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- 2023: 17.2
- 2023: 17.1
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- 2020: 14.1
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- 2019: 13.3
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- 2019: 13.1
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- 2018: 12.3
- 2018: 12.2
- 2018: 12.1
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- 2017: 11.3
- 2017: 11.2
- 2017: 11.1
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- 2016: 10.1
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- 2013: 7.2
- 2013: 7.1
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- 2012: 6.1
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Author Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
[fr]Entre musique et lettres : vers une méthodologie
numérique pour l’analyse de la mise en musique des poésies de Charles
[en]Between words and music: towards a digital
methodology for analysing song settings of the poems of Charles Baudelaire, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Gamer Trouble: A Review, 2024: v18 n1
e-Science for Medievalists: Options, Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
[pt]Geovisualização de dados e ciência aberta e
cidadã - a experiência da Plataforma LindaGeo
[en]Data Geovisualization and Open and Citizen
Science - the LindaGeo Platform Prototype, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Finding and Interpreting Arguments: An Important Challenge for Humanities Computing and Scholarly Practice, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]
Augmenting Access to Embodied Knowledge Archives: A Computational Framework, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Continuous Integration and Unit Testing of Digital Editions, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS), 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction: Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Machine Reading the Primeros Libros, 2016: v10 n4
[fr]Pour une analyse automatique du jugement critique :
les citations modalisées dans le discours littéraire du XIXe siècle
[en]Toward an automatic analysis of critical judgment:
modified quotes in the literary discourse of the nineteenth century, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Character Recognition Of Seventeenth-Century Spanish American Notary Records Using Deep Learning, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Manifesto: A Life on the Hyphen: Balancing Identities as Librarians, Scholars, and Digital Practitioners, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Aporias of the Digital Avant-Garde, 2007: v1 n2
Open Access and the Theological Imagination, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Annotation: A Uniting, but Multifaceted Practice. A Review of Nantke and Schlupkothen (2020), 2022: v16 n4
Researcher as Bricoleur: Contextualizing humanists’ digital workflows, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]
[fr]Entre musique et lettres : vers une méthodologie
numérique pour l’analyse de la mise en musique des poésies de Charles
[en]Between words and music: towards a digital
methodology for analysing song settings of the poems of Charles Baudelaire, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Words, Patterns and Documents: Experiments in Machine Learning and Text Analysis, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Texts, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Metaphors in Digital Hermeneutics: Zooming through Literary, Didactic and Historical Representations of Imaginary and Existing Cities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Building Pedagogy into Project Development: Making Data Construction Visible in Digital Projects, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Modeling Afro-Latin American Artistic Representations in Topic Maps: Cuba’s Prominence in Latin American Discourse, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
The Digital Environmental Humanities (DEH) in the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities in an Era of Ecological Precarity, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Experiential Analogies: A Sonic Digital Ekphrasis as a Digital Humanities Project, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
AI and Medical Images: Addressing Ethical Challenges to Provide Responsible Access to Historical Medical Illustrations, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Applied Digital Humanities and the Creative Industries in the United Kingdom, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Affective Absence: Risks in the Institutionalization of the FemTechNet Archive, 2019: v13 n2
Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
Creating Spaces for Interdisciplinary Research across Literature, Neuroscience, and DH: A Case Study of The Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition Lab (DHLC), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
My DH Present, Past, & Future, 2022: v16 n3
#transform(ing)DH Writing and Research: An Autoethnography of Digital Humanities and Feminist Ethics , 2015: v9 n2
Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
[fr]Reconstruire ce qui manque – ou le déconstruire ?
Approches numériques des sources historiques
[en]Rebuilding what is missing – or deconstructing it?
