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Whether it concerns Western or Eastern erotica, kink, fetish and bondage, pin-up, gay, classic and neo shunga, vintage and modern erotic photography, we reveal its aesthetics.
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(Pablo Picasso, shunga fan and collector)
Over 1332+ articles
Apollonia Saintclair
Your article on me was just beautiful! It made me very happy and proud of what I have created. It is a rare treat to see my work through the eyes of an experienced person as yourself and it truly lifted my spirit! |
The largest Shunga Platform on the Internet. I love the gallery's professionalism and collection type to be complete. I think the gallery has huge potential. I recommend visiting the gallery to enjoy the beautiful work. |
As you know, I don’t say a lot about myself – but sometimes I talk about my work. Thank you Marijn and the ShungaGallery for giving me the opportunity and welcoming me to your sumptuous site. |
Thank you so much! That’s an impressively deep article. I’ve posted it on Facebook and I m sure my people will like all the work on display there. What a nice surprise to wake up to today! |
Hey! thanks a lot for the article... |
It would be a real pleasure and an honor to have an article about my art on your site... |