Hi, guys! How are your String Arts doing? As you maybe already know, in our previous post Marvelous Louisiana Themed String Arts we saw Louisiana state String Art, but today we are fancy showing you more String Art States and we have chosen 10 states from the United States of America. We are really sorry if we are not showing the state where you live in, maybe in the next posts, ask us for more! So let’s see some of them. Enjoy it!
We start with the Texas String Art. As you can see, it looks great with white threads on a dark wood background and a heart shape in the middle or poiting at your city or home town. You can buy it in Etsy or DIY because it’s very easy.
Here you have a South Carolina String Art made with threads of a deep blue color on light wood. It also has a blank with the shape of a heart in the middle. You can learn how to do it step by step at Snap Guide.
As you can see in this image, this Wisconsin map String Art created with yellow threads on a deep green wooden background is also very creative and beautiful. You can see the steps to learn how to make this Winsconsing String Art at Crafts by Amanda.
The shape of the state of Massachusets is a bit strange but it also looks good with white threads on dark wood background and a heart where Boston is located. You can do it yourself or but it at Etsy shop.
What we like the most about this String Art with the shape of California’s map is the blue oval wood background that reminds the entire ocean that has this state in front of its coasts. You can learn how to make this California String Art at Snapguide step by step.
Florida String Art it’s very wonderful. Even more if you design it using yellow or orange threads because reminds the colour of the sun, this golden piece that all of we are searchin for at Florida. We don’t know the source. If you do, please, write us.
Here we have a New York State String Art that is really lovely and elegant. Firstly, because it is made using beige threads and, secondly, because the wood is painted with a stilish retro green. Sorry, we haven’t found th source, tell us if you know it.
You can add some lettering to the piece, as we see in this String Art where the word “Home” has been added and “Pittsburgh” is marked in a special way. You can make it yourself or buy it at Etsy.
Virginia state shape or outline it’s funny because it seems a mountain. This is a sample of how well it can be to use orange threads on a dark wood background. Like all the previous ones, it also has a heart in the middle pointing out a special city or town for the person who makes the craft. You can do it yourself or buy it in Etsy.
We finish with this wonderful Washington Sting Art. The special thing on this piece is that the wooden background has a drawing of mountains and a moose, the typical landscape of this state. We do not know the source, we’re sorry.
We hope you enjoyed these String Art States and that you are fancy making one with the map of your state, city or your town. Soon we will see another post with two state maps designs. See you, guys!
In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated the second Sunday of May, so this year, 2017, will take place on Sunday, May 14. (In the UK, Mother’s Day 2017 was celebrated on Sunday, March 26).
So in USA it rests less than a month, it’s the final countdown! Let’s take a look to some beautiful and lovely handmade String Art that your mother will love as a gift.
This Mom String Art made by Carven Design Studio is one of our favourites. Pay attention, because the inside of the letter “O” is heart shaped. We also think that the combination of dark wooden board and this pink or purple thread is perfect.
This heart shaped String Art made by Debbie McLauchlin is easy to make and very very sweet. As you can see, there are two hearts, a little one inside one another and the word “Mum” it’s also written with strings and nails. It’s a handmade craft suitable to make with kids, so go ahead. Moms will love this handmade gift.
This one is another very very sweet design because we can see two handprints, one from the eldest son and one of the yougest son with their names written on the side. You can make this String Art by yourself or buy one customized at LivandEmma Etsy Shop.
Embroidery paper crafts or String Art on paper it’s a very easy and lovely idea to make as a Mother’s Day Gits. As you can see on the picture above and on the video below, the process is simple and the result is great. You can make a String Art heart just using tissue paper, pencil, cardboard, punch, thread and needle. Once you finish, write down some nice quote like “I love you, mum” or something special for you two.
This craft has been creaded by Jar of Threads.
Another simple String Art Card for Mother’s Day is this one that has shared with us. We really love the way that threads write the word “MOM” like if it eas a piece of classic embroidery.
We hope that these ideas encourage you to DIY some similar String Art crafts to offer to your mom. See you!
Hi, guys! I have found a wonderful Facebook page called La Hilería and it is full of beautiful String Art projects that you can notice that they are full or love and care. I love especially those that pay attention to kids, with colorful designs, perfects to decorate a childs bedroom. Here I show to you some ideas that you can buy or DIY.
If your son or daughter loves bikes, this String Art with a nice bicycle and his name is perfect. Notice that there are some pins on the bottom to hang whatever you want.
