Showing posts with label Graduation Cakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graduation Cakes. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tipsy Tuesday!!!

I pulled up my blog the other day and discovered I have 395 followers. 395 followers?!?!?! REALLY!? To some that may not seem like a lot, but to seems like a TON! WHY in the world would anyone want to follow my blog?? A blog with some pictures of some cakes...a party every now and then. I started feeling guilty about boring my poor 395 followers to death! So I have decided to add a little element of interest to keep y'all happy!! :)

And thats when I came up with TIPSY TUESDAY!!!! Every Tuesday this summer I will post a TIP...maybe a tutorial, a cute dessert idea, a fun craft tip, a party idea...any kind of sweet tip that I think y'all will enjoy.

My first Tipsy Tuesday has to do with GRADUATION! In honor of my sweet baby Bailey who graduated from preschool this past week I made some chocolate covered Oreos topped off with graduation caps. They're such a super easy dessert idea that anyone can do!

I was going to make a tutorial for the graduation caps when I came across basically the exact same idea demonstrated here. Great tutorial to show how easy these little graduation caps are!!!

And in case you're wondering how I got my chocolate Oreos so perfect...well, I'd like to say it was all me...I'm so super talented with chocolate...but that would be a lie. ;) You MUST check out these cookie molds!!! HERE I SO wish I had these for my Fancy Nancy party b/c my chocolate covered Oreos were a little sorry. These molds make it so easy to create these little desserts.

Congrats to all the graduates out there, big and small!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Brittney's Graduation Cake

This one is for our neighbors' daughter Brittney. She is graduating from West Forsyth High School w/ HONORS!!! (the light blue and gold tassels around the bottom of the top tier represent the honors tassels she'll be wearing when she walks)

Congrats Brittney. Auburn is about to get a fabulous new addition to their school! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hunter's Graduation Cake

This one was for a great friend of ours who just graduated w/ his Master's degree. Way to go Hunter for making yourself just that much smarter than the rest of us!!! ;)

(oh and "The Art of Ice Cream" book is relevant b/c Hunter and some of his other smarty pant MBA buddies are starting up a fabulous new ice cream company.) Really YUMMY ice cream y'all!!! And its ok if I endorse them b/c its ice cream...thats not competition right? EEK!!!

Check 'em out if you get a chance!!!/highroadicecream