though your band name starts with "Dis" you're not a standard d-beat
band as one might expect, give me some info on how you got together and under
what circumstances. Present yourselves in a very serious way as this is a very
serious music publication.
DISCORDANCE: We aren’t a standard Dis beat band
because we didn’t mean to be that kind of band. Sorry hahaha. The band took its name from the
noise-industrial intro of Napalm Death’s record "Utopia Banished" and
means lack of harmony or agreement.We started as a project, jamming with guitar
and drums.We had some ideas that later were transformed into tracks and more
tracks and finally we had enough material to force us take the next step and
evolve into a full band.So Giota and Vagellis that were close friends of us
joined the band.All of us were hanging out in the same places like political
autonomous spaces, squats and d.i.y.
venues but most important we had the same views on d.i.y. beliefs and
same musical taste .So we were sure enough which way the band will follow and
how to make things get done.
D: Simple,society rejected us and the punk
community was our lifeboat.A community of thinking people who don’t get in line
and follow the rotten values of society,a community which stands against the
state oppression and all the shit that a state represents.People just like us
who struggle for something, have same stories and experiences.
N.E: Your take
on crusty hardcore is not something new but it's done straight from the heart
and keeps a politicalperspective, a combination that sadly not a lot of bands
have nowadays. When I first heard the tracks that would beon the LP I was
excited because it reminded me so much of the early '90's greek crust bands
such as Chaotic End &Breath/Ash, did that sound came naturaly or was it
something you aimed for from the beggining?
D: The sound of 90's Greek crust bands
is something that we grew up with, so it was inevitable not to be a major part
to our sound. Definitely, it came naturally, we didn’t have any purpose to
sound specific like this band or that band but we are trying to create our
unique style without forgetting our roots.
N.E: Did you
have previous experience playing in bands? At the moment you also have some
other projects going on, care to mention them here? Don't be shy, this might be
your moment of glory and fame!
D: Yeah, most of us have played in
several bands in the pastand all of us are having active bands/projects besides
Discordance.Apostolis is also playing drums in Sardanapalm death and was member
of Black ships &Foreign Land. He also plays techno music under the name of
Sentna.George was playing in a band called Radioactive waste and also has
started,some months ago,a raw noise d-beat band called PissSniffers.Giota is
singing in a new band called Anifora.Vagellis was playing in Exrated and krushya
and he is also a member of Bionic Origin and Warbound order.
D: From the beginning I wanted to take over
the vocals and I want to thank the rest of the band for their help &
support!It was a chance for me to express myselfand do it collectively and
self-organized, opposing the terms of music industry that degrades my need of
expression into a product.I never put myself into any comparison although the
punk scene is male-dominated or care what society will think about me. I don’t
have to prove anything to anyone and I don't think it is a
matter of competition. Instead, I find more important for women to claim more space into
the scene.
N.E: Let's talk
a bit about your releases, so far you have an LP and just some time ago you
participated in a 6-way split tape with international bands. Inform the public
how did these come about? I want to know more of the process behind like where
it was recorded/mixed/mastered and how much effort did you put in contacting
all the people involved. A DIY release is always a collective effort, correct?
D: All recordings, mixing &mastering
was done in Flowers in concrete studio at Patra which is a self-organized
musical studio,aiming to support diy bands and projects whichruns under the free
contribution/donation support.Our album cover art was done by Mike of Putrefurnaced
guerrilla graphics, Okso 81 made us a cool design for t-shirts that was printed
by Inkspit rats.All of the above are members of the diy network and we share
the same perspectives and ideals.So as a band, it was a conscious choice to
support them instead of giving our money for “professional studios”,famous
graphic designers or any kind of capitalistic company.In addition, we can’t
forget the labels that helped and supported us.We wanted as many as possible
self-organized collectives and individuals to get involved and support each
other.We believe that the d.i.y. scene is a living organism that is growing,improving
, evolving and it’s up to us to keep it this way.
As for the 6 way split tape, it was a
proposal of Dario (member of Chikara band).We had two songs, so why not to
participate to a cool split with other bands from all over the globe?
N.E: Where you
draw your influences from? Both musically and lyrically. I have to point out
that you managed the greeklanguage great and all the anger/despair/raw power is
felt in every word!
D: Lyrically, we are inspired by social
and political matters,human relationships and mental conditions, everyday
alienation and technological disasters which are things and situations that
affect us and we ‘ve experienced in our everyday lives.So, we had a lot of reasons
to take a stand and shout in your face
and express our anger and denial for this sickening world.As for the musical
part, we combine crust,hardcore punk,a little bit thrash and grind elements.As
members, we are all listening to these genres so it was unavoidable not to pass
our influences in our music.
N.E: Do you have
any plans for the future? Maybe some shows in Germoney and call it "euro
D: Hahaha we are having proposals for some
shows in Europe but the fact that we are not all living in the same city plus
we are all working ,is preventing us to hit the road and make a tour.
Sometimes, it is even difficult for us to participate in gigs here in Greece
but we are trying our best to play as many gigs as possible and support
specific causes.Also, we have some tracks ready for recording so keep an eye on
N.E: Ok I'm out
of questions, here we go with a last one: let me know your absolute favourite
record of all time!
D: We can’t say only one or two, each of us
has a dozen of favorites.Just to name a few for the interview
Contropotere-Il SemedellaDevianza
Death-sound of perseverance
Burial-speed at night