Building a Chicken Run DIY: Building a Bigger Better Chicken Run - We are just weeks (maybe a month) away from our move to our “new to us” farmhouse. We have been quite busy and we have failed miserably at keeping the progress updates flowing. We took a… More
DIY: Bathroom Redo and Painting Tip - All of our main bathroom fixtures were a horrible powder blue. Yes, that’s right powder blue! I have hated it from day one for the last 14 years. Let me tell you, all blue toilet, sink, and… More
New Pepper and Tomato Beds - As we continue to add things we want to grow, and wanting more of the things we already grow in our garden, space is becoming a big issue.  We fenced off a corner of the… More
Building a Small Chicken Coop Building the Chicken Coop - The basic design for our chicken coop was a 3’x4′ square.  3′ tall with a simple slanted roof. It is to house chickens so it is not necessary to go overboard, and I am very… More
how-to-hem-pants-by-hand How to Hem Pants By Hand - About the only sewing I do these days is mending, but I actually do know how to sew. I made several of my maternity clothes with my first child and many a Halloween costume when… More
Grapevine Trellis Garden Fence/Grapevine Trellis - Being on only one acre of land, we are always looking for ways to maximize the usage of our space.  As we were needing a new fence around our expanded garden, we had a revelation that… More
Building-The-Chicken-Coop-With-Pallets Pallet Chicken Coop | DIY Chicken Coop - DIY: How to build a bigger chicken coop still keeping it simple using pallets.
DIY FIFO Can Rack in Use DIY FIFO Can Rack - This DIY FIFO can rack can save valuable shelf space.  It only uses up 2 square feet of floor space and holds up to 120 cans.  The concept is simple.  You place the new can… More
How to Make an Egg Gathering Apron from a Pillowcase How to Make an Egg Gathering Apron from a Pillowcase - Tutorial on how to make a gathering apron from a pillowcase to carry all of those farm fresh eggs!
Simple Door Reinforcement - Here is a very simple, and cheap home security improvement that anyone can do in just a few minutes. The plates in your door right now probably have 3/4″ or 1″ screws holding them in… More
The Chicken Run Attached to the New Coop Building The Chicken Run - After building the chicken coop for our new chicks, we turned our attention to the chicken run.  We wanted to give our chickens as much room to roam in complete safety as possible without spending a… More
How to Tan a Deer Hide How to Tan a Deer Hide - Step by step process of learning to tan a deer hide.
Eggs-For-Sale-Sign-From-Reclaimed-Wood DIY Eggs for Sale Sign from Reclaimed Wood - Last month I decided to make some pallet signs to hang on our mailbox at the end of the driveway. I love pallet signs and I am constantly drawn to them in craft fairs, Pinterest,… More
Pantry Shelves - When it comes to being prepared in the case of a disaster, storage space plays a key role. We have always been aware of our limited storage space, but when we began disaster prepping this… More
Rustic Chicken Coop Built with Scrap Tongue and Groove and Old Tin for the Roof Save Money Building a Chicken Coop - A well-built chicken coop can wreck your chicken budget. It's not easy, but I am going to cover a few ways I have found to save a little bit of money on my chicken coops.
Building a compost bin How Not to Build a Compost Bin - A compost bin is a wonderful idea. Taking things you do not have any use for and turning it into valuable fertilizer for the garden is a perfect win-win situation. Using grass clippings, fallen leaves,… More
1940 Farmhouse Bedroom Before and After Our 1940 Farmhouse – Upstairs Bedroom Makeover - The upstairs of our 1940’s farmhouse has not seen many (if any) updates to it. The upstairs has three small bedrooms. Two bedrooms are rectangular and have closets that are built into the attic space.… More
DIY: Inexpensive Easy Drying Rack - Not long ago, my better half decided that we needed a drying rack when she was inspired by Magnolia Holler’s Herb Drying Rack.  It would come in handy for drying our garlic and our winter… More
Caging the Apple Trees for Deer Protection - Saturday we went out to the land to try get some work down. We have so many plans for it, but honestly time, money, and circumstances have made things move slower than we had hoped. I… More
Make Your Own Pine Floor Cleaner DIY: Pine Floor Cleaner Recipe - Here is a simple easy recipe to make your own natural, non-toxic pine floor cleaner with just a few basic ingredients and essential oils. Share on FacebookTweetSave
Antique Bedroom Furniture Sleigh Bed Our 1940 Farmhouse – Upstairs Guest Bedroom Makeover - We have been living in our new home for three months. We have been super busy with all of our projects and moving.  We left the last upstairs bedroom untouched for sometime as it was… More
DIY Wallflower Scented Plugin Refills Using Essential Oil (Photo Credit: Pinterest) DIY Wallflower Scented Plugin Refills - Many weeks ago I came across a pin on Pinterest for DIY Wallflower Scented Plugin Refills.  As with other nifty pins that I find I pinned it with plans of trying it myself eventually. I currently use… More