Digital approaches to historical sources, 2018: v12 n1
Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Detecting and Characterising Transmission from Legacy Collection Catalogues, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
DH Moments, Caribbean Considerations: On Reaction, Response, and Relevance in the Digital Humanities, 2019: v13 n3
Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
The Idiocy of the Digital Literary (and what does it have to do with digital humanities)?, 2013: v7 n1
Computational Linguistics and Classical Lexicography, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
The Form of the Content: The Digital Archive Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Sound and Digital Humanities: reflecting on a DHSI course, 2016: v10 n1
Theatre analytics: developing software for theatre research, 2020: v14 n3
[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Machine Enhanced (Re)minding: the Development of Storyspace, 2012: v6 n2
The Technical Evolution of Vannevar Bush’s Memex , 2008: v2 n1
The Age Old Question: A Review of What is Digital History? by Hannu Salmi, 2021: v15 n4
Distributed reading: Literary reading in diverse environments, 2018: v12 n2
Unjust Readings: Against the New New Criticism, 2025: v19 n1
Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Old Ways for Linking Texts in the Digital Reading Environment: The Case of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
The Stories We Tell: Project Narratives, Project Endings, and the Affective Value of Collaboration, 2023: v17 n1
Digital Sankofa: Understanding the Past and Futures of Black Digital Humanities, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
Digital Sankofa: Understanding the Past and Futures of Black Digital Humanities, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
Introduction to Göttingen Dialogues 2016, 2021: v15 n1
Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Theorizing Connectivity: Modernism and the Network Narrative, 2011: v5 n2, [co-authored]
Network Narration in John Dos Passos’s U.S.A. Trilogy, 2011: v5 n2
Historical GIS and Guidebooks: A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Category Development at the Interface of Interpretive Pragmalinguistic Annotation and Machine Learning: Annotation, detection and classification of linguistic routines of discourse referencing in political debates, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
The Sound of Many Hands Clapping: Teaching the Digital Humanities through Virtual Research Environment (VREs), 2012: v6 n2
[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
A Model for Representing Diachronic Terminologies: the Saussure Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The Media Ecology Project: Collaborative DH Synergies to Produce New Research in Visual Culture History, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Learning Digital Humanities in a Community of Practice: the DEAR model of Postgraduate Research Training, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Category Development at the Interface of Interpretive Pragmalinguistic Annotation and Machine Learning: Annotation, detection and classification of linguistic routines of discourse referencing in political debates, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Can an author style be unveiled through word distribution?, 2021: v15 n1
Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Ooligan Press: Building and Sustaining a Feminist Digital Humanities Lab at a R-2, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Digital Oulipo: Programming Potential Literature, 2017: v11 n3
An Annotated Multilingual Dataset to Study Modality in the Gospels, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Methods and Classical Studies, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Tracing Toxicity Through Code: Towards a Method of Explainability and Interpretability in Software, 2023: v17 n2
The Explainability Turn, 2023: v17 n2
The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS), 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
All and Each: A Socio-Technical Review of the Europeana Project, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Attention Ecology: Trend Circulation and the Virality Threshold, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Creative Data Literacy: A Constructionist Approach to Teaching Information Visualization , 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities Inside Out: Developing a Digital Humanities Curriculum for Computer Scientists in Singapore , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Reconstructing historical texts from fragmentary sources: Charles S. Parnell and the Irish crisis, 1880-86, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Probing Through Iranian Architectural History Within the Framework of an Ontology Development Process, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
An Ontology for Gendered Content Representation of Cultural Heritage Artefacts, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Velvet Evolution: A Review of Lev Manovich's Software Takes Command (Bloomsbury Academic, 2013), 2019: v13 n1
A Digital Humanist-Informatician Review of Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson, editors, Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1
TypeWright: An Experiment in Participatory Curation, 2015: v9 n4
Distant Reading and Viewing: Big Questions in Digital Art History and Digital Literary Studies, 2023: v17 n2
Reassessing the locus of normalization in machine-assisted collation, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Diachronic trends in Homeric translations, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Reinventing the Classroom Edition: Paradise Lost Book IX Flash Audiotext, 2009: v3 n3
A Textual History of Mozilla: Using Topic Modeling to Trace Sociocultural Influences on Software Development, 2015: v9 n3
Technology, Collaboration, and Undergraduate Research, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Conclusion: Cyberinfrastructure, the Scaife Digital Library and Classics in a Digital age, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
A Culture of non-citation: Assessing the digital impact of British History Online and the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Predicting the Past, 2018: v12 n2
Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Cluster on Arts and Humanities e-Science, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
A Life Lived in Media, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
How to cite this digital edition?, 2021: v15 n3
Jane, John … Leslie? A Historical Method for Algorithmic Gender Prediction, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
Erasure, Misrepresentation and Confusion: Investigating JSTOR Topics on Women’s and Race Histories, 2020: v14 n1
The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
[fr]Les Sganarelle de Molière : un nom, des
syntaxes ?
[en]Molière's Sganarelles: one name, several
syntaxes?, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Ghosts in the Machine: a motion-capture experiment in distributed reception, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
The Making and Re-making of The Philadelphia Negro, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Designing Choreographies for the New Economy of Attention , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Digital Literature and the Modernist Problem, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Stretched Skulls: Anamorphic Games and the memento mortem mortis , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Rule-based Adornment of Modern Historical Japanese Corpora using Accurate Universal Dependencies, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