It’s amazing go to the beach and watch sailing boats on the sea, right? When I was a little girl, I enjoyed this moment to much! So a sailing boat String Art could be nice to decorate a themed kid bedroom.
If you think that your daughter is the princess or already the queen of the house and your son is the little prince or the king of the house, these crowns and names String Art is perfect for them!
Oh, really cute design! You can portrait love family with this simple String Art. Think that there are a lot of kind of families, like a single mom or dad, two dads, two moms, etc… so open your mind and make different designs.
If instead of bikes or boats, your kid are obsessed with planes, this small plane or light aircraft made with white strings and with this amazing and intense blue background, it’s perfect for him or her.
Have you liked these String Art Designs for kids? If so, please, comment or send us pictures to our social networks. Thanks for reading this blog and see you soon!
Some people are literally attached to their glasses, maybe because they need it or maybe because it’s trendy and it’s an important key of their look. It it’s also possible that they are optometrist or own a Eyeglases Store.
If you want to offer them a great handmade present to decorate their room, office or their shop, take a look to these glasses String Art because they are amazing!
I really love this String Art made by Infarrantly creative because it’s kind of a Pop Art style and the way it mixes the pink pattern background and the yellow of the glasses.
These red glasses are so adorable! It has been created by TheHonakerHomeMaker and you can buy it on Etsy Shop.
These ones with a dark wooden background are even more beautiful! I really like red glasses. Actually, I wear them 🙂 This String Art is made by 1000Strings and you also can buy it on Etsy.
Blue background with white threads it’s a nice design too. Notice that these glasses are portrayed from the back and we can see the arms. This one is by StringArtTemplates and it’s avaliable on Etsy.
This simpler and minimal blue design by HeartStringsByJoyce it’s algs a nice option. Notice that the light wooden combines great this the blue.
Maybe you or your friend are a Harry Potter Fans and really would love a Harry Potter famous glasses String Art. You can make it or you can buy it at: thehappytaco
If you are a Ray-ban store owner, maybe you can make a String Art like this one to decorate your shop. Just lovely!
Have you enjoyed this post? If so, please, leave a comment and share it. Thanks!
Hey guys! One week left for Valentine’s Day, so it’s the moment of thinking about de DIY and easy gifts that we can male, as this String Ar made by Sofia Loayza. Let’s take a look to this tutorial so we can learn how to make it!
You will need these materials:
- Wooden board
- Tracing paper
- Pencil
- Patterns
- Acrylic paint
- Brush
- Cotton Thread or Wool
- Sandpaper
- Hammer
- Nail
1. The first step is to sand down the wooden board and, then, paint it in white using acrylic paint.1
2. The second step is to trace the shape on the board using tracing paper. As you can see, you have to put the tracing paper between the board and the template and dreaw again the line using a pencil. In this case it’s an elephand and the word “LOVE”
3. The third step it’s to nail the nails ord pins using a hammer all around the elephant or “Love” letters shape.
4. The fouth step is to pass the thread over the edges or borders making a little loop in each one, as you can see on the video. Remember that you can use different colours.
And that’s all! It look really nice and it’s a perfect handmade gift to give to your beloved on Valentine’s Day.
Today we want to pay tribute to one of our favourites String Art crafters: All Strung Up.
We are going to focus on the famous characters from films or cartoon series String Art because they seem fabulous to us, but we encourage you to take a look to all the String Art that All String Up made, as animals, names, inspirational words, etc.
Let’s see some handmade String Art inspired in a few lovely characters!
So, so, so lovely this baby Simba Stirng Art… we can’t add anything because it’s perfect.
“Chibi“ is a Japanese slang word meaning “short or small person” and, as you can see, it’s a very cute way to portray a character as Harry Potter.
Have you watched “Adventure Time”? It’s a very unusual and crazy cartoon tv serie and we recommend it so much! The characters, as Jake and Finn are awesome, so this String Art it is.
Snoopy laying down on the dog house roof it’s so legendary! This String Art it’s perfect do decorate a child bedroom.
I would put this Elmo from “Sesame Street String Art” in a some of “nostalgic room” full of childhgood memories, dolls and videogames. If not, just in my office would look nice!
Batman and Joker are my favourite antithetical characters. This way to reprsent them, also in a “chibi” style it is super cute.
Have you like them? Remember that you can buy these Strign Arts on the All Strung Up Shop! Have a nice week and please, follow us on the social networks as Twitter @stringartdiy and Facebook String Art. See you!
Hi, guys! Today we have find this amazing Electric Guitar String Art made by La Buhardilla and we want to share the process with us in order you can learn how to make it.
