound,
magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) contributes to earlier
detection of renal mass
• The increasing number of incidentally discovered lowstage tumors has contributed to an improved 5-year
survival for patients with RCC and increased use of
nephron-sparing surgery (partial nephrectomy)


The standard evaluation of patients with renal mass
• CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis
Chest radiograph
Urine analysis
Urine cytology
• CT chest, If metastatic disease is suspected from the chest radiograph
MRI is useful in evaluating the inferior vena cava in cases of suspected
tumor involvement or invasion by thrombus, or when intravenous
contrast administration given with CT is prohibited by impaired renal


Differential diagnosis of renal mass
• Any solid renal masses should be suspected malignant
until proven otherwise
• The differential diagnosis of a renal mass includes RCC,
cysts, benign neoplasms (adenoma, angiomyolipoma,
oncocytoma), inflammatory lesions (pyelonephritis or
abscesses), and other primary or metastatic cancers
• Less common malignancies that may involve the kidney
include transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis,
sarcoma, lymphoma, and Wilms’ tumor


Staging is based on the
American Joint
Committee on Cancer
(AJCC) staging system
• Stage I tumors are ≤7 cm in
greatest diameter and confined to
the kidney
Stage II tumors are >7 cm and
confined to the kidney


Staging is based on the
American Joint Committee
on Cancer (AJCC) staging
Stage III tumors extend through the
renal capsule but are confined to
Gerota’s fascia (IIIa), or involve a
single hilar lymph node (N1)
• Stage IV disease includes tumors
that have invaded adjacent organs
or involve multiple lymph nodes or
distant metastases


Staging and
• 65 % of patients present
with stage I or II disease
15–20% with stage III
15–20% with stage IV


Staging and prognosis
The 5-year survival rate varies
by stage
81% for stage I
74% for stage II
53% for stage III
• 8% for stage IV


Prognostic risk models are helpful for
counseling patients, and for anticipating
survival rates when designing a clinical
• Prognostic model, developed by investigators at
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, incorporated
five factors shown to correlate with worse survival in
advanced renal cell carcinoma:
poor performance status
high serum lactate dehydrogenase
high serum calcium
low hemoglobin concentration
<1-year interval from diagnosis to treatment
Patients with zero risk factors had
significantly longer median survival (30
months) than those with one or two risk
factors (14 months) and those with three to
five risk factors (5 months)


Prognostic risk models:


Treatment of localized RCC
• The standard management for stage I or II tumors and
selected cases of stage III disease is radical or partial
A radical nephrectomy involves en bloc removal of
Gerota’s fascia and its contents, including the kidney,
the ipsilateral adrenal gland in some cases, and adjacent
hilar lymph nodes
Open, laparoscopic, or robotic surgical techniques may
be used to perform radical nephrectomy


Treatment of localized RCC
Extension into the renal vein or inferior vena cava
(stage III disease) does not preclude resection even if
cardiopulmonary bypass is required
If the tumor is resected, half of these patients have
prolonged survival


Treatment of localized RCC
• Nephron-sparing approaches via open or laparoscopic
surgery may be appropriate for patients who have impaired
renal function or only one kidney, depending on the size and
location of the lesion
A nephron-sparing approach can also be used for patients
with bilateral tumors
Partial nephrectomy techniques are applied electively to
resect small masses


Treatment of localized RCC
Radical nephrectomy can lead to an increased risk
for chronic kidney disease and is associated with
increased risks of cardiovascular morbidity and
When compared with radical nephrectomy, partial
nephrectomy can achieve preserved renal function,
and reduced frequency of late cardiovascular events


Adjuvant therapy
• Adjuvant therapy with interferon-α
or radiation therapy following
radical nephrectomy does not
improve outcome, even in cases
with a poor prognosis
Adjuvant trials with sunitinib, an
orally administered
antiangiogenesis inhibitor, do not
consistently show a benefit in
prolonging time to relapse
following nephrectomy
• Adjuvant therapy with pembrolizumab
(monoclonal antibodiy directed against
programmed cell death 1 protein PD-1 )
of patients at high risk of recurrent
RCC following nephrectomy or
following complete resection of primary
and metastatic lesions extended
disease free survival versus placebo