The Digital Future is Now: A Call to Action for the Humanities, 2009: v3 n4
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Graph based modelling of prosopographical datasets. Case study: Romans 1by1, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
The Lives of Mistresses and Maids: Editing Victorian Correspondence with Genealogy, Prosopography, and the TEI, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Information access in the art history domain: Evaluating a federated search engine for Rembrandt research , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Poetry as Code as Interactive Fiction: Engaging Multiple Text-Based Literacies in Scarlet Portrait Parlor, 2023: v17 n2
Digital Stages for Old Plays: A Review of Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools , 2021: v15 n3
Ethical and Effective Visualization of Knowledge Networks, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Power and Precarity: Lessons from the Makers by Mail Project, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Making and Breaking: Teaching Information Ethics through Curatorial Practice, 2018: v12 n4
Power and Precarity: Lessons from the Makers by Mail Project, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Reviving Classical Drama: virtual reality and experiential learning in a traditional classroom, 2018: v12 n3
Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
A Prosopography as Linked Open Data: Some Implications from DPRR, 2020: v14 n2
Fitting Personal Interpretation with the Semantic Web: lessons learned from Pliny, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
[fr]Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en
humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de
[en]Potentialities and difficulties of a digital
humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of
research, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Critically engaging with data visualization through an information literacy framework, 2018: v12 n4
Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
The New Itinerancy: Digital Pedagogy and the Adjunct Instructor in the Modern Academy, 2017: v11 n3
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Xpos’re: A Tool for Rich Internet Publications, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities in the 21st Century: Digital Material as a Driving Force , 2016: v10 n3
Computer Vision and the Creation of a Database of Printers’ Ornaments, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Comparative K-Pop Choreography Analysis through Deep-Learning Pose Estimation across a Large Video Corpus, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Reading the Quan Tang shi: Literary History, Topic Modeling, Divergence Measures, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]
Finding Narratives in News Flows: The Temporal Dimension of News Stories, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Building Bridges: Collaboration between Computer Sciences and Media Studies in a Television Archive Project, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The Ludii Games Database: A Resource for Computational and Cultural Research on Traditional Board Games, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Digital Editions and Version Numbering, 2020: v14 n2
The AudiAnnotate Project: Four Case Studies in Publishing Annotations for Audio and Video, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The AudiAnnotate Project: Four Case Studies in Publishing Annotations for Audio and Video, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Accessioning the Digital Humanities: Report from the 1st Archival Education and Research Institute, 2010: v4 n1
To tree, or not to tree? On the Empirical Basis for Having Past Landscapes to Experience., 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Developing a Qualitative Coding Analysis of Visual Artwork for Humanities Research, 2016: v10 n4
Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Comparing Disciplinary Patterns: Exploring the Humanities through the Lens of Scholarly Communication, 2017: v11 n2
Imagining the Continuously Present Past: Visualizing William Faulkner’s Narratives and Digital Yoknapatawpha, 2021: v15 n2
Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
New Media in the Academy: Labor and the Production of Knowledge in Scholarly Multimedia, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
Topological properties of music collaboration networks: The case of Jazz and Hip Hop, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Reading Chicago Reading: Quantitative Analysis of a Repeating Literary Program, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Recovering the London Stage Information Bank: Lessons from an Early Humanities Computing Project, 2017: v11 n3
Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Missed Connections: The Collective Novel and the Metropolis, 2011: v5 n2
The Voices of Doctor Who – How Stylometry Can be Useful in Revealing New Information About TV Series, 2020: v14 n4
Organic and Locally Sourced: Growing a Digital Humanities Lab with an Eye Towards Sustainability, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Finding Narratives in News Flows: The Temporal Dimension of News Stories, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
[es]La conquista de Jerusalén ¿de Cervantes?
Análisis estilométrico sobre autoría en el teatro del Siglo de Oro
[en]The Conquest of Jerusalem: by Cervantes?
Stylometric analysis on authorship in the Golden Age Spanish theater, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Ethical and Effective Visualization of Knowledge Networks, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
A Pedagogy for Computer-Assisted Literary Analysis: Introducing GALGO (Golden Age Literature Glossary Online) , 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Afrofuturist Intellectual Mixtapes: A Classroom Case Study , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Finding Narratives in News Flows: The Temporal Dimension of News Stories, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Lilypond Music-Notation Software in the Digital-Humanities Toolbox, 2024: v18 n2
Building A Volunteer Community: Results and Findings from Transcribe Bentham , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Writing to be Found and Writing Readers, 2011: v5 n3
[es]La conquista de Jerusalén ¿de Cervantes?
Análisis estilométrico sobre autoría en el teatro del Siglo de Oro
[en]The Conquest of Jerusalem: by Cervantes?
Stylometric analysis on authorship in the Golden Age Spanish theater, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Developing Research through Podcasts: Circulating Spaces, A Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Minimal Computing from the Labor Perspective , 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue: Digital Technology in the Study of the Past, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Raising Visibility in the Digital Humanities Landscape: Academic Engagement and the Question of the Library’s Role, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
In One's Own Hand: Seeing Manuscripts in a Digital Age, 2012: v6 n2
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
[en]Reading the Quan Tang shi: Literary History, Topic Modeling, Divergence Measures, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]
