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darkacademicpoet asked:

How do you write poems?

hi! i genuinely don’t know lol, i’ve never taken a poetry class or properly learned about the various structures poetry can take on so all of what i’ve done so far has been instinctual and from what ’ve picked up on reading poetry by myself. i highly recommend writing down whatever comes to mind, in which ever way it presents itself to you. leave that for a while and then come back to what you’ve written and edit it, honing your words to create a certain tone or refine your message. as my professors say, “writing is rewriting.”

lots of love!

dark academia classics books light academia jane austen bookish reading literature academia poetry poem author journal diary thoughts university english major

mayadaayyad asked:

Hello ! Thanks for bearing with me , I am a Palestinian educator from Gaza whose life is dire and gruesome. Nothing has left for my family except the hope you can support and help us. After 9 months of war we became exhausted, hopeless , desperate , and displaced. Houses and livelihood sources have been lost and gone with the wind. Things are driving us insane and made. The least level of life can't be attained. Healthy water and food have become a dream we need to realize. What worsens our life more is the constant bombings and killings. That is why I am asking in this post to help us survive this unbearable circumstances , moving from hell to safety and peace. Your support can help us be safe and alive so friends you can support us either by directly donating whatever you can or by sharing my campaign links so that generous people can know about our tragedy and pain. Remember your small contribution can make a big difference for the lives of many children whose heath gets worse and worse everyday. Let their life change and let them feel happy through your kind contribution.


sharing this link and wonderfully resilient words. free palestine!🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

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