This Love Isn't Taught follows Jordan, a young bisexual father torn between his public role as a parent and the hidden aspects of his identity, and Atlanta, an openly gay man who once held Jordan's heart. When they cross paths at a vibrant...See moreThis Love Isn't Taught follows Jordan, a young bisexual father torn between his public role as a parent and the hidden aspects of his identity, and Atlanta, an openly gay man who once held Jordan's heart. When they cross paths at a vibrant London party, old desires resurface, challenging Jordan to confront the parts of himself he's tried to suppress. As the chemistry between them reignites, Jordan finds himself at a crossroads: between the life he presents to the world and the love he truly longs for. Set against the backdrop of modern-day London, this is a raw and intimate exploration of love, identity, and the courage to embrace one's true self.
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