Digital Methods in Literary Criticism: A Review of Digital Humanities and Literary Studies (2022), : v n, [co-authored]
The In/Visible, In/Audible Labor of Digitizing the Public Domain, 2019: v13 n2
The Role of Critical Thinking in Humanities Infrastructure: The Pipeline Concept with a Study of HaToRI (Hansard Topic Relevance Identifier), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Creating Spaces for Interdisciplinary Research across Literature, Neuroscience, and DH: A Case Study of The Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition Lab (DHLC), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Episodic Theater and the Digital Text: Editing the Traveling Players’ Fortunatus, 2020: v14 n1
Starting From Scratch? Workshopping New Directions in Undergraduate Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Building a Toolkit for Digital Pedagogy, 2017: v11 n3
Racism in the Machine: Visualization Ethics in Digital Humanities Projects, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
The Materialities of Close Reading: 1942, 1959, 2009, 2012: v6 n1
Can Open-Source Fix Predictive Policing? Anti-Racist Critical Code Studies Approach to Contemporary AI Policing Software, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Circling around texts and language: towards pragmatic modelling in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
The New Edition of the Letters of Vincent van Gogh on the Web, 2010: v4 n2
Reading Today, 2014: v8 n4
Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
The AudiAnnotate Project: Four Case Studies in Publishing Annotations for Audio and Video, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Audiated Annotation from the Middle Ages to the Open Web, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a Rationale of Audio-Text, 2016: v10 n3
An Information Science Question in DH Feminism, 2015: v9 n2
Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Covers and Corpus wanted! Some Digital Humanities Fragments , 2016: v10 n3
Continuous Integration and Unit Testing of Digital Editions, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Reference Rot in the Digital Humanities Literature: An Analysis of Citations Containing Website Links in DHQ, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
[fr]Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en
humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de
[en]Potentialities and difficulties of a digital
humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of
research, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Methods and Classical Studies, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Building the Women in Book History Bibliography, or Digital Enumerative Bibliography as Preservation of Feminist Labor., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
The Project Endings Interviews: A Summary of Methodological Foundations, 2023: v17 n1
Nonsense Code: A Nonmaterial Performance, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Networks, Maps, and Time: Visualizing Historical Networks Using Palladio, 2021: v15 n1
Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Exploring Film Language with a Digital Analysis Tool: the Case of Kinolab, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Review: Katherine Bode's A World of Fiction, 2021: v15 n3
Visualizing a Series: Aggregate Compositional Analysis of Botticelli's Commedia, 2023: v17 n3
Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
[pt]Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de
abordagens e perceções
[en]Digital Curation and its Costs: A Study of Practices and Insights, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Raising Visibility in the Digital Humanities Landscape: Academic Engagement and the Question of the Library’s Role, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Reaping the Harvest: Descendant Archival Practice to Foster Sustainable Digital Archives for Rural Black Women, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS), 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Acknowledgements and Dedications, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Computational Linguistics and Classical Lexicography, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Conclusion: Cyberinfrastructure, the Scaife Digital Library and Classics in a Digital age, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
The Ludii Games Database: A Resource for Computational and Cultural Research on Traditional Board Games, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
[en]Developing a Process-Oriented, Inclusive Pedagogy: At the Intersection of Digital Humanities, Second Language Acquisition, and New Literacies, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
No Boutique or Fashionable Technologies: Project Development, Mentorship, and Sustainability in an Innovation-First World, 2023: v17 n1
Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]
Digital library search preferences amongst historians and genealogists: British History Online user survey, 2016: v10 n4
Does your historical collection need a database-driven website?, 2015: v9 n1
FairCite, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]
Academics Retire and Servers Die: Adventures in the Hosting and Storage of Digital Humanities Projects, 2023: v17 n1
Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Organic and Locally Sourced: Growing a Digital Humanities Lab with an Eye Towards Sustainability, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
The Humanities HyperMedia Centre @ Acadia University: An Invitation to Think About Higher Education, 2008: v2 n1, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Remembering Stéfan Sinclair, 2020: v14 n2
DHQ Statement on Black Lives Matter and Structural Racism, 2020: v14 n1
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Unknowable Facts and Digital Databases: Reflections on the Women Film Pioneers Project and Women in Film History, 2020: v14 n4
[fr]Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en
humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de
[en]Potentialities and difficulties of a digital
humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of
research, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
[pt]Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de
abordagens e perceções
[en]Digital Curation and its Costs: A Study of Practices and Insights, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
BigDIVA and Networked Browsing: A Case for Generous Interfacing and Joyous Searching, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Debates in #BlackDH: Key Moments and Queer Directions in Black Studies Scholarship, 2024: v18 n4
Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
The Shock of the Familiar: Three Timelines about Gender and Technology in the Library, 2015: v9 n2
Visual Communication and the promotion of Health: an exploration of how they intersect in Italian education, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
[fr]Analyser les emboîtements d’échelles
spatio-temporelles d’un territoire forestier : du système d’information géographique
à la méthode SyMoGIH (Avesnois, France)
[en]Analyzing the interlocking spatio-temporal scales of
a forest: from geographic information systems to the SyMoGIH method (Avesnois,
France), 2018: v12 n1
Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Diachronic trends in Homeric translations, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
An Annotated Multilingual Dataset to Study Modality in the Gospels, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