As usual, you will need the following materials: a wooden board, a hammer, scissors, nails, threads (black and white) and a template.
First of all, here you have the templeate, so you can download it:
You can download a higher version of this template to print it in this link: Download the pattern by Pattern Universe.
Then, we start the process, wich is almost always the same.
- You must put the pattern over the wooden board and, then, start to clue the nails on the shape.
2. Once you have finished, retire or remove the paper and you will have all the guitar shape and its decorations.
3. This is the moment when you start to put the threads over the nails. Make a loop around the nail heads. Pay special attention if you want to make the guitar in different colours. This one is in black and white but you could chose whatever colour you like the most.
4. That’s it! Put the String Art in a wall to decorate it. This it’s also a nice handmade gift.
Have you like it? So comment and share! Thanks for reading, see you soon!
How could we say about Frozen? We suppose that you have already watched it. It’s a wonderful movie, far from the stereotyped ones that we are used to watch. All our kids are crazy about Elsa, Anna, Olaf… they can feel that they are kind hearted and they love them.
Today we want to show you 5 String Arts inspired in this movie. Here we go!
Elsa is the main character and all the girls want to be her and they often are dressep up or disguised like her. Here you have a Elsa wonderful String Art where she are making her magic gesture that creates snowflakes. The background in blue is a nice option.
Source: Derannoula
This Elsa String Art is stunning because the artist has added some flat head pins that makes the outline and add some sparkles to her hair and body. In addition, the snowflakes are very well done. Lovely!
Anna is Elsa’s sister and we could consider her also a main character in the film because is the one who are really worried about Elsa and tries to save her from the ostracism she are suffering.
This Anna String Art is simpler but still beautiful.
Source: Pinterest
Olaf is the kindest and funiest character in “Frozen” and he takes our hearts from the very beginning. Look at these two wonderful Olaf String Art that can transmit his personality and his joy.
Source: All strung up
Source: The Jewlery cage and more
Have you loved these Frozen String Art? It could be a really good handmade gift to give to a girl or boy. It would be a nice piece to decorate their rooms also. You can made them yourself of buy in the source links if you prefer. Enjoy it!
Ho, ho, ho! We are already getting in the mood for Christmas so we are fancy making Chritmas String Art DIY decorations and ornaments for our home. We have selected 5 projects that we have loved very much, so here we go!
As a Christmas Tree ornament you can make this wonderful wood slice string art. We can draw a tree, a star, a snowflake… whatever you like the most. You can get more information about this DIY by visiting the web Happy Brown House
We think that these elf legs are so cute! As we can see on the picture above, it’s a complexe String Art on a round wooden board. It is a little difficult to ake, so if you can’t reach a good result, you can buy it at Etsy VotreVieEnRose shop.
If you don’t like Christmas Time very much and you feel like if you were The Grinch, this Merry Grinchmas String Art is perfect for decorate your home. This projecis is made by EveryStringAttached.
Another nice Christmas ornament to decorate your house could be this snowflake String Art on a thick board, traead as if it were antique. You can make it yourself or by it at Bring it Home.
Finally we want to show you this wonderful String Art Christmas Tree, also made on a thick wood board. It would be even more beautiful if you draw some stars or words, as merry & bright. Also you can do it yourself or buy it at California Seashell.
Have you enjoyed these projects? If so, please, share with your friends on your social networks and send us pictures once you have finished your String Art DIy Projects. Thanks!
Yeeeey! The Chistmas countdown has started! Just one month left! So, oficially, we can finally start to think about Christmas decorations, Christmas gifts and Christmas projects! We want to start with this wonderful snowflake String Art.
We have found this tutorial on Decoración Ideas. As it is explained in Spanish, we let’s try to translate it to English.
To make this String Art, will need these materials:
- Wooden board
- Hammer
- Wood glue
- Printer
- Projector (optional)
- Pencil or chalk
- Nails
- Threads
- Drill, dowels, tenterhooks and rings or shackles (to fix it to the wall)
As you can see, the first step is to print the snowflake pattern or, if you have a projector, it could be perfect use it to project the image directly on the board.
Then, you have to draw the snowflake shape on the board using a pencil or a chalk and following the projected shadow lines.
The next step is to clue the nails along the drawing. You can leave a 2 or 3 centimeters between them, but make sure that they are pinned in the most important vertexs, angles or corners.
The last step is to pass the thread through the nails or across them and make some knots in order to fix it well.
And that’s it! You have this gorgeous snowflake shaped String Art to decorte yout home at Christmas or even to offer as a handmade gift. Have a nice weekend!