Jaane Kya Hoga is the story of Joshi family who are living in the year 2025. The show follows their life story. The mother of this family died when kids were still young and of impressionable age. Years have passed and the family still ...See moreJaane Kya Hoga is the story of Joshi family who are living in the year 2025. The show follows their life story. The mother of this family died when kids were still young and of impressionable age. Years have passed and the family still misses the mother unbearably.The young daughter, Naisha was a prodigy when her mother passed away. In the present time she through her genius endeavor tries to bring the mom back.Naisha creates a 3 D hologram of her mother which has the same emotions and memory as her real mother. Watch it on Sony LIV.
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