To tree, or not to tree? On the Empirical Basis for Having Past Landscapes to Experience., 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities on Reserve: From Reading Room to Laboratory at Yale University Library, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
[pt]Ler a prosa do mundo hoje
[en]Reading Prose in this Day and Age, 2020: v14 n2
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
[fr]Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en
humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de
[en]Potentialities and difficulties of a digital
humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of
research, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
A Life Lived in Media, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
Semantic Enrichment of a Multilingual Archive with Linked Open Data, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
The Dangers of Disappearance, the Opportunities of Recovery, 2023: v17 n1
Minimal Computing with Progressive Web Apps, 2022: v16 n2
Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Creative Data Literacy: A Constructionist Approach to Teaching Information Visualization , 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Interpretable Outputs: Criteria for Machine Learning in the Humanities, 2021: v15 n2
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Minimizing Computing Maximizes Labor, 2022: v16 n2
TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Do You Want to Save Your Progress?: The Role of Professional and Player Communities in Preserving Virtual Worlds, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Can Open-Source Fix Predictive Policing? Anti-Racist Critical Code Studies Approach to Contemporary AI Policing Software, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
Introduction: Situating Critical Code Studies in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Escaping the Shallows: Deep Reading’s Revival in the Digital Age, 2014: v8 n2
The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Past Visions and Reconciling Views: Visualizing Time, Texture and Themes in Cultural Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Heterochronologies: a platform for correlation and research in temporal graphics, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
The Why and How of Middleware, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Performative Materiality and Theoretical Approaches to Interface, 2013: v7 n1
Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display, 2011: v5 n1
Philosophy and Digital Humanities: A review of Willard McCarty, Humanities Computing (London and NY: Palgrave, 2005), 2007: v1 n1
[fr]Entre musique et lettres : vers une méthodologie
numérique pour l’analyse de la mise en musique des poésies de Charles
[en]Between words and music: towards a digital
methodology for analysing song settings of the poems of Charles Baudelaire, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Criticism: Editorial Standards for the Homer Multitext , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Textual Reuse in the Eighteenth Century: Mining Eliza Haywood’s Quotations, 2016: v10 n1
The Humanities HyperMedia Centre @ Acadia University: An Invitation to Think About Higher Education, 2008: v2 n1, [co-authored]
Explaining Events to Computers: Critical Quantification, Multiplicity and Narratives in Cultural Heritage, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Cluster on Arts and Humanities e-Science, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
Tracking the telepathic sublime as a phenomenon in a digital humanities archive, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Library Professionals: Instrumental in Black Digital Humanities, 2024: v18 n4
Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Mapping Concord: Google Maps and the 19th-Century Concord Digital Archive, 2009: v3 n3
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Picture Problems: X-Editing Images 1992-2010, 2009: v3 n3
Digital Criticism: Editorial Standards for the Homer Multitext , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
The Almanac Archive: Theorizing Marginalia and Duplicate Copies in the Digital Realm, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
How Scholars Read Now: When the Signal Is the Noise, 2018: v12 n2
An Enlightenment Utopia: The Network of Sociability in Corinne, 2017: v11 n2
Books Aren't Dead: Resurrecting Audio Technology and Feminist Digital Humanities Approaches to Publication and Authorship, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Book Review: Digital Sound Studies (2018) , 2021: v15 n1
An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Geography and Classics, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
A Text Network Analysis of Discursive Changes in German, Austrian and Swiss New Year’s Speeches 2000-2021, 2022: v16 n1
From close listening to distant listening: Developing tools for Speech-Music discrimination of Danish music radio , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Literature and the Modernist Problem, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
Friedrich Kittler's Digital Legacy – PART I - Challenges, Insights and Problem-Solving Approaches in the Editing of Complex Digital Data Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Reconstructing Brandon (1998-1999): A Cross-disciplinary Digital Humanities Study of Shu Lea Cheang’s Early Web Artwork, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Textual Artifacts and their Digital Representations: Teaching Graduate Students to Build Online Archives, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Collaborative Knowledge Creation and Student-Led Assignment Design: Wikipedia in the University Literature Class, 2017: v11 n3
The Humanities HyperMedia Centre @ Acadia University: An Invitation to Think About Higher Education, 2008: v2 n1, [co-authored]
One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
All Hope Abandon: Biblical Text and Interactive Fiction, 2007: v1 n2
Lessons from the Library: Extreme Minimalist Scaling at Pirate Ebook Platforms, 2022: v16 n2
Web 2.0 and the Ontology of the Digital, 2012: v6 n2
Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
[en]Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Manuscript Catalogues as Data for Research: From Provenance to Data Decolonisation, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Obama’s Sixth Annual Address: Image, Affordance, Flow, 2016: v10 n4
Reverse Engineering the Gendered Design of Amazon’s Alexa: Methods in Testing Closed-Source Code in Grey and Black Box Systems, 2023: v17 n2
Algorithmic Close Reading: Using Semantic Triplets to Index and Analyze Agency in Holocaust Testimonies, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Word Processor Art: How User-friendly Inhibits Creativity, 2016: v10 n1
Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Towards a differentiated digital-hermeneutic analysis tool for the detection of short quotations using the example of the Church Father Jerome, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Discourse cohesion in Xenophon’s On Horsemanship through Sketch Engine, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Digital Surrealism: Visualizing Walt Disney Animation Studios, 2017: v11 n1
[pt]Apresentação - Edição especial da DHQ em
[en]Introduction: A Portuguese-language Special Issue of DHQ, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
[pt]Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais
no Brasil
[en]Approaches to the Digital Humanities Scene in
Brazil, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Studying Up: A Review of Alice Marwick’s Status Update, 2015: v9 n2
