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113 cast members |
Name | Known for |
Self - Host
Maya Higa
Self - Host
Jake Abramson
Nominee for Best IRL Streamer (credit only) (as jakenbakeLIVE)
Self - Guest
Ludwig Ahgren
Self - Winner of Streamer of the Year / Self - Announcer for Best Speedrunner Streamer / Self - Nominee for Best Variety Streamer (as Ludwig)
Brittany Alexander
Self - Guest
Timothy An
Self - Winner of Best Valorant Streamer / Self - Nominee for Gamer of the Year (as iiTzTimmy)
Sweet Anita
Self - Announcer for Best Content Organization
Tanner Ant
Self - Winner of Best Speedrunner Streamer (archive footage) (as SmallAnt)
Imane 'Pokimane' Anys
Self - Winner of Legacy Award / Self - Nominee for Best Valorant Streamer
Self - Nominee for Best Music Streamer
Zack Asmongold
Self - Winner of Best MMORPG Streamer (archive footage)
Self - Announcer for Best Variety Streamer
Timothy John Betar
Self - Twitch Rewind (archive footage) (as TimtheTatman)
Nathan Blau
Self - Announcer for Best GTA RP Streamer (as Blaustoise)
Kit Boga
Nominee for League of Their Own (credit only)
Self - Announcer for Best Minecraft Streamer
Alexandra Botez
Self - Winner for Best Chess Streamer (as BotezLive)
Andrea Botez
Self - Winner for Best Chess Streamer (as BotezLive)
Soulja Boy
Self - Twitch Rewind (archive footage)
Nominee for Best Just Chatting Streamer (credit only)
Rich Campbell
Self - Nominee for Best MMORPG Streamer
Tarik Celik
Self - Winner of Best FPS Streamer (archive footage)
Self - Winner of Best VTuber Streamer
Vincent Cyr
Self - Winner of Best Role-Play Streamer / Self - Announcer for League of Their Own
Juan Debiedma
Self - Nominee for Best Super Smash Bros. Streamer (as Hungrybox)
Matthew DeLisi
Self - Nominee for Best FPS Streamer (as supertf)
Self - Winner of Best Strategy Game Streamer / Self - Nominee for Best Variety Streamer
Angela 'Ariasaki' Don
Self - Announcer for Best League of Legends Streamer
Phillip Dosen
Nominee for Best Battle Royale Streamer (credit only) (as ImperialHal)
Self - Nominee for Best MMORPG Streamer / Self - Announcer for Best ASMR Streamer
Brandon Ewing
Self - Announcer for Best Super Smash Bros. Streamer / Self - Nominee for Best Speedrunner Streamer (as Atrioc)
Sebastian Fors
Nominee for Best Minecraft Streamer (credit only) (as Forsen)
Self - Nominee for Best ASMR Streamer
Self - Nominee for Rising Star Award
Leslie Fu
Self - Nominee for Best GTA RP Streamer (as Fuslie)
Jason Gryniewicz
Self - Announcer for Best Philanthropist Streamer (as Daily Dose of Internet)
Michael Grzesiek
Self - Nominee for Best FPS Streamer / Self - Winner of Gamer of the Year (archive footage) (as Shroud)
Self - Winner of Best IRL Streamer
Jeremy Harrington
Self - Winner of League of Their Own / Self - Announcer for Stream Game of the Year (as Jerma)
William Leffen Hjelte
Nominee for Best Super Smash Bros. Streamer (credit only) (as Leffen)
Nominee for Best VTuber Streamer (credit only)
Self - Nominee for Best MMORPG Streamer
Øyvind Iversen
Self - Nominee for Best Speedrunner Streamer (as Wirtual)
Self - Announcer for Best Battle Royale Streamer
Ali Kabbani
Self - Announcer for Best FPS Streamer (as Myth)
Alok Kanojia
Self - Nominee for Best Philanthropist Streamer (as HealthyGamer_GG)
Kruti Kanojia
Self - Guest
Nominee for Best ASMR Streamer (credit only)
Hannah Kenney
Self - Guest (as bnans)
Self - Announcer for Best Strategy Game Streamer (as Miyoung)
Nick Kolcheff
Nominee for Best Battle Royale Streamer (credit only) (as Nickmercs)
Jaryd Lazar
Nominee for Legacy Award (credit only) (as Summit1g)
Félix Lengyel
Self - Nominee for Streamer of the Year / Self - Nominee for Best GTA RP Streamer (as xQc)
Ryan Letourneau
Nominee for Best Strategy Game Streamer (credit only) (as NorthernLion)
Stefan Li
Self - Nominee for League of Their Own (as TheSushiDragon)
