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    In Descent, Jonas Quinn risks his life to save SG-1 by swimming into a flooded section of the mothership and releasing the controls allowing our heroes access to the ship's landing bay.
    Corin Nemec is able to hold his breath for over a minute-and-a-half, which surprised the hell out of all of us,” laughs producer Peter DeLuise, who also directed the episode. “I was holding my breath while watching him and I couldn't believe how long he was able to stay under the water.”
    Paul Mullie continues, “Peter shot this take that followed Corin all the way down the corridor. He swam into the room and started playing with these controls. Corin moved a bunch of discs around and then he swam around to the other side and did the same thing. It was one continuous shot and it lasted almost two minutes. We said, 'We have to use this shot. There is no way the audiences are going to believe that he did this unless we show an uninterrupted take. Unfortunately, one of the discs fell out of Corin's hand, so there's a moment in the episode where we had to cut away to do an insert. It's going to look like we tried to strech the scene out so that it would seem more heroic that his character stayed underwater for that long, but, in fact, Corin actually did
    (TV Zone Special #46)

  • by fircyca
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