
Building a Safe and Supportive Community

Welcome, Wildcats! Everyone plays an important and active role in our centralized vision for University safety. 


wildcat safety guide

Call or text 911 for any emergency requiring police, fire, or medical assistance.
If non-emergency, call 520-621-8273 (621-UAPD)

Wildcats Roar Against Sexual Violence 5K Run/Walk/Roll and Resource Fair icon


Wildcats Roar Against Sexual Violence 5K Run/Walk/Roll and Resource Fair

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Join us on Wednesday, April 2, from 5 - 8 p.m. for an evening of community, empowerment, education and action on the U of A Mall - featuring a 5K benefiting Survivor Support Services, a resource fair, survivor speakout and candlelight vigil. 

Learn more and register for the 5k.


Wildcats Take Care text graphic

Campus Safety Checklist

task_alt Read & bookmark the Wildcat Safety Guide 

task_alt Complete Safety Preparedness Training: Active Shooter

task_alt Explore mental health & wellness services for students or employees

task_alt Review your building emergency plans

task_alt Familiarize yourself with how to report concerning behaviors


a person walking in front of old main

Meet the Team

Meet the teams working to keep our campus safe. Read a message from Chief Safety Officer Steve Patterson.


safety resource

Interactive Public Map

The interactive public map shows locations of health & safety resources, parking, and more for main campus (Tucson), Phoenix Bioscience Core, and Sierra Vista campus. 

Health & safety resources include: accessible entrances, AED devices, Stop the Bleed kits, disabled parking, elevators, and emergency blue light phones. 

Building emergency plans contain information about evacuation routes and shelter-in-place protocols. Plans are available by clicking on each building (with NetID login).


Explore the Public Map

We want to hear from you!

The University and the public safety teams are committed to creating a safe environment that meets the needs of our students, employees, and visitors. We value the voice of our community members. Please share your feedback or ideas with us, including safety-related content you would like to see on this website. Email publicsafety@arizona.edu.


Would you like to learn more about public safety on campus? Request a presentation from the Office of Public Safety and Chief Safety Officer Steve Patterson.

Email Communications

February 26, 2025Chief Safety Officer Steve Patterson
January 16, 2025Chief Safety Officer Steve PattersonYour campus safety updates and resources for the new semester

Dec. 4, 2024UAPD Chief Chris OlsonEnhancements to UAPD UAlert Notifications
Sept. 25, 2024UAPD Chief Chris OlsonArrest Made in Connection with Tragic Incident on the Tucson Campus
Sept. 24, 2024UAPD Chief Chris OlsonUpdate on the Investigation - Tragic Incident on the Tucson Campus
Sept. 23, 2024Student Affairs and UAPDUpdate on the Tragic Incident on the Tucson Campus
Sept. 11, 2024Chief Safety Officer Steve PattersonStaying Safe this Semester
Sept. 6, 2024Office of Public SafetyUAlert System Email Notifications Issue

June 4, 2024Office of Public SafetyAttempted Carjacking of University Vehicle Today
May 23, 2024Office of Public SafetyTesting of UAlert System on Main Campus on Friday, May 24
May 7, 2024Steve Patterson, Chief Safety OfficerSupport Services
May 1, 2024Robert C. Robbins, PresidentUpdate from President Robbins
April 28, 2024Robert C. Robbins, PresidentTragic Loss of Student
April 19, 2024Steve Patterson, Chief Safety OfficerEvents and Free Expression at the University of Arizona the Week of April 22
March 27, 2024Steve Patterson, Chief Safety OfficerShare Your Input: University Safety Survey
February 12, 2024Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerSafety Updates: UAPD Email Notification Test, Safety Tips and More
January 24, 2024Office of Public SafetyHow We – And You! – Are Keeping Campus Safe

December 15, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerImportant Safety Information – Off-Campus Crimes 
December 8, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerAssistant Vice President & Chief of Police Search Complete 
November 17, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerCampus Safety Updates and Important Reminders 
November 16, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerCampus Safety Updates and Important Reminders 
October 24, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerCampus Threat Suspect Arrested 
September 30, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety Officer2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports 
September 20, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerPublic Safety Information and Updates 
September 8, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerPublic Safety Information and Updates 
September 7, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerNew Safety Preparedness Training Requirement 
August 28, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentTragedy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
August 17, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerCampus Safety Updates for the 2023-24 School Year 
August 16, 2023Interim Provost Marx and Interim CSO PattersonSharing Important Safety Resources 
August 15, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerPublic Safety Information and Updates 

July 5, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentBohlander Appointed SVP, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
June 29, 2023Office of Public SafetyUAlert Confirmation: Check Your Text Messages
June 20, 2023Office of Public SafetyImportant UAlert Updates
June 16, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentJuneteenth, Desert Agriculture, and Classroom Safety Posters
May 10, 2023Steve Patterson, Interim Chief Safety OfficerMy Priority as Interim Chief Safety Officer
April 21, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentRecap of the April 14 University Safety Update Briefing and Other News
April 13, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentUniversity Safety Briefing
April 10, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentUAPD Reporting Structure
March 27, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentCampus Security Update: PAX Group Report (includes video)
February 6, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentFeb. 21 Sessions: Recognizing and Responding to Concerning or Threatening Behavior
January 18, 2023Robert C. Robbins, PresidentCampus Safety Update

October 25, 2022Robert C. Robbins, PresidentCampus Safety and Security Update
October 17, 2022Robert C. Robbins, PresidentCampus Safety Followup
October 10, 2022Robert C. Robbins, PresidentCampus Security Update
October 7, 2022Robert C. Robbins, PresidentA video message from President Robbins
October 6, 2022Robert C. Robbins, PresidentHealing Our Community, Family Weekend
October 5, 2022Robert C. Robbins, PresidentCaring for Our University Community

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