William 'Scarra' Li
Self - Nominee for Best Strategy Game Streamer / Self - Nominee for Legacy Award (as Scarra)
Self - Winner of Best Music Streamer / Nominee for Best League of Legends Streamer
Ibai Llanos
Nominee for League of Their Own (credit only)
Nominee for Best Valorant Streamer (credit only)
Self - Award Nominee for Best Battle Royale Streamer
Benjamin Lupo
Nominee for Best Philanthropist Streamer (credit only) (as DrLupo)
Rob Malecki
Self - Nominee for Best Role-Play Streamer / Self - Announcer for Best VTuber Streamer (as Roflgator)
Mia Malkova
Self - Announcer for Best MMORPG Streamer
Joseph Marquez
Winner for Best Super Smash Bros. Streamer (credit only) (as mang0)
Seán McLoughlin
Self - Winner of Best Philanthropist Streamer (archive footage)
Elias Mlayeh
Self - Announcer for Streamer of the Year (as Nymn)
Abraham Mohammed
Self - Twitch Rewind (archive footage) (as Slicker)
Chance Morris
Nominee for Legacy Award (credit only)
Nominee for Best Role-Play Streamer (credit only)
Hikaru Nakamura
Nominee for Best Chess Streamer (credit only) (as GMHikaru)
William Neff
Self - Announcer for Gamer of the Year
Yvonne 'Yvonnie' Ng
Self - Guest
Tyson Ngo
Self - Nominee for Best FPS Streamer / Self - Nominee for Gamer of the Year (as Tenz)
Nominee for Best VTuber Streamer (credit only)
Self - Announcer for Best Role-Play Streamer / Self - Nominee for Best Just Chatting Streamer
Yiliang Peng
Nominee for Best League of Legends Streamer (credit only) (as Doublelift)
Hasan Piker
Self - Nominee for Best Just Chatting Streamer (as HasanAbi)
Self - Announcer for Best Streamed Event
Nick Polom
Self - Twitch Rewind (archive footage)
Self - Winner of Rising Star Award
Self - Nominee for Best Valorant Streamer
Lucas Ramos
Self - Winner of Best GTA RP Streamer (as Buddha)
Nominee for Best Minecraft Streamer / Nominee for Best Philanthropist Streamer (credit only)
Matthew Rinaudo
Self - Announcer for Best IRL Streamer / Self - Winner of Best Just Chatting Streamer / Self - Nominee for Streamer of the Year (as Mizkif)
Eric Lamont Robbins Jr.
Self - Tyler1 Award Acceptance / Self - Announcer for Best Just Chatting Streamer
Nominee for Best IRL Streamer (credit only)
Critical Role
Nominee for Best Role-Play Streamer (credit only)
Levy Rozman
Nominee for Best Chess Streamer (credit only) (as GothamChess)
Emily 'Emiru' Schunk
Self - Nominee for Best League of Legends Streamer / Self - Announcer for Rising Star Award
Cody Schwab
Self - Nominee for Best Super Smash Bros. Streamer (as iBDW)
Nominee for Best Music Streamer (credit only)
Kyedae Shymko
Self - Announcer for Best Music Streamer
Thomas Simons
Self - Winner of Best Minecraft Streamer (archive footage)
Self - Nominee for Best Speedrunner Streamer
Kaitlyn Siragusa
Self - Winner of Best ASMR Streamer (as Amouranth)
Self - Nominee for Best ASMR Streamer
Toby Smith
Nominee for Best Minecraft Streamer (credit only)
Nathan Stanz
Self - Winner of Rising Star Award
Tyler Steinkamp
Winner of Best League of Legends Streamer (credit only) (as Tyler1)
Self - Nominee for Streamer of the Year / Self - Nominee for Best GTA RP Streamer
Nominee for Best Music Streamer (credit only)
Self - Twitch Rewind (archive footage)
Self - Nominee for Best Variety Streamer
Nominee for Best VTuber Streamer (credit only)
Charles White Jr.
Nominee for Best Variety Streamer (credit only) (as moistcr1tikal)
Brandon Winn
Self - Winner of Best Battle Royale Streamer / Self - Nominee for Nominee for Gamer of the Year (as aceu)
Janet Xu
Self - Announcer for Best Valorant Streamer (as xChocobars)
Self - Announcer for Best Chess Streamer
Yoo 'Jinnytty' Yoonjin
Self - Nominee for Best IRL Streamer
Albert Zheng
Self - Nominee for Best Strategy Game Streamer (as BoxBox)
Qiyu Zhou
Self - Nominee for Best Chess Streamer (as AkaneMsko)
Nominee for Rising Star Award (credit only)