Global Affiliates, 2025
- Action Center for Justice (Charlotte, NC)
- Alliance for Survival (Laguna Beach, CA)
- Annapolis/Digby Peace Group (Nova Scotia, Canada)
- Anti-Bases Campaign (Christchurch, New Zealand)
- Attac Sweden
- Australia Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition (Sydney)
- Azerbaijan Women & Development Center
- Bangladesh Astronomical Society (Dhaka)
- Berrigan House- Des Moines Catholic Worker
- Brandon and District Labour Council (Manitoba, Canada)
- Brandywine Peace Community (Swarthmore, PA)
- Broward Citizens for Peace & Justice (Naples, FL)
- Byron People for Peace & Justice (Byron Bay, Australia)
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (London, England)
- Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (Toronto)
- Center for Peace & Justice (Albuquerque, NM)
- Centre for Community Development & Environment Research (Kathmandu, Nepal)
- Centre for Cultural, Educational and Economic Social Studies (Nagpur, India)
- Charlottesville Center for Peace & Justice (VA)
- CJC World Government (Detroit, Michigan)
- Citizen Soldier (New York, N.Y.)
- Citizens Democracy Watch (Florence, OR)
- Citizens for Peace in Space (Colorado Springs)
- Citizens Opposing Active Sonar Threats (COAST) (Hancock, Maine)
- Civil Network for a Peaceful Korea (Seoul, South Korea)
- Cleveland Peace Action (OH)
- CND Cymru
- Coalition for Peace & Justice (Kalamazoo, MI)
- Code Pink Maine
- Communist Party of Maine
- Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods Village (Laguna Hills, CA)
- Connie Hogarth Center for Social Action (Beacon, NY)
- Copper Country Peace Alliance (Houghton, MI)
- Cultures of Resistance Network Foundation
- Cumberland Center for J & P (Sewanee, TN)
- Darmstadter Friedensforum Germany
- Delray Citizens for Social Responsibility (FL)
- Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus (MI)
- Dialog International (Dusseldorf, Germany)
- Dr. Caroline Lucas Green Party MEP, European Parliament
- Dr. Joan Russow Nat’l Leader Green Party (Canada)
- Dr. Michio Kaku
- Dr. Patch Adams (Urbana, Illinois)
- Dr. Rosalie Bertell, GNSH (Toronto, Canada)
- Earth Rights Institute (Santa Mondica, CA)
- East Bay Peace Action (Albany, CA)
- Environmental Defense Institute (Troy, ID)
- Environmental & Peace Education Center EPEC (Lehigh Acres, FL)
- Feuergruppe (Berlin, Germany)
- Friedens- und Begegnungsstatte Mutlangen (Germany)
- GE Stockholders Alliance (Tucson, AZ)
- Global Network Chapter – Visakhapatnam, India
- Global Network Chapter – Kathmandu, Nepal
- Global Peace Foundation (Mill Valley, CA)
- Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (New York, N.Y.)
- Glynn Environmental Coalition (Brunswick, GA)
- GOLHD Centre (Global Network for Human Development, Nigeria)
- Grandmothers for Peace International
- Grandmothers for Peace, Northland Chapter (Superior, WI)
- Grandparents for Peace (St Augustine, FL)
- Grassroot Women Initiative for Peace and Development, Sierra Leone
- Gray Panthers of Washtenaw (Michigan)
- Greater New Haven Peace & Justice Coalition (CT)
- Green Earth Organization (Ghana)
- Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (Poulsbo, WA)
- Halifax Peace Coalition (Halifax, NS Canada)
- Headingley and Kirkstall CND (Leeds, England)
- Healing Ourselves & Mother Earth – HOME (Tecopa, CA)
- Helen Caldicott, M.D. pediatrician, Founding President PSR (Australia)
- Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament & Environmental Protection
- Institute Justice Team (Detroit, MI)
- Int’l Ctr for Regional & Ethnic Conflict Resolution (Nigeria)
- Int’l Peace Bureau (Geneva)
- Int’l WILPF (Geneva)
- IPPNW (German Section)
- Iraq Pledge of Resistance
- Ithaca Coalition for Global Justice (NY)
- Jonah House ( Baltimore)
- Karl Grossman
- Kauai Alliance for Peace and Social Justice (Hawaii)
- Kennebunk Peace Department (Kennebunk, ME)
- Latin American Circle of International Studies (Mexico)
- Leicester CND (England)
- LEPOCO Peace Center (Bethlehem, PA)
- LIFPL (Paris, France)
- Literary Academy for Dalit of Nepal (Nepal)
- Los Alamos Study Group (Albuquerque, NM)
- L. A. Catholic Worker (Los Angeles, CA)
- L.A. Harbor Peace Coalition (San Pedro, CA)
- MAMA TERRA/For Mother Earth – Romania (Bucharest)
- Manchester CND
