Sunday, January 31, 2010
De Palma give away bike
Seans bikes and whizzer tank
This is Seans whizzer tank and a few of his sweet kz chops the one thats tank numbered might look familliar from "The Bash", his other bike is a kz chop that received the schwinn whizzer tank that i re furbished for him and installed a new tunnel, it was squashed and over tunnelled with way too thin sheet metal, the black one thats numbered gets ridden every day in Irvine! Thats what the fuck Im talkin about! commuter chops rule! SLIM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
de palma bike
This is the de palma bike before I cut it up and re fabbed the hard tail and frame, it no longer resembles this photo, Kris is the man in charge of this sporty giveaway bike,a cool ass dude himself! I have been going through this bike straightening all the fucked up shit, and installing handmade quality parts by me, other sweet parts were also donated to the build from the industries coolest M/F s, Biltwell guys! Thank you for your nice parts and speedy service, as usual!! Check out the De Palma site while your browsing! SLIM
kabblahs xs650
Good day to everyone! These are some pics of Kabblahs xs 650 frame< I spent countless hours hand stripping, de tabbing and just removing all th ugly shit!! the springer is done and the tanks too< finish assembly is under way now, and it is fuckin badd ass! I like spending the time to hand strip and hand file off the excess weld from tabs by hand to keep the tubing at spec thickness and to keep the tubing clean!!! Keeping quality high and pricing fair is what made America successfull back in the day and it is what will bring our country back to its feet over time! Thanks for your time< SLIM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Clarke s sporty
This is a pic of Clarkes 2003 883r sporty, it is fuckin fast,reliable,and sweet lookin! This is what sportys are for "RIDING ALL THE TIME"! This is a rare shot!! its parked! Clarke and his wife Rondi are responsible for just about everything except major fab,Rondi does the paint and design work, while Clarke does all the plumbing adjusting and fine tuning, we have weekend gang ups on the fab work!
A hardtail for WES D.
This is a frame for Wes D. He dropped this thing off to me for a hardtail and this is what he got back, a stripped down kz 750 with a clean hardtail.Keep an eye peeled for this one! There is a lot of cool people in on this project!!! Keep on keepin on, Represent the hustle and stuggle of working class AMERICA!!! SLIM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
This van was perfectly fine before! W.T.F>!!! Well, That is what happens when you are free to do what the fuck you please!! Speaking of the van, it is going cool, I just hate to rush finish this thing while I got so much cool other stuff on the burner for so many other cool ass people! When its done its done, I am going the pretty route, SHAME on me!! SLIM!
a chopped 59 for nick
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