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The Steel Mastery team will be on Usi&Costumi at Feraara Expo 2024!

Prepárate para sumergirte en un mundo de esplendor medieval mientras mostramos nuestros mejores artículos, como gambesones, brigantinas, guanteletes, ropa y mucho más.

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Información importante sobre sus pedidos

Queridos clientes,

Aquí hay una información muy importante con respecto a sus pedidos.

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Soft weapons

Why do you need a soft foam weapon? Oh, my darlings! Sometimes even the calmest person has the urge to hit the other person. But to deal with the consequences in the form of insults, injuries, and other things, do not want to. Well, we offer ...

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Lacing cords and threads

An important element of every medieval costume is the correct, historical threads and cords for lacing and tying up the elements of clothing. Carefully and lovingly woven by the dexterous hands

of our beautiful mistresses from wool, lacing cords and threads from Steel Mastery will not only help to lace and tie the elements of your costume, but also become its decoration.

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Shock-absorbing material - new option!

We created an additional shock absorbing layer for armor. It is suitable for all types of metal protection elements, from helmets to brigandine legs or arms, and it is fastened inside them.

We can make this element of your protection in two materials: polyurethane foam and EVA foam.


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Heath Ledger's gambeson from A Knight's Tale

Do you remember how cool Heath Ledger was in A Knight's Tale? Do you remember his cool gambeson? Yes, 100% you remember that guy and that gambeson. Well, but we not only remember it, we sewed it. That's right! Already there is a lucky one who is holding an exact copy of the gambeson from the movie and you can become one too.

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Teutonic knight armor, buhurt-optimal set

We've received so many emails asking for the best set for full-contact combat that we've decided to present our recommendations for a buhurt-optimal set right on our website.

You're welcome!

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The War of the Breton Succession or War of the Two Jeannes

What better way for the experienced reenactor and the one just taking their first steps into living history than with ready-made costume and armour sets?

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Plate arms of Ming dynasty

Plate arms of Ming dynasty, better known as Bi Fu or Bi Shou is a heavy armguard made of segmented overlapping metal plates. 

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