[es]United Fronteras como
tercer espacio: Modelo transfronterizo a través de las humanidades digitales
poscoloniales y la computación mínima
[en]United Fronteras as
Third Space: A Transborder Model Through Postcolonial Digital Humanities and Minimal
Computing, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
[pt]Reconstruir histórias da conservação da natureza na
Califórnia: 1850 – 2010
[en]Reconstructing Histories of Nature Conservation in California: 1850-2010, 2020: v14 n2
[pt]Avanços no estudo das redes de itinerários da
Península Ibérica no século XVI. Aplicando os SIGH para estudar a história da
[en]Advances in the Study of 16th-century Road Networks in the Iberian Peninsula: Applying SIGH to the History of Architecture, 2020: v14 n2
Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering in a Digital History Lab, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
[en]SEDES: Metrical Position in Greek Hexameter, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
What Your Teacher Told You is True: Latin Verbs Have Four Principal Parts , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Revenge of the Nerd: Junot Díaz and the Networks of American Literary Imagination, 2013: v7 n1
Digital Encoding as a Hermeneutic and Semiotic Act: The Case of Valerio Magrelli, 2010: v4 n1, [co-authored]
Audiated Annotation from the Middle Ages to the Open Web, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
FairCite, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]
The Productive Unease of 21st-century Digital Scholarship, 2009: v3 n3
Welcome to Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2007: v1 n1, [co-authored]
All Relate to Art: The William Blake Archive and Its Web of Relations, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Made to Be a Woman: A case study on the categorization of gender using an individuation-based approach in the analysis of literary texts, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
A short Introduction to the Hidden Histories project and interviews , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Methods and Advanced Tools for the Analysis of Film Colors in Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue: Digital Technology in the Study of the Past, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Ghosts in the Machine: a motion-capture experiment in distributed reception, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Experiential Analogies: A Sonic Digital Ekphrasis as a Digital Humanities Project, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Translation Alignment for Historical Language Learning: a Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Critical Design as Theory, Experiment, and Data: A Sociologically-Informed Approach to Visualizing Networks of Loss, 2022: v16 n3
The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
The Writeprints of Man: a Stylometric Study of Lafayette's Hand in Paine's 'Rights of Man', 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
History Harvesting: A Case Study in Documenting Local History, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
All Relate to Art: The William Blake Archive and Its Web of Relations, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a User-Friendly Tool for Automated Sign Annotation: Identification and Annotation of Time Slots, Number of Hands, and Handshape , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Exploring Film Language with a Digital Analysis Tool: the Case of Kinolab, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
The End of Literature: Machine Reading and Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome , 2013: v7 n1
Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The case of the golden background, a virtual restoration and a physical reconstruction of the medieval Crucifixion of the Lindau Master (c. 1425), 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
[fr]Les Sganarelle de Molière : un nom, des
syntaxes ?
[en]Molière's Sganarelles: one name, several
syntaxes?, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
The Lives of Mistresses and Maids: Editing Victorian Correspondence with Genealogy, Prosopography, and the TEI, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Structure over Style: Collaborative Authorship and the Revival of Literary Capitalism, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Playing with Identities: Queering Digital Narratology and the Exploration of Gender and Sexual Identities, 2017: v11 n3
The Model is the Message: Modelling and the Future of Humanities Scholarship, 2024: v18 n3
The Banality of Big Data: A Review of Discriminating Data, 2022: v16 n4
Cervantes Project: The Digital Quixote Iconography Collection, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Reading, Making, and Metacognition: Teaching Digital Humanities for Transfer, 2018: v12 n2
Digital Pedagogy Unplugged, 2011: v5 n3
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Winesburg, Ohio: A Modernist Kluge, 2011: v5 n2
Traveling the Silk Road on a Virtual Globe: Pedagogy, Technology and Evaluation for Spatial History, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]
Creating a regional DH community – A Case Study of the RedHD, 2015: v9 n3
Visual Communication and the promotion of Health: an exploration of how they intersect in Italian education, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
[fr]Que mille lectures s’épanouissent… Modélisation du
personnage et expérience de crowdreading
[en]Let a thousand readings flourish . . . A
crowdreading experience, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Looking Backward and Forward: Pleasure, Joy, and the Future of Black DH, 2022: v16 n3
Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium Special Issue, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
The Humanities HyperMedia Centre @ Acadia University: An Invitation to Think About Higher Education, 2008: v2 n1, [co-authored]
Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies between Articles and Advertisements in Dutch Newspapers, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
A Pedagogy for Computer-Assisted Literary Analysis: Introducing GALGO (Golden Age Literature Glossary Online) , 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Seeking Information in Spanish Historical Newspapers: The Case of Diario de Madrid (18th and 19th Centuries), 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
From Stone to Screen: Digital Revitalization of Ancient Epigraphy, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Using structured text corpora in Parliamentary Metadata Language for the analysis of legislative proceedings, 2018: v12 n2
Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Ooligan Press: Building and Sustaining a Feminist Digital Humanities Lab at a R-2, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
[es]Cartografías de la sociedad
[en]Cartographies of the Network
Society, 2018: v12 n1
Agent-Based Modeling and Historical Simulation, 2014: v8 n4
Deep Learning for Historical Cadastral Maps and Satellite Imagery Analysis: Insights from Styria's Franciscean Cadastre, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Reconstructing historical texts from fragmentary sources: Charles S. Parnell and the Irish crisis, 1880-86, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Working on and with Categories for Text Analysis: Challenges and Findings from and for Digital Humanities Practices, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Case Study: Annotating the ambiguous modality of "must" in Jane Austen’s Emma, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Building Better Digital Humanities Tools: Toward broader audiences and user-centered designs, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Topological properties of music collaboration networks: The case of Jazz and Hip Hop, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Mining Public Discourse for Emerging Dutch Nationalism, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
