Hi, Tombow friends, Katie here! ❤️ Random Acts of Kindness Day is coming up, and it’s a great reminder to slow down and share a little joy with the people we care about. There’s something so special about giving a handmade gift—it’s personal, thoughtful, and full of heart. That’s why […]
Katie Smith
Hey everyone, Katie here to show you how to create your own DIY Travel Memory Wall Art based on your adventures from 2024! This is such a cool project to reflect on the past year and all of the places you’ve traveled. Supplies: Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers (I’m […]
DIY Travel Memory Wall Art
Hi there, it’s Katie here to show you how to make a cute DIY Advent Calendar Book that looks like a cute little gingerbread house (but pink, because that’s my favorite color!). I love making advent calendars because they make every day leading up to the holidays feel extra special. […]
DIY Advent Calendar Book
Hey everyone, Katie here with a fun DIY- a Disco Ball Pumpkin! Now that it’s October, and the start of the holiday season, it’s officially my favorite time of the year for everything crafty. I wanted to make some fun, bright Halloween decorations for my tiny house, so I upcycled […]
DIY Disco Ball Pumpkin Decor
Hey Tombow fans, Katie here! Did you know that the Dual Brush Pen has been around for 40 years?!? Yep, For 40 years, Tombow’s Dual Brush Pens have been the gold standard for artists and crafters because of their limitless creative possibilities! So in honor of their 40th anniversary, I […]
Tombow Dual Brush Pen History
Hello Tombow friends, Katie here! I don’t know about you, but I always have a notepad next to my computer so that I can write down notes while I’m studying/working! Today I want to show you how you can create a DIY Notepad with a cute book theme using Dual […]
DIY Book Notepad
Hey Tombow friends, it’s Katie here to show you how to create fun Summer Envelope Art using Tombows Irojiten Colored Pencils! There’s something magical about receiving cards in the mail, especially in today’s digital era where happy mail from a friend feels extra special! This summer, I’m excited to send […]
Summer Envelope Art using Irojiten Colored Pencils
Hello Tombow friends! It’s Katie here and today I want to show you how you can make some CUTE DIY S’mores Packs that you can give out this Summer using only a few supplies! Camping is one of my favorite things to do in the Summer, and you can’t go […]
DIY S’mores Packs for Summer
Hey friends, this is Katie and today I want to show you how to make a DIY Ocean Collage! But first: did you know that around 70% of the planet’s surface is covered by oceans, but we have only explored about 5% of the world’s oceans. There’s a lot more to […]
DIY Ocean Collage Art
Hello Tombow fans, this is Katie and today I want to show you how you can reuse packaging and turn it into beautiful floral bookmarks instead of throwing it away! Supplies: Tombow MONO Aqua Liquid Glue (psst if your glue is getting low, you can refill it instead of throwing it […]
DIY Dried Flower Bookmarks from Recycled Packaging
Hey everyone, Katie here from Studio Katie to teach you how I like to use colored pencils in my travel journal! I have a trip to Puerto Rico coming up, and I’ll be bringing along my Irojiten Colored Pencils, and Dual Brush Pens along in my backpack to do some art […]
Travel Journaling with Irojiten Colored Pencils
Hey everyone, Katie here to show you how to paint a fun and easy watercolor winter art journal page, and how to create a few different winter snow effects using Dual Brush Pens combined with other mediums. How to Paint a Watercolor Winter Art Journal Page with Dual Brush Pens: […]