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102 cast members |
Name | Known for |
Peter Coyote
Self - Narrator (voice)
Chris Mellon
Self - Former Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, United States Defense Department (as Christopher Mellon)
William T. Coleman
Self - Public Information, Project Blue Book (as Col. William T. Coleman)
Kim Arnold
Self - Daughter of Kenneth Arnold
Christopher Pittman
Self - UFO Historian (as Chris Pittman)
Don Berliner
Self - Aviation Historian
Robert Friend
Self - Former Director, Project Blue Book (as Col. Robert Friend)
Jacques Vallee
Self - Physicist & Computer Scientist (as Dr. Jacques Vallee)
Marilyn Smith
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
Paul Smith
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
Genevieve Hindman
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
Joy Clarke
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
Dee Sadikay
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
Terry Peck
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
Colin Kelly
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
Suesan Hill
Self - UFO Witness at Westall High School in Victoria, Australia
James Fox
Self - Director, The Phenomenon
David Marler
Self - Historical Researcher
Pablo Lopez
Self - Son of Dispatch Officer
Mary Zamora
Self - Wife of Lonnie Zamora
Gaylan King
Self - Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota (as Maj. Gaylan King USAF Ret)
James Carey
Self - Air Traffic Controller, RAF Bentwaters (as James Carey USAF Ret)
Ivan Barker
Self - Radar Supervisor, RAF Bentwaters (as Ivan 'Ike' Barker USAF Ret)
George Knapp
Self - Investigative Reporter
John Podesta
Self - Former White House Chief of Staff
Bill Richardson
Self - Former U.S. Energy Secretary (as Gov. Bill Richardson)
Harry Reid
Self - Senate Majority Leader 2007 - 2015 (as Senator Harry Reid)
Leslie Kean
Self - Investigative Journalist
David Fravor
Self - Navy Strike Fighter Squadron (as Cmdr. David Fravor)
Garry Nolan
Self - Stanford School of Medicine (as Garry Nolan Ph.D)
Salma Siddick
Self - Human Rights Lawyer & UFO Witness
Emma Jelic Kristiansen
Self - School Teacher & UFO Witness
Lisil Field
Self - Social Worker & UFO Witness
Kayleigh Van Druten
Self - UFO Witness
Kudzanai Munya
Self - UFO Witness
Emily Trim
Self - Artist & UFO Witness
Francis Chirimuuta
Self - UFO Witness
Susan Kristiansen
Self - Mother of Emma
Judy Bates
Self - Headmistress, Ariel School, Ruwa, Zimbabwe
Jose Carlos Pereira
Self - Brazilian Air Force (as Gen. Jose Carlos Pereira)
Wilfried de Brouwer
Self - Belgian Air Force (as Maj. Gen. Wilfried De Brouwer)
Parviz Jafari
Self - Imperial Iranian Air Force
Fan Jin
Self - International Chinese UFO Association
Fife Symington
Self - Former Arizona Governor (as Gov. Fife Symington)
Dwynne Arnesson
Self - Communications Officer (archive footage) (as Lt. Col. Dwynne Arneson USAF Ret)
Kenneth Arnold
Self - UFO Witness (archive footage)
Bill Brazel Jr.
