Sunday 16 February 2014

When Statistics fails

The Prussian National cavalry Regiment has redeemed itself from its previous failures. For it, the Prussians have counted on the inestimable collaboration of the 9e Legere Regimen, catched while trying crossing the mill stream. Instead forming square, the French panicked (i.e. they failed a Morale test) and were assailed in the rearguard by the exultant Prussian uhlans, which have massacred them.

Meanwhile, the battle is raging when the full forces of both sides on the table.

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Sunday 9 February 2014

The baptisme of fire of the Prussian National Cavalry Regiment

Again and again, the most recent and carefully researched and painted wargaming units have an embarrassing affaire (i.e a rout!) in their first encounter on the tablegame. That was the case with the Russian Soumy Hussars and the fashionable French 5th and 9th Hussar Regiments.
The Prussian National Cavalry (PNC) has suffered the same fate during the first moves of the on going Bunzlau scenario, as shown in the below pictures

The PNC regiment cover the right flank of the von Katzler's flank guard
The 1/9e Legere Provisoire Regiment fires a long distance volley over the PNC without effect
Triggering the PNC charge, but the Prussians are rejected by the French in square formation
The PNC is forced to fall back with some disorder
Meanwhile, the battle is raging in other zones of the tablegame
Watch this space!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Bunzlau. The terrain

The actual shape of the terrain for Bunzlau has been slightly changed: the available elements, i.e. terrain tiles and river, stream and road sections, do not allow to follow exactly the initial design of the table (see this post). Is the fog of war in action!
See below the corrected map, as well as some pictures of the actual table

Watch this space!

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