The Radical Historicity of Everything: Exploring Shakespearean Identity with Web 2.0, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction: The Questions of Minimal Computing, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Digital Geography and Classics, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
A Model for Representing Diachronic Terminologies: the Saussure Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Linked data from TEI (LIFT): A Teaching Tool for TEI to Linked Data Transformation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Working on and with Categories for Text Analysis: Challenges and Findings from and for Digital Humanities Practices, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Past Visions and Reconciling Views: Visualizing Time, Texture and Themes in Cultural Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Caribbean Futures in Black DH, 2022: v16 n3
Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Nodalism, 2011: v5 n3
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Service-Oriented Software in the Humanities: A Software Engineering Perspective, 2009: v3 n4
[es]Introducción de los
Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Learning Digital Humanities in a Community of Practice: the DEAR model of Postgraduate Research Training, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Designing Choreographies for the New Economy of Attention , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Computer Vision and the Creation of a Database of Printers’ Ornaments, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Universal Dependencies and Author Attribution of Short Texts with Syntax Alone, 2022: v16 n2
Digital Humanities Inside Out: Developing a Digital Humanities Curriculum for Computer Scientists in Singapore , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Radically Accessible Shakespeare: Cripping the Digital Shakespeare Canon through Universal Design and Disability Studies, 2023: v17 n1
Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
The Printing Press as Metaphor, 2016: v10 n3
Open Arabic Periodical Editions: A Framework for Bootstrapped Scholarly Editions Outside the Global North, 2022: v16 n2
The Almanac Archive: Theorizing Marginalia and Duplicate Copies in the Digital Realm, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Vivas to those who have failed: Walt Whitman Electric and the (Digital) Humanities, 2020: v14 n4
Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
The New Place of Reading: Locative Media and the Future of Narrative, 2011: v5 n3
Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Character Recognition Of Seventeenth-Century Spanish American Notary Records Using Deep Learning, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Collaboration in Digital Humanities Research – Persisting Silences, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Curating Electronic Literature as Critical and Scholarly Practice, 2014: v8 n4
Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
DH as Data: Establishing Greater Access through Sustainability, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
The Role of Critical Thinking in Humanities Infrastructure: The Pipeline Concept with a Study of HaToRI (Hansard Topic Relevance Identifier), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Underlying Sentiments in 1867: A Study of News Flows on the Execution of Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico in Digitized Newspaper Corpora, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
A Network Analysis of Figurative Topic Classification: The Case Study of Timon of Athens, 2024: v18 n3
Linking Data and Disciplines: Interdisciplinary brokering in digital humanities research , 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Worlds and Readers: Augmented Reality in Modern Polaxis, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Problems of Authorship Classification: Recognising the Author Style or a Book?, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
From Archive to Database: Using Crowdsourcing, TEI, and Collaborative Labor to Construct the Maria Edgeworth Letters Project, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
What Counts? Digital Humanities Pedagogy Seminars as Teaching, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
Applied Digital Humanities and the Creative Industries in the United Kingdom, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Methods and Advanced Tools for the Analysis of Film Colors in Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
New Media in the Academy: Labor and the Production of Knowledge in Scholarly Multimedia, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Reconstructing historical texts from fragmentary sources: Charles S. Parnell and the Irish crisis, 1880-86, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools: Report on a Survey of Tool Developers , 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
The Underside of the Digital Field, 2012: v6 n2
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Texts, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
From close listening to distant listening: Developing tools for Speech-Music discrimination of Danish music radio , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
From Archive to Database: Using Crowdsourcing, TEI, and Collaborative Labor to Construct the Maria Edgeworth Letters Project, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Adobe Photoshop and Eighteenth-Century Manuscripts: A New Approach to Digital Paleography, 2014: v8 n4
Modelling Medieval Hands: Practical OCR for Caroline Minuscule, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Computational Models for Analyzing Data Collected from Reconstructed Cuneiform Syllabaries, 2018: v12 n1
Probing Through Iranian Architectural History Within the Framework of an Ontology Development Process, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Collaboration in Digital Humanities Research – Persisting Silences, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
The Digital Environmental Humanities (DEH) in the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities in an Era of Ecological Precarity, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Grid-enabling Humanities Datasets, 2009: v3 n4
Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Multiple and Converging Literacies: A Review of Learning the Virtual Life, edited by Peter Trifonas., 2014: v8 n3
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering in a Digital History Lab, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
More than Distant Viewing: Qualitative Views on Machine Learning as an Automated Analysis Method in Networked Climate Image Communication, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Is this Article a Comic?, 2015: v9 n4
Studying Large-Scale Behavioral Differences in Auschwitz-Birkenau with Simulation of Gendered Narratives, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Semantic Enrichment of a Multilingual Archive with Linked Open Data, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis and Pedagogy, 2022: v16 n2