Self - Mac Brazel's Son (voice) (archive footage)
Harold Brown
Self - Secretary of the Air Force (archive footage)
George W. Bush
Self - 43rd President of the United States (archive footage)
Al Chop
Self - Press Spokesman for Project Blue Book (archive footage) (as Albert M. Chop)
Weir Clem
Self - Hockley County Sheriff and UFO Witness (archive footage) (as Sheriff Weir Clem)
Bill Clinton
Self - 42nd President of the United States (archive footage)
William Cohen
Self - Sec. of Defense (archive footage)
Edward Condon
Self - Physicist, Author of Condon Report (archive footage) (as Dr. Edward U. Condon)
Gordon Cooper
Self - Self - UFO Witness & NASA Astronaut (archive footage)
Zara de Veron
Self - Ariel School Teacher, Ruwa, Zimbabwe (archive footage)
Thomas DuBose
Self - Chief of Staff 8th Air Force (archive footage) (as Col. Thomas DuBose)
Luis Elizondo
Self - Former Member, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (archive footage)
David Fitzpatrick
Self - Ann Arbor, Michigan Police Dept & UFO Witness (archive footage) (as Deputy David Fitzpatrick)
Gerald Ford
Self - Michigan Congressman (archive footage)
William Fortenberry
Self - UFO Witness (archive footage)
Jack Gibbons
Self - Clinton Administration Science Advisor (archive footage) (as Dr. Jack Gibbons)
William Gill
Self - Missionary, Papua New Guinea (archive footage) (as Rev. William Gill)
Bill Haggert
Self - Public Information Officer of White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico (voice) (archive footage)
Charles I. Halt
Self - Deputy Base Commander (archive footage) (as Col. Charles Halt USAF Ret)
Robert Hastings
Self - Researcher, UFOs & Nukes (archive footage)
J. Allen Hynek
Self - Lead Scientist, Project Blue Book (archive footage) (as Dr. J. Allen Hynek)
Daniel Inouye
Self - Senator from Hawaii (archive footage)
Robert Jamison
Self - Missile Targeting Officer (archive footage) (as Capt. Robert Jamison Fmr USAF)
Donald E. Keyhoe
Self - Former Aviator / UFO Researcher (archive footage) (as Major Donald Keyhoe)
John E. Mack
Self - Psychiatrist, Harvard University (archive footage) (as Dr. John Mack)
Colin Mackie
Self - Principal, Ariel School, Ruwa, Zimbabwe (archive footage)
Igor Maltsev
Self - Commander of Soviet Air Defense System (archive footage) (as Gen. Igor Maltsev)
Frank Manor
Self - UFO Landing Witness (archive footage)
Jesse Marcel
Self - Chief Intelligence Office, Roswell Army Air Field (archive footage) (as Maj. Jesse Marcel)
Nick Mariana
Self - Baseball Team Manager & UFO Witness (voice) (archive footage)
James McDonald
Self - Atmospheric Physicist (archive footage) (as Dr. James E. McDonald)
Patrick McDonough
Self - Geodetic Surveyor, USAF (archive footage)
Edgar D. Mitchell
Self - Apollo 14 Astronaut (archive footage) (as Edgar Mitchell)
William Nash
Self - UFO Witness (archive footage)
Delbert Newhouse
Self - Navy Photographer (voice) (archive footage)
Barack Obama
Self - 44th President of the United States (archive footage)
Hector Quintanilla Jr.
Self - Project Blue Book, U.S. Air Force (archive footage) (as Major Hector Quintanilla)
Roger Ramey
Self - Commanding Officer, 8th Air Force (archive footage) (as Gen. Roger Ramey)
Sarah Robochek
Self - Hillsdale College Student & UFO Witness (archive footage)
Laurance S. Rockefeller
Self - Philanthropist (archive footage)
Edward J. Ruppelt
Self - Commander, Project Blue Book (archive footage) (as Captain Edward Ruppelt)
Robert Salas
Self - Missile Launch Officer (archive footage) (as Capt. Robert Salas Fmr USAF)
John Samford
Self - Director of Intelligence, U.S. Air Force (archive footage) (as Gen. John Samford)
David Saunders
Self - Condon Committee Members (archive footage) (as Dr. David Saunders)
Steven Schiff
Self - New Mexico Congressman (archive footage)
David Schuur
Self - Missile Launch Officer (archive footage) (as Lt. David Schuur USAF Ret)
E.J. Smith
Self - UFO Witness (archive footage)
Newell K. Snyder
Self - Ann Arbor, Michigan Police Dept & UFO Witness (archive footage) (as Sgt. Newell K. Snyder)
Ted Stevens
Self - Senator from Alaska (archive footage)
Evelyn Trent
Self - UFO Witness (archive footage)
Paul Trent
Self - UFO Witness (archive footage)
Donald Trump
Self - 45th President of the United States (archive footage)
Nathan Twining
Self - Head of Project Sign (archive footage)
Richard Weaver
Self - Director, Special Program Oversite (archive footage) (as Col. Richard L. Weaver USAF)
Sheila Widnall
Self - Sec. of the Air Force (archive footage)
Lonnie Zamora
Self - Socorro, New Mexico Police Officer & UFO Witness (archive footage)