"Time For Joya", later retitled "Joya's Fun School",was an African-American children's series that was produced and broadcasted by WPIX-TV 11 out of New York City. The series premiered in March of 1970 and aired on WPIX-TV 11 through ...See more"Time For Joya", later retitled "Joya's Fun School",was an African-American children's series that was produced and broadcasted by WPIX-TV 11 out of New York City. The series premiered in March of 1970 and aired on WPIX-TV 11 through December of 1982. The characters on the show included the host Joya (Joya Sherrill), The Professor (Luther Henderson) who played the piano on the series, Mr. BB (Brumsic Brandon, Jr.) who was the artist on the show, and a bookworm puppet named Seymour. The series treated young viewers with stories, songs, puppets, art and more. The series aired on WPIX-TV 11 for 12 years, entertaining a generation of kids. Written by
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