I know Warhammer 40k is not the focus right now coming out of Games Workshop, its Kill Team and Age of Sigmar soon to be followed by Adep...
Presence of Faeit- 40k Codices: Picking the Winners and Losers
We all know that the first four codices, are Space Marines, Chaos Marines, Grey Knights, and Death Guard, but just how safe are new armie...
Presence of Faeit: Age of Tyrants, Curse of the Wulfen, and Thank You
There has been a lot of hype about the new Space Wolves coming. Its been big and the new Wulfen units are extremely strong and powerfu...
Presence of Faeit- Face to Face, Changes to the Comment System
Everyone has a limit, and the worst part is that they are often pushed more by extraneous circumstances than by the more immediate ones....
Presence of Faeit- Comment Regulations and GW Profits.
There are a couple things that are a little pressing here on Faeit 212, but I wanted to talk first about the comment sections, and then t...
Presence of Faeit- Editorial
A little editorial on this last day of 2015 I've always had this theory, and if you have hung around me long enough you have heard ...
Presence of Faeit : Sisters of Battle
As 2015 starts up, there will be one question on many 40k gamer's minds, are we finally going to get a good Adepta Sororitas codex re...
Presence of Faeit: Giveaways and a Look Ahead
There are only a few more days before Christmas, and already the house is being decorated and everything masterfully put in its proper p...
Presence of Faeit: Advent Calendars for GW and Hawk Wargames
The GW Advent Calendar started off with a nice bang with End Times Spells, and it seemed everyone was covering it. Notice anything now? L...
Presence of Faeit: A Step in the Right Direction
Model Waves without a new codex release looks like it will become a trend for Games Workshop, and a welcome one at that. We are going int...
Presence of Faeit: Creating Demand for Books
The recent Endtimes Book II sold out so quickly that there were a lot of people left out that had missed being able to get the book on p...
The Endtimes: Books I and II and their Fate.
Lets be honest here, and straight, Warhammer Fantasy really needed some life injected into it. It was explained to me that there just ar...
Presence of Faeit: The Dark Eldar Dealing with Armor and the Psychic Phase
Dark Eldar are about to appear, and one thing that remains a complete mystery to us all is how if at all, Dark Eldar will face the psych...
Orks, The Great Experiment of Models vs Rules: Presence of Faeit
There has been some discussion about why Orks have been released the way they are. An extended release with any codex has been hard, and ...
Presence of Faeit: 7th Edition
The more I delve into the new 40k rulebook, the more I am liking its changes. I have seen many other people hesitant, now ready to make ...
Presence of Faeit: 7th Edition Woes and Valhalla
There is a lot of rumors going through the internet right now, and I am slowing it down a little for the day. The main reason for this,...
Presence of Faeit: An Outdated Gaming System
There are many games on the market today for our community, and some great rules writers out there that have either written for GW in the...
A Presence of Faeit: The D-Weapons and Throne of Skulls
This is one of those weeks that I must get back to writing my editorials, as the game is being shaken up by a lot lately, which is both ...
Presence of Faeit: Taudar Battle Brief, Vendetta Folley, Site Work Going On.
Once again on recovery mode after a more games that I hosted over Saturday night. Two tables set up with 40k games of 1850pts went on all...
Presence of Faeit: Codex Supplements, Freedom of Speech, Armoured Company
Quite a busy week going on, and of course the site this coming week has a lot coming to it. So while I am wrapping up this week, it will ...