Keyboard shortcuts in iMovie on iPhone
You can quickly accomplish many tasks in iMovie using a Bluetooth® keyboard.
Note: To pair a Bluetooth keyboard with iPhone, turn on the keyboard (or turn it off and on if it’s already on), then go to Settings > Bluetooth. Turn on Bluetooth, then tap the keyboard when it appears in the Devices list.
To complete an action, press all the keys in the shortcut at the same time.
Action | Shortcut |
Show the iMovie User Guide | Shift-Command-Slash (/) |
Play or pause | Space bar |
Play the project from the beginning | Backslash (\) |
Go to the beginning of the project | Control-Left Arrow |
Go to the end of the project | Control-Right Arrow |
Go to the previous frame | Left Arrow |
Go back 10 frames | Shift-Left Arrow |
Go to the next frame | Right Arrow |
Go forward 10 frames | Shift-Right Arrow |
Go to the previous item | Up Arrow |
Go to the next item | Down Arrow |
Split the selected clip | Command-B |
Zoom in | Command-Equal Sign (=) |
Zoom out | Command-Hyphen (-) |
Select the clip at the playhead position | C |
Trim the clip start point | Option-Left Bracket ([) |
Trim the clip end point | Option-Right Bracket (]) |
Detach audio from a clip | Option-Command-B |
Mute audio in a clip | Shift-Command-M |