42/11 is series produced by the band of the same name which showcases "stream-of-consciousness" discussions of current events, new products on the market, ideas "no one" has thought of, and radically absurd art and media projects. The show...See more42/11 is series produced by the band of the same name which showcases "stream-of-consciousness" discussions of current events, new products on the market, ideas "no one" has thought of, and radically absurd art and media projects. The show is released with an Avant-garde and often abrupt complexity editing style, with humor arising from the focus on particular moments emphasized using editing. The show relishes in its overuse and unnecessary use of particular jump cuts, filters, effects, audio manipulation, and jumps to "clips", which are unrelated segments, usually filmed off-site, which are usually non-relevant and included as a B plot for any given episode.
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