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101 cast members |
Name | Known for |
Morten Løkkegaard
Self - Host
Anja Thordal
Self - Host
Muhammad Saeed Al-Sahhaf
Self - Minister of Information, Iraq (archive footage) (as Muhammed Saeed as-Sahef)
Erik Andersen
Self - Police Inspector, Ringsted Politi (archive footage)
Jon Andersen
Self - Vagt, Skjold Sikkerhedsdivision (archive footage)
Jørgen Anton
Self - Reporter (voice)
Yasser Arafat
Self - President, Palestine (archive footage) (as Yassir Arafat)
Jesper Asholt
Self - Studio Guest
Margrethe Auken
Self - Trafikordfører, Socialistisk Folkeparti (archive footage) (as Margrete Auken)
Silvio Berlusconi
Self - Minister President, Italy (archive footage)
Mikael Bertelsen
Self (archive footage)
Christoffer Boe
Self - Film Director (archive footage) (as Christoffer Boes)
Paul Bremer
Self - Civil Administrator, Iraq (archive footage)
Jacob Buksti
Self - MF, Socialdemokraterne (archive footage)
George W. Bush
Self - President, US (archive footage) (as George Bush)
Michael Christensen
Self - Opera Singer
Reimer Bo Christensen
Self - Host, TV-Avisen (archive footage)
Dejan Cukic
Self - Studio Guest (as Dejan Cuvic)
Ulla Dahlerup
Self (archive footage) (as Ulla Dallerup)
Jørgen Dalsgaard
Self - Vice Police Inspector, Silkeborg Politi (archive footage)
Henning Dyremose
Self - Managing Director, TDC (archive footage)
Lene Espersen
Self - Minister of Justice, Konservative (archive footage)
Per Fly
Self - Film Director (archive footage)
Ernst Frandesen
Self - Former Managing Director, Arriva (archive footage)
Sonny Frankello
Self - Elephant Trainer, Cirkus Arena (archive footage) (as Sonni Frankailo)
Claus Hjort Frederiksen
Self - Minister of Employment, Venstre (archive footage)
Per Ole Front
Self - Chairman, Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark (archive footage)
Peter Gantzler
Self - Studio Guest
Therese Glahn
Self - Studio Guest
Katrine Boyer Grube
Self - Reporter (voice)
Sofie Gråbøl
Self (archive footage)
Peter Gundelach
Self - Professor, Sociologisk Institut, Kbh. (archive footage)
Jens Claus Hansen
Self - Studio Guest
Søren Haslund-Christensen
Self - Studio Guest
Keld Heick
Karin Helweg-Larsen
Self - Læge, Institut for Folkesundhed (archive footage)
Christian Hjorth-Andersen
Self - Professor in Economy (archive footage)
Kasper Holten
Self - Operachef, Det Kongelige Teater (as Kasper Bech Holten)
Lars Irestadt
Self - Doctor, Karolinska Sygehus, Stockholm (archive footage)
Jan Krag Jacobsen
Self - Det Danske Gastronomiske Institut (archive footage)
Svend Aage Jensby
Self - Minister of Defense, Venstre (archive footage)
Karen Jespersen
Self - MF, Socialdemokraterne (archive footage)
Signe Justesen
Self - Chief Police Inspector, Ringsted Politi (archive footage)
Pia Kjærsgaard
Self - Chairman, Dansk Folkeparti (archive footage)
Steffen Knudsen
Self - Correspondent, Kuwait (archive footage) (as Steffen V. Knudsen)
Søren Knudsen
Self - Program Executive, TV-Avisen (archive footage)
Mats Knutson
Self - Pianist
Paula Larrain
Self - Host, TV-Avisen (archive footage)
Jørn Neergaard Larsen
Self - Managing Director, Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening (archive footage)
Kim Larsen
Self - Musician (archive footage)
Robert Larsen
Self - S-togsrevisor (archive footage)
Claus Letort
Self - Reporter (voice)
Martin Lidegaard
Self - Trafikordfører, Radikale Venstre (archive footage)
Mogens Lykketoft
Self - Chairman, Socialdemokraterne (archive footage)
Rene Milo
Self - Sygemeldt borgmester, Greve, Venstre (archive footage)
Jacob Morild
Spindoktor Simon Prang
Frode Munksgaard
Peter Mygind
Self - Studio Guest
Anders Møller
Self - MF, løsgænger (archive footage)
Mærsk McKinney Møller
Self - Retiring Chairman, A.P. Møller-Mærsk (archive footage)
Jens Nauntofte
Self - Studio Guest
Søren Laumann Nielsen
Self - Overlæge, H:S Lægeambulance (archive footage)
Camilla Ottesen
Self - Host, DR
Michael Peat
Self - Private Secretary for Prince Charles (archive footage)
Göran Persson
Self - Prime Minister, Sweden (archive footage)
Inger Piil
Self - Hotel Receptionist (archive footage)
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Self (archive footage)
Donald Rumsfeld
Self (archive footage)
Thomas Røddik
Self - Journalist, TV-Avisen (archive footage)
Anders Samuelsen
Self - MF, Radikale Venstre (archive footage)
Gerhard Schröder
Self - Bundeskanzler, Germany (archive footage)
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Self - Governor of California (archive footage)
Åsne Seierstad
Self - Journalist (archive footage)
Eduard Shevardnadze
Self - Ex-President, Republic of Georgia (archive footage) (as Eduard Sjevardnedse)
Sofie Stougaard
Self - Studio Guest
Ralf Sørensen
Self - News Executive, TV-Avisen (archive footage)
Kurt Thorsen
Self - Voldsoffer (archive footage)
Per Tidemand
Self - Flotilleadmiral (archive footage)
Mette Vibe Utzon
Self - Studio Guest
Lars von Trier
Self - Film Director (archive footage)
Nicolai Wammen
Self - Finansordfører, Socialdemokraterne (archive footage)
Grevinde Alexandra
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Casper Christensen
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Tim Christensen
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
H.M. Queen Margrethe of Denmark
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
H.E. Greve Felix
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Frederik X
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Jan Gintberg
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Lars H.U.G.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Yannick Harrison
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Saddam Hussein
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Michael Jackson
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Anna Lindh
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Bjørn Lomborg
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Dronning Mary
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
H.E. Greve Nikolai
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Jon Nørgaard
Self - Singer (archive footage) (uncredited)
Prins Henrik
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Prins Joachim
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Prinsesse Benedikte
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Queen Anne-Marie
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)