Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Sporobolus airoides Alkali Sacaton wis a native perennial large bunchgrass found in the western half of the U.S. Grows up to 20-60 inches tall, and found in nonsaline coarse, medium, and fine textures soils...
Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 10 PLS pounds per acre Badger Dirt a low growing grass mix adapted to revegetation of sites with exposed soil, high ph, and high calcium subsoils. Growth will rarely exceed...
Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Andropogon gerardiiCultivars: Goldmine, Kaw, Pawnee, Native Big Bluestem will grow almost anywhere, under any conditions. Root systems that can extend up to 12 feet into the ground, give the plant its extraordinary...
Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Bouteloua gracilisCultivars: Bad River, Hachita, Lovington, NativeHeight: 12-18 InchesSpread: 6-12 InchesUSDA Hardiness Zone: 4-7 Bouteloua gracilis: Blue Grama Grass is a major,...
Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Buchloe dactyloidesCultivars: Sharp's Improved, TexokaHeight: 12-18 InchesSpread: 6-12 InchesUSDA Hardiness Zone: 4-7 Buffalo grass is a warm season grass and Buffalograss has superior...
Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Elymus canadensis Canada Wildrye is a native perennial bunchgrass that grows to 4 feet with erect or arching culms and flat, wide (up to 0.8 inches), waxy green, pointed leaves that grow...
Sold by the bulk pound Creeping foxtail, Alopecurus arundinaceus is a large, long-lived, rhizomatous, sod-forming, perennial grass introduced from Eurasia. This seed is coated. Uses Grazing/livestock/pasture: Creeping foxtail is very well suited...
Sold by the PLS pound Eastern Gamagrass (Tripsacum Dactyloides) is a native perennial bunchgrass and a distant relative of corn. It is a long-lived (to 50 years), warm-season species native to most of the eastern half of the United States. It...
Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Leptochloa Dubia Green Sprangletop, is a native, perennial warm season bunchgrass with fibrous roots. Mature plants are short-lived and average 2-5 feet in height. The leaf blade is 6-8 inches long and will be...
Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Thinopyrum intermediumHeight: 36-48 inches Intermediate Wheatgrass has fairly slow re-growth following clipping and is best adapted to single crop- haying situations (where rainfall patterns or...
Sold by the PLS pound Botanical Name: Schizachyrium ScopariumCultivars: Aldous, Blaze, Camper, Cimarron, NativeHeight: 24-36 InchesSpread: 12-15 InchesUSDA Hardiness Zone 5 - 9 Little Bluestem is a valuable summer forage grass in...
Meadow Brome (Bromus biebersteinii) is a little known, cool-season grass that is native to southwestern Asia. Original seeds were collected in Turkey in 1949, and further study was conducted at the Plant Introduction Station in Ames, Iowa. It was...
Medium Grass Mix - Hardland Soil
$135.00Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 4.5 PLS pounds per acre Medium Grass Mix Hardland Soil: A mixture of native warm season grasses that range in height from 4”-36” and have an array of interesting seed heads produced...
Select Quantity (Number of Acres) You're PlantingSold by 4.5 PLS pounds per acre Medium Grass Mix Sandy Soil: A mixture of native warm season grasses that range in height from 4”-36” and have an array of interesting seed heads produced...
Sold by the PLS pound Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) is a cool season introduced perennial bunchgrass. Plants are 20-48 inches. It is one of the earliest grasses to initiate growth in the spring and makes tremendous growth during cool conditions. It...