What is the difference?
Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com
I just read Janice Hardy’s blog post, “3 Common Mistakes Writers Make about Conflict.” In her post, she discusses that our stories often lack conflict because we don’t understand the difference between conflict and obstacles. And what we are actually adding to our stories are obstacles.
So I started doing some reading and this is what I found.
An obstacle is something that gets in the character’s way. It makes it harder for them to achieve their goal. But it isn’t direct opposition.
Say that your character has to get to the roof and light a signal. The room that the have to pass through is a museum gallery with a new show being organized. There are crates in the way. There are ladders and tools and maybe even packing material.
Sure, all of this is in the way. But it isn’t in opposition to the character’s goal.
And that’s one of the keys to conflict. Something or someone is in direct opposition to what the character wants.
Again, your character has to get to the roof and light a signal. A new gallery is being organized and the place is a cluttered mess. But the person setting up the exhibit doesn’t want your character to light the signal. And this person is going to do all that they can to keep it from happening. Hand-to-hand Jackie Chan level combat ensues.
This is conflict. It isn’t very good conflict, but it is conflict. Especially if it looks like your character might fail.
An obstacle is in the way. It delays what is going to happen.
A conflict is big enough to make the reader doubt that the hero will succeed. The reader is anxious and feels compelled to read on.
Because every story is different, an obstacle in one may be a conflict in another because it could change the course of the story. Thus a natural disaster doesn’t personally want the character to fail but it is more than a simple delay. Think about all of this the next time you are plotting out a story!