In a world of calculated moves and strategic plays, Margot, a talented young prodigy, finds an unexpected alliance in her fiery and impulsive rival. Together, they navigate the intricate game of life beyond the chessboard, embarking on a ...See moreIn a world of calculated moves and strategic plays, Margot, a talented young prodigy, finds an unexpected alliance in her fiery and impulsive rival. Together, they navigate the intricate game of life beyond the chessboard, embarking on a whirlwind of teenage tomfoolery. A story exploring the impact of neurodivergence on relationships. By neurodivergent young people, for neurodivergent young people. 'Wildheart' explores the impact of a late autism diagnosis on relationships, the strength of neurodivergent friendships, and shows a real-life insight in to life as an autistic young person. Written by
Coralie Hunt and Tallulah Hamilton Barr
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