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Cast | + Add Cast |
40 cast members |
Name | Known for |
Michael Q. Schmidt
Director Zombie
Dave Little
Cameraman Zombie
Crystal Lee
Scriptwriter zombie
Cece Cabahug
Gretta Greenberg TV Newsperson (as Cream Cabahug)
Colleen Casares
Sexy Pet Human to Happy Zombie
Rose Chavez-Knight
Silent Zombie
Evelyn Courtney
Pinup Pet Human to Michael Jackson Zombie
Maria Courtney
Mother Zombie
Eric Crosby
Husband of Cheerleader
Jessica Crosby
Helpless Cheerleader
Giselle de Guia
Yoga Zombie
Shadrach Farmer
Soldier Zombie
Cody Forsythe
Surfer Zombie
Jeremiah Gillespie
Young Michael Jackson Zombie
Jonathan Gordon
Recently Infected Zombie
Kristen Gunion
Human Victim in Blue Dress
Kyle Johnson
Baywatch Zombie
Gabriel Knight
Starving Zombie
Brianna Krewson
Actress with the TERRIBLE wig!
Aaron Lieber
Farmer Zombie
Gloria Linder
Angry Pregnant-Wife Zombie
Jim Loutzenhiser
Happy Human-Owning Zombie
Kelie MacIlraith
Horde Zombie
Hannelore Manriquez
Ballerina Zombie
Dale Martin
Danielle Martin
Devyn Meadows
Recently Infected Athletic Zombie
Richard Mendoza III
Teenage Zombie
Erin Oberholtzer
Kai Peetoom
Anthony Riehm
Hippie Zombie
Crystal Rienick
Brraaaiiinz Zombie
Psilo Rodrigue
Child Prodigy
Jill Sagado
Diseased Zombie
Eric Salgado
Recently Infected Zombie
Glenna Schmidt
David Shaeffer
Michael Shear
Recently Infected Zombie
Lancha Soto
Counter Zombie
Kaya Wiliams
Waitress Zombie