7.4 Adding Line Segments and Arrows
7.4.2 Solution
Use annotate("segment")
. In this example, we’ll use the climate data set and use a subset of data from the Berkeley source (Figure 7.10):
library(gcookbook) # Load gcookbook for the climate data set
ggplot(filter(climate, Source == "Berkeley"), aes(x = Year, y = Anomaly10y)) +
p <- geom_line()
p annotate("segment", x = 1950, xend = 1980, y = -.25, yend = -.25)
7.4.3 Discussion
It’s possible to add arrowheads or flat ends to the line segments, using arrow()
from the grid package. In this example, we’ll do both (Figure 7.11):
p annotate("segment", x = 1850, xend = 1820, y = -.8, yend = -.95,
colour = "blue", size = 2, arrow = arrow()) +
annotate("segment", x = 1950, xend = 1980, y = -.25, yend = -.25,
arrow = arrow(ends = "both", angle = 90, length = unit(.2,"cm")))
The default angle is 30, and the default length of the arrowhead lines is 0.2 inches.
If one or both axes are discrete, the x and y positions are such that the categorical items have coordinate values 1, 2, 3, and so on.