Treatment of metastatic RCC
• The most common sites of distant metastases are
the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, bone, and brain
These tumors may follow an unpredictable and
protracted clinical course


Treatment of metastatic RCC
• Surgery has a limited role for patients with metastatic
Long-term survival may occur in patients who relapse
after nephrectomy in a solitary site that is removed
• Indications for nephrectomy with metastases at initial
presentation are to alleviate pain or hemorrhage of a
primary tumor


Treatment of metastatic RCC
• Radiation therapy is generally used for palliation of bone
or brain metastases
The types of radiotherapy most commonly used are
external beam therapy and stereotactic radiotherapy
In select cases, stereotactic ablative radiotherapy to a
metastatic site may result in local control with relatively
minimal toxicity


Treatment of metastatic RCC
• Metastatic renal cell carcinoma is refractory to
cytotoxic chemotherapy
• The fields of immunology and oncology have been
linked since the late 19th century, when the surgeon
William Coley reported that injection of killed
bacteria into sites of sarcoma could lead to tumor


Treatment of metastatic RCC
• Removal of primary RCCs can evoke an immune response
that occasionally results in spontaneous and dramatic
remissions in metastases, particularly in the lungs
• These observations were followed by the clinical
demonstration of antitumor activity with the cytokine
interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interferon alfa (IFNa), although only a
minority of patients derived major clinical benefit
Cytokine therapy with IL-2 or interferon-α producd
regression in 10–15% of patients
IL-2 produced durable complete remission in a small
proportion of cases with high levels of toxicity


Treatment of metastatic RCC
• The situation changed dramatically when two largescale randomized trials established a role for
antiangiogenic therapy
• These trials separately evaluated two orally
administered antiangiogenic agents, sorafenib and
sunitinb, that inhibited receptor tyrosine kinase
signaling through the VEGF and PDGF receptors
Both showed efficacy as second-line treatment
following progression during or after cytokine


The Role of VEGF in RCC
• Increased VEGF expression has been
found in RCC and correlates with
microvessel density, a measure of the
extent of angiogenesis1
• After activation of HIF, VEGF is
upregulated and binds to its receptor
(VEGFR) on endothelial cell surfaces2,3
• This promotes endothelial cell
migration and proliferation – vital for
the development of new tumourinduced blood vessels1–3
1. Banumathy G, Cairns P. Cancer Biol Ther 2010;10:658–64;
2. Pili R, et al. Cancer of the Kidney. In: Niederhuber JE, et al, eds. Abeloff’s Clinical Oncology. 5th ed. 2014:1416–
44.e5:Ch 82;
3. Rini BI, et al. Lancet 2009;373:1119–32;
VEGF and VEGFR have proven to
be attractive molecular targets for
novel therapies for RCC because
they play key roles in tumor
4. Linehan WM, et al. Cancer of the Kidney: Introduction. In: DeVita VT,
et al, eds. DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles and
Practice of Oncology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA. Lippincott, Williams &
Watkins; 2011:1161–82: Ch 93



Treatment of metastatic RCC
A randomized phase III trial comparing sunitinib to
interferon-α showed superior efficacy for sunitinib with
an acceptable safety profile
This trial resulted in a change in the standard first-line
treatment from interferon to sunitinib


New systemic agents for
metastatic renal cell carcinoma
While the improvements in 5-year renal
cancer survival rates over the past
decades (50% in the mid-1970s, 57% in the
late 1980s, and 74% for 2005−2012) can be
attributed to widespread imaging leading
to earlier discovery of tumors, the new
agents are likely playing a an important


New systemic agents for metastatic
• Pazopanib, axitinib, cabozantinib, and
lenvatinib, also tyrosine kinase inhibitors; the
antiangiogenic bevacizumab (bevacizumab is a
recombinant, humanized monoclonal antibody which
binds to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
preventing its association with endothelial receptors,
Flt-1 and KDR; VEGF binding initiates angiogenesis
(endothelial proliferation and the formation of new
blood vessels), mTOR inhibitors temsirolimus and
everolimus; nivolumab that inhibits PD-1…


