03 1 / 2015
Anonymous asked: Hello Ms. Dart! I really love your art, and there's one particular piece that I am not able to find. I believe it is the concept art for the character Queen Chrysalis for the cartoon My Little Pony. I absolutely love your original design, so would you mind posting it somewhere? Thank you and have a great day :)
Thanks so much for saying such nice things. I actually can not post any MLP art without permission from Hasbro. However, I’ll cryptically implore you to be patient… *wink*
02 1 / 2015
This is a commission that took way, way too long for me to finish. My scanner struggles continue. We bought a new one, but it’s worse than the last one. It took a lot of fiddling in PS, but managed to get it looking to the point where I wasn’t totally embarrassed to post it *uhg*
29 12 / 2014
27 9 / 2014
Haven’t posted anything for a long time, so here are some little drawings that I hang in the ladies bathroom at DHX. I do a new little (2 inches wide) watercolor every week, and hang it in one of the stalls in a little frame. I call it “the bathroom gallery”. I really like the idea of discovering art in unlikely places. Livens things up, I think!
30 6 / 2014
I don’t think I’ve mentioned it on here, but my husband Robin Bougie recently did this really cool coffee table book about the history of poster art for vintage American erotic films, and it’s such a gorgeous and impressive achievement. Even when some of the movies were cheaply made back in the 1970s, the posters were always top notch. He spent two years researching and writing it, and collecting and restoring the posters. The book is published by FAB Press, and is available in book stores everywhere, both online and otherwise, or if you would like your copy signed and doodled in by Robin, you can order directly from our online store: http://cinemasewer.ecrater.com/c/973820/books
19 6 / 2014
I did the cover art for the brand spanking new release by my favorite local Vancouver hip hop artist, COPASETIC. He’s the little fox guy in the hoodie, there. Give it a listen! http://dragonsoulzero.bandcamp.com/releases