About Us
Welcome to Quotlr, an extensive collection of motivational quotes and inspirational sayings by famous persons. Established with an aim to enlighten, inspire, and motivate, Quotlr is a haven for those seeking self-improve, change and grow.
Quotlr.com Team
At Quotlr, we believe in the power of words. Our editorial team consists of two guys with a passion for curating quotes - Veselin Nedev and George Dimoff. We both try to curate each page on Quotlr so it can provide you with the most complete and accurate information.
Language is not just a communication tool, but an explorable universe that can surprise, console, enlighten, or motivate. And when it is encapsulated in the form of a quote, it transcends time and space, carrying forward the wisdom of ages or the insights of the moment.
We offer a diverse compendium of quotations, collected from the corners of history, literature, philosophy, cinema, music and beyond. From lines that invigorate your ambition to quotes that tickle your funny bone, from romantic whispers to life lessons - we've got you covered.
Whether you're a student seeking inspiration for that next big essay, a professional looking for a motivational punch, a speaker in search of an insightful icebreaker, or just anyone wishing to bask in the wisdom of words - Quotlr is your go-to source for quotes.
But we're not just a repository. Quotlr is a community that thrives on shared wisdom. We encourage our readers to share their favorite quotes, interact with our collections, comment, and become part of this beautiful global wisdom-sharing platform.
Get ready to delve into the world of Quotlr, where every quote has a story, and every story could be the beginning of a new journey. Welcome onboard - and remember, as George Bernard Shaw once said, "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." So let's create, with Quotlr!
We are regularly improving our website for a good user experience so if you have any suggestions, feel free to contact us, we would love to hear from you.
Legal Information
The Quotlr website located at: https://quotlr.com was founded in 2012. It is owned and operated by Mobile Network OOD DZZD , a limited liability company established in Haskovo, Bulgaria. The company was founded by George Dimoff and Veselin Nedev in 2008. Our tax identification number / VAT ID is BG126747715 and our legal address is blv. Bulgaria 150, vhod Zapad, office 222, Haskovo, 6300, Bulgaria. You can call us at +359888264294 or contact us at contact@quotlr.com
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