
The earth is full of amazingly diverse biomes, each filled with their own complex ecosystems. One biome that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves is the desert. We often think of it as an empty wasteland, when in reality, it’s full of all kinds of fascinating plants and animals. […]

Hand-Drawn Cactus Canvas

Hi, friends, I’m Amy from Amy Latta Creations, and one of my signature ways to create is by drawing whimsical doodles. In fact, I’ve even written two books: Doodle Everything and Doodle All the Animals, to share my love for this kind of drawing. Today, I want to show you […]

Whimsical Doodles with Tombow MONO Drawing Pens

Do you enjoy yarn or fiber crafts? Hey everyone, Katie here. One of my favorite ways to spend my evenings during quarantine this past year has been crocheting cute amigurumi characters or accessories. I love crocheting while I’m watching my favorite shows to keep my hands busy. Today, I wanted to show […]

How to Doodle Yarn for Crochet and Knitting Art

Three Ways to Use Colored Pencils in Your Art Journal Hey everyone, Katie here to share three fun ways to use colored pencils in your art journal. Since it’s color week here on the Tombow USA Blog, I’m using only purple colored pencils! Supplies: Tombow 1500 Series Colored Pencils:These come in sets […]

Three Ways to Use Colored Pencils in Your Art Journal

Hey everyone, Katie here from Studio Katie! Today, I want to show you a simple guide on how to draw an eye using pencils. One of my favorite things to draw when I’m killing time (you know those doodles, while you’re on the phone or waiting for your computer to update..) […]

How to Draw an Eye Using the MONO Drawing Pencil ...

Hi y’all, it’s Grace from Grace Anne Studio! My all time favorite movie is Casablanca. I love the dramatic lighting, the bittersweet ending, the dialogue and of course, the style! Today, we’re going to learn three quick ways to doodle Casablanca hats. Doodles are just simple illustrations. To doodle Casablanca […]

Three Ways to Doodle Casablanca Hats

Hey everyone, it’s Katie from Studio Katie here! Are you ready for the spring equinox and the start of (hopefully) warmer weather? Today, I’m going to show you how to create a Spring Bucket List Journal Spread in your dot grid journal! Supplies: Dot Grid Journal (I’m using an Archer […]

DIY Spring Bucket List Journal Spread

Hey everyone, it’s Katie from Studio Katie here, and today I’ll be showing you how to create an easy Zentangle Portrait Drawing.  Zentangling is one of those things I don’t do all the time, but I always come back to it whenever I need a bit of inspiration or just […]

Easy Zentangle Portrait Drawing

Are you ready for Halloween? It’s sneaking up fast! Hey guys, It’s Katie here and today I’m sharing with you an easy guide for drawing potion bottles! These witchy little bottles would be perfect for adding onto Halloween cards or a spooky themed task journal layout. Supplies: Tombow MONO Drawing […]

How to Draw Potion Bottles

Audio books can make it super simple to practice lettering, have a good doodle, and get inspired with words and ideas at the same time. It’s Lauren of Renmade Calligraphy and over the past year, I have really gotten in to listening to audio books while traveling, practicing lettering, and […]

Audio Books and Lettering: 5 Ways to Letter and Doodle ...

Hey y’all, who’s excited about Summer? Katie here, and today with a Summer Happy Mail DIY! I am showing y’all an easy way to sketch girls with sunglasses and how to use them to make super summery and fun envelopes for Summer mail! How to Draw Cool Girls with Sunglasses: […]

Summer Happy Mail! How to Doodle Girls with Sunglasses