Servo aims to empower developers with a lightweight, high-performance alternative for embedding web technologies in applications.
Servo is a web browser rendering engine written in Rust, with WebGL and WebGPU support, and adaptable to desktop, mobile, and embedded applications.
Servo provides a WebView API so other applications can use it to embed web content.
Servo takes advantage of the memory safety features of the Rust programming language, resulting in fewer vulnerabilities related to memory and concurrency.
Built with a modular architecture and powered by widely-used Rust crates, Servo makes it easier to customize and adapt a high-performance browser engine to your needs.
Servo uses concurrency and parallelism for faster and more energy-efficient rendering of web content on multi-core devices.
Cross platform
Servo has multi-platform support, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and OpenHarmony. In addition, Servo can be ported and adapted to embedded devices.
Servo is a project managed with open governance under Linux Foundation Europe through our Technical Steering Committee.
Latest on the blog
This month in Servo: new elements, IME support, delegate API, and more!
A huge month for both Servo the browser and Servo the engine.
Servo Security Report: findings and solutions
Radically Open Security has performed a security audit on the Servo project.
This month in Servo: new webview API, relative colors, canvas buffs, and more!
Servo is becoming truly embeddable this year.
Servo in 2024: stats, features and donations
Summary of Servo’s progress in 2024: some numbers, main highlights and plans for the future.
You can now help fund the Servo project by sponsoring us on GitHub or Open Collective.
For more information about how to sponsor the project, visit the sponsorship page.