Treatment of metastatic
• Pazopanib was compared to
sunitinib in a randomized first-line
phase III trial
Efficacy was similar, and there was
less fatigue and skin toxicity,
resulting in better quality-of-life
scores for pazopanib compared with
sunitinib, but different profile of
adverse effects, liver toxicity more


Treatment of metastatic RCC
Temsirolimus showed activity in patients
with untreated poor-prognosis tumors
• Nivolumab, cabozantinib, and lenvatinib
plus everolimus were compared to
everolimus in randomized trials and showed
that patients lived longer with each of these
agents compared to patients treated with
• Patients may benefit from the sequential
use of agents following progression on first
line therapy


Immunotherapy with checkpoint
inhibitors has become a major
modality for the treatment of
metastatic RCC
• Monoclonal antibodies directed against
programmed cell death 1 protein PD-1
(nivolumab, pembrolizumab)
Monoclonal antibodies that binds to
programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1)
Anti cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4
(CTLA-4 ) (ipilimumab)


PD-1 and PDL-1
Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) is
a transmembrane protein
expressed on T cells, B cells, and
NK cells
• Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) is
an inhibitory molecule that binds to
the PD-1 ligand (PD-L1) and PD-L2
PD-L1 is expressed on the surface
of multiple tissue types, including
many tumor cells, as well as
hematopoietic cells; PD-L2 is more
restricted to hematopoietic cells
Additional cells such as NK cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells also
express PD-1 and/or PD-L1


The PD-1:PD-L1/2 interaction
directly inhibits apoptosis of
the tumor cell, promotes
peripheral T effector cell
exhaustion, and promotes
conversion of T effector cells to
Treg cells
Additional cells such as NK cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells also
express PD-1 and/or PD-L1


• Nivolumab is a fully human
immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)
monoclonal antibody that
selectively inhibits programmed
cell death-1 (PD-1) activity by
binding to the PD-1 receptor to
block the ligands PD-L1 and PDL2 from binding to its receptor


Pembrolizumab is a humanized
monoclonal antibody that binds to
PD-1 receptor, blocking of ligands
PD-L1 and PDL-2 from interaction
with PD-1 to help to restore T-cell


• Avelumab is a fully human
monoclonal antibody that
binds to programmed
death ligand 1 (PD-L1) to
selectively prevent the
interaction between the
programmed cell death-1
(PD-1) and B7.1 receptors,
while still allowing
interaction between PD-L2
and PD-1


• Ipilimumab is a recombinant
human IgG1 immunoglobulin
monoclonal antibody that
binds to the cytotoxic Tlymphocyte associated
protein 4, which is a downregulator of T-cell activation
Blocking CTLA-4 allows for enhanced T-cell
activation and proliferation


• Combining nivolumab (anti-PD-1)
with ipilimumab (anti-CTLA-4) results
in enhanced T-cell function, resulting
in improved anti-tumor responses in
metastatic RCC


Another effective combinations for treatment of
metastatic RCC?
• Nivolumab+cabozantinib
tyrosine kinase
• Pembrolizumab+lenvatinib
• Pembrolizumab+axitinib
• Avelumab+axitinib…


Approach to initial systemic therapy in patients with
metastatic clear cell RCC
Patients with advanced or metastatic clear cell RCC are typically treated with
systemic therapy as initial treatment. The decision to start systemic therapy and the
selection of agent(s) depend on disease-related symptoms, patient comorbidities,
and tumor risk stratification. Listed treatments are preferred options, although
alternative agents that are not listed may also be effective. Clinical trials are
encouraged if available.
Select patients may be candidates for cytoreductive nephrectomy prior to initiation
of immunotherapy
RCC: renal cell carcinoma; IMDC: International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Database Consortium; KPS: Karnofsky performance status; LLN: lower limit of
normal; ULN: upper limit of normal.
* Patients with limited disease on imaging are usually asymptomatic. However, the
decision to treat must take into account multiple factors, including rate of growth,
location of tumor (eg, proximity to vital organs with potential for damage), and
¶ For those who are ineligible for or choose to forego initial treatment with
immunotherapy combinations, regardless of risk category, we offer antiangiogenic
therapy with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors. The preferred
agent depends on risk stratification and patient comorbidities
Δ For patients with good-risk, asymptomatic disease who desire a more aggressive
management approach, options include sunitinib or pazopanib


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