- Marrickville Peace Group (Australia)
- Mauritius Action for Disarmament & Peace
- Menwith Hill Accountability Campaign (England)
- Merimac Valley People for Peace (North Andover, MA)
- Merseyside CND (Liverpool, UK)
- Montrose Peace Vigil (California)
- Mouvement de la Paix (Paris, France)
- Movement Against Nuclear Weapons, Chennai (Madras, India)
- Movement for Life & Peace (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Native American Rainbow Network (MN)
- Nebraskans for Peace (Lincoln, NE)
- Nevada Desert Experience
- No MUOS Niscemi (Sicily, Italy)
- No MUOS Ragusa (Sicily, Italy)
- No Nukes North – Alaskan Coalition
- No War Coalition (Winnipeg, Canada)
- North Carolina Peace Action (Raleigh, NC)
- North Country Coalition for J & P (St. Johnsbury, VT)
- North Shore Coalition for Peace & Justice (Massachusetts)
- Norwegian Peace Association
- Nuclear Free Takoma Park Committee (Maryland)
- Nuclear Resister (Tucson, AZ)
- Nuclear Weapons Abolition Task Force of Hampshire/Franklin CPPAX (MA)
- Nukewatch
- OREPA (Knoxville, TN)
- Oxford Citizens for P& J (Oxford, OH)
- Oxford CND (England)
- Oxfordshire Peace Campaign (England)
- Ozpeace (Melbourne)
- P.L.A.G.E. (Salzburg, Austria)
- Pacific Campaign for Disarmament & Security
- Pacific Concerns Resource Centre (Fiji)
- Pax Christi Australia (Victoria)
- Pax Christi Florida (Boynton Beach, FL)
- Pax Christi Gruppe (Ravensburg, Germany)
- Pax Christi Maine (Portland, ME)
- Pax Christi Rochester (New York)
- Peace & Nat’l Priorities Center (Orchard Lake, MI)
- Peace Action Cleveland (OH)
- Peace Action Maine (Portland)
- Peace Action of MI (Warren, MI)
- Peace Alliance Winnipeg (Canada)
- Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois
- Peace Fresno (California)
- Peace Links of Elkhart County (Elkhart, IN)
- Peace Movement Aotearoa/New Zealand
- Peace Moves Coalition (Cornwall, UK)
- Peace Resource Center of San Diego (CA)
- PeaceWorks (Brunswick, ME)
- PeaceWorks Kansas City (Mo)
- People for Nuclear Disarmament (Perth, Australia)
- People’s Action for Clean Energy (Canton, CT)
- People’s Music Network
- Phillip Berrigan (Baltimore, MD)
- Polk County Citizens for P & J (Lakeland, FL)
- Primghar Peace Links (Iowa)
- Promoting Enduring Peace (West Haven, CT)
- Rural Development & Youth Training Institute (Kota, India)
- San Diego Veterans for Peace (San Diego, CA)
- Savannah Peace & Jusice Collective (Savannah, GA)
- Save Our World (Rochester, VT)
- School Sisters of Notre Dame JPIC (St. Paul, MN)
- Scientists for GLobal Responsibility (UK)
- Shalom (Rome, Italy)
- Sibienii Pacifisti (Romania)
- Sisters of Loretto Disarm Econ Conversion Cmte
- Sisters of the Presentation (Fargo, ND)
- Sisters of St Francis of Tiffin (Tiffin, OH)
- Sisters of St Joseph of Carondelet (St Louis, MO)
- Social Development Path, Nepal (SODEP)
- Socialist Party (Newtown, PA)
- Space Treaty Institute (California)
- Spacewatch UK
- SPARK (South Korea)
- Stop the War Machine (Albuquerque)
- Swedish Peace Council
- The Community for Human Development (Sunnyside, NY)
- The Nuclear Resister (Tucson, AZ)
- The Peace Report
- Touchstone Gallery (Hendersonville, NC)
- Tower Hamlets CND (England)
- Trident Ploughshares 2000 (Norwich, UK)
- Unitarian Universalist – Social Action Committee (Bayside, CA)
- U.S. Peace Council (New Haven, CT)
- U.S.-Vietnam Friendship Assn (San Francisco, CA)
- Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk (New York, NY)
- Veterans for Peace (Gainesville, Fl)
- Veterans for Peace (Maine)
- Veterans For Peace (Minneapolis, MN)
- Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality (Richmond, VA)
- Wales Alliance Against Nuclear Weapons (UK)
- Wales Network for Peace & Justice (Cynefin y Werin)
- We Are Change (Central Florida)
- West Midwest Justice Team (Farmington Hills, Michigan)
- Western States Legal Foundation
- WILPF (NAT’L) Philadelphia, PA
- WILPF (Boston, MA)
- WILPF (Oslo, Norway)
- WILPF (Salinas, CA)
- WILPF (San Francisco, CA)
- WILPF (West Palm Beach)
- WILPF-B.C. (Vancouver)
- Women Against Nuclear Power (Finland)
- Women Cross DMZ
- Women for Peace (Finland)
- World Beyond War
- Yorkshire CND (Bradford, England)
- Youth & Student Group of Osaka Peace Committee (Japan)
To become an affiliate see membership page or contact us.