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Arthropod-borne virus information exchange Number twelve, September 1965
September 1965
Corporate Authors:
Description:Since 1960 Mrs. Jane Sweat, Secretary to Chief of the Virology Section of CDC has been responsible for the mechanics of transcribing, reproducing, and distributing the complex of communications involved in the Information Exchange activity. In June she resigned to accompany her husband who is a dentist in the Navy. In September they had a baby, named Jane.
Mrs. Sweat's devoted and careful attention to excellence of information transmittal marked an era of transition from experimental initiation of a global exchange of timely information on arboviruses to an established and recognized system for such communication among widely distributed scientific investigators. For her contribution to this evolution and accomplishment, which was largely voluntary and extracurricular, as are most efforts of the American Committee on Arthropod-borne Viruses, we collectively owe a special note of appreciation.
Responsibility for this increasingly complex effort has been assumed by Mrs. Betty Foster, who has cheerfully accepted the challenge and has produced her first issue, Number 12.
Some minor shifts in editorial policy are noted here as necessary to minimize the problems of an increasing number of participants from a wider spectrum of scientific activity associated with arbovirus investigators.
The opinions or views expressed by the contributors do not constitute endorsement or approval by the U.S. Government, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service,or Communicable Disease Center.
Pages in Document:117 numbered pages
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