Inspiring Local Action on a Massive Scale
Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of today’s world, there is one constant that gives us hope:
People have the power to take individual actions that ripple across neighborhoods and communities to create a better world.
At Resource Central, we believe our role is to mobilize those actions through easy, cost-saving conservation programs, and our updated Strategic Priorities guide us toward our vision of a resilient waterwise Colorado.
In 2024, our programs saved 138 million gallons of water, repurposed 5.17 million pounds of materials, and engaged 26,000 students in energy conservation competitions. Keep reading to learn how your support has helped us impact conservation in Colorado:
View our 2024 Impact Report and Financials
Our 2024 Impact
2024 Overall Impact
People engaged in conservation
In 2024, Resource Central helped 103,000 community members engage in conservation action. Thanks to your support, we reached an exciting milestone: 1,000,000 community members have saved water, reduced waste, or conserved energy through our conservation programs in 1976.
Pounds of Building Materials Repurposed
Our materials reuse program diverted more than 5.1 million pounds of building material from landfills—up 18% from 2023! These programs helped families improve their homes with reclaimed countertops, cabinets, and appliances—as well as those who donated materials.
Gallons of Water Saved
Resource Central’s water conservation programs helped conserve more than 138 million gallons of water. Through partnerships with more than 50 water partners, our water programs support conservation efforts throughout Colorado.
Low-Water Gardens Distributed
In 2024, Garden In A Box distributed 14,155 waterwise gardens throughout Colorado. Since this program started in 2003, more than 73,000 beautiful gardens have been planted and will save more than 28,900,000 gallons of water.
Thirsty Lawns Removed
Our team removed over 800 thirsty lawns and over 432,000 sq ft of grass—a 33% increase in sq ft compared to 2023! This program will help save over 36.5 million gallons of water.
Sprinkler Systems Optimized
Nearly 3,000 Slow the Flow sprinkler efficiency evaluations were completed at homes, business, and homeowners associations—an incredible 30% increase compared to last year!
Students Saved Energy
Through Renew Our Schools energy competitions, 26,383 students were empowered to save energy through hands-on toolkits and completed 787 school energy actions.
You Can Make an Impact
Your gift is put to work directly in the community, allowing our reach and impact to occur right in your backyard. With your support, we can expand our programs, leverage our expertise to build new conservation programs and engage the larger sustainability community in active ways that have a positive and measurable impact.
Please make a gift today to support more and better sustainability programs across Colorado.