The moving story of a young Scouse lad who, in a world of hilarious losers and broken promises, befriends a life of petty crime, jeopardises his family's future and is forced to become a man. Hal is a true depiction of the area in which he...See moreThe moving story of a young Scouse lad who, in a world of hilarious losers and broken promises, befriends a life of petty crime, jeopardises his family's future and is forced to become a man. Hal is a true depiction of the area in which he lives, repeatedly breaking the law with his fat, charismatic and often drunk friend, John Falstaff. Hal's dad, Henry, has tried again and again to lend Hal a helping hand - it is a constant battle that dominates the fragile family. Whilst Henry is tirelessly fighting to adopt his young and vulnerable nephew, he receives some devastating news which threatens to rip the family apart. Self Same Sky tells the powerful story of how a cruel world makes its mark, resulting in uncompromising consequences within an ever-compromised world. Written by
Hannah North
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