Spanish NIE Number

Spanish NIE Number

What is a NIE Number?

A NIE Number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero), is the equivalent of a Spanish persons Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF). It is a Spanish tax identification number given by the authorities/Police to foreigners wanting to carry out activities in Spain.

Your Spanish NIE  Number will start with a letter, followed by seven numbers and another letter in the end (for example : D7658824-A).

Each NIE Number is unique to one person and it is neither transferable nor does it expire (NIE Numbers issued in the past may have had a expiry date in some area’s).

If you are planning on working in Spain or staying for longer than 3 months you are required to have one.

Why do I need an NIE number in Spain?

Your NIE Number is essential for a wide range of legal and informal purposes whether you are resident or non-resident in Spain.  If you want to buy or rent property, work and many other purposes you will need an NIE number but also for:

-Open a Spanish Resident Bank Account
-Buy, sell or insure a property
-Arrange credit terms or a Mortgage
-Pay Taxes in Spain
-Be paid for employment
-Use short-term employment agencies
-To study/attend University
-Apply for a business permit to start a business
-Register with social security and arrange receipt of social security benefits
-Apply for a driver’s licence/Transfer to a Spanish Licence
-Pay utility bills
-Inherit assets

Written by: Sophie Gutenberg

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