Ethical and Effective Visualization of Knowledge Networks, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Racism in the Machine: Visualization Ethics in Digital Humanities Projects, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
In a test bed with Kafka. Introducing a mixed-method approach to digital stylistics, 2017: v11 n4
Books Aren't Dead: Resurrecting Audio Technology and Feminist Digital Humanities Approaches to Publication and Authorship, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Metaphors in Digital Hermeneutics: Zooming through Literary, Didactic and Historical Representations of Imaginary and Existing Cities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
[pt]Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais
no Brasil
[en]Approaches to the Digital Humanities Scene in
Brazil, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
The Making and Re-making of The Philadelphia Negro, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Reconstructing Brandon (1998-1999): A Cross-disciplinary Digital Humanities Study of Shu Lea Cheang’s Early Web Artwork, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Texts, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Interpreting Measures of Meaning: Introducing Salience Differentiated Stability, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Scaffolding and Play Approaches to Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Assessment and Iteration in Topically-Driven Courses, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
The Imaginary Museum: Teaching Art History with Mobile Digital Technology, 2018: v12 n2
Beyond Representation: Embodied Expression and Social Me-dia, 2012: v6 n2
The Writeprints of Man: a Stylometric Study of Lafayette's Hand in Paine's 'Rights of Man', 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Introduction to Special Issue: Project Resiliency in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
From Tamagotchis to Pet Rocks: On Learning to Love Simplicity through the Endings Principles, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
From Disclaimer to Critique: Race and the Digital Image Archivist, 2017: v11 n3
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
The Stylometry of Film Dialogue: Pros and Pitfalls, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Xpos’re: A Tool for Rich Internet Publications, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
The End of the Irrelevant Text: Electronic Texts, Linguistics, and Literary Theory, 2007: v1 n2
Going Digital: Teaching Crevecoeur in the Twenty-First Century, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Systems of Intertextuality: Towards a formalization of text relations for manual annotation and automated reasoning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Before You Read: A Reconstructed Literary History in Reading by Numbers, 2014: v8 n3
Computational Stylistic Analysis of Popular Songs of Japanese Female Singer-songwriters, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
To Visualize Past Communities: A Solution from Contemporary Practices in the Industry for the Digital Humanities , 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Augmenting Access to Embodied Knowledge Archives: A Computational Framework, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Interpretative Quests in Theory and Pedagogy, 2007: v1 n1
Developing Research through Podcasts: Circulating Spaces, A Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Visualizing and Analyzing the Hollywood Screenplay with ScripThreads, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]
Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
How to Do Things with Deep Learning Code, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Playing With Unicorns: AI Dungeon and Citizen NLP, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Rediscussing the Political Struggle in the Light of Reform in Late 11th Century China under the View of Digital Humanities, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction to Special Issue: Project Resiliency in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
Manifesto: A Life on the Hyphen: Balancing Identities as Librarians, Scholars, and Digital Practitioners, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Are Ontologies Trees or Lattices?, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Multimodal Authoring and Authority in Educational Comics: Introducing Derrida and Foucault for Beginners, 2015: v9 n4
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Decoupling Quality Control and Publication: The Digital Latin Library and the Traveling Imprimatur., 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]
Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]
[fr]Que mille lectures s’épanouissent… Modélisation du
personnage et expérience de crowdreading
[en]Let a thousand readings flourish . . . A
crowdreading experience, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Texts, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Discourse cohesion in Xenophon’s On Horsemanship through Sketch Engine, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
History, People, and Informatics: A Conversation between Sharon Irish and Wendy Plotkin, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
[pt]Geovisualização de dados e ciência aberta e
cidadã - a experiência da Plataforma LindaGeo
[en]Data Geovisualization and Open and Citizen
Science - the LindaGeo Platform Prototype, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Working on and with Categories for Text Analysis: Challenges and Findings from and for Digital Humanities Practices, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction to the Special Issue: Using Visual AI Applied to Digital Archives, 2024: v18 n3
[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
AI and Medical Images: Addressing Ethical Challenges to Provide Responsible Access to Historical Medical Illustrations, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
A Review of Feminist in a Software Lab: Difference + Design (2018), 2024: v18 n2
Introduction to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium Special Issue, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Black Voices: Podcasting and the Black Public Sphere, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction to Special Issue: Project Resiliency in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
The MoEML Pedagogical Partnership Program, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Media Visualization of Book Cover Images: Exploring Differences among Bestsellers in Different Countries, 2017: v11 n3
Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
Somewhere Nearby is Colossal Cave: Examining Will Crowther's Original Adventure in Code and in Kentucky , 2007: v1 n2
Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Historical GIS and Guidebooks: A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Webbots and Machinic Agency, 2012: v6 n2
J. M. Coetzee's Work in Stylostatistics, 2014: v8 n3
Reconstructing historical texts from fragmentary sources: Charles S. Parnell and the Irish crisis, 1880-86, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Manuscript Catalogues as Data for Research: From Provenance to Data Decolonisation, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Reconstructing historical texts from fragmentary sources: Charles S. Parnell and the Irish crisis, 1880-86, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Environing Media: A Review of Nicole Starosielski’s The Undersea Network, 2017: v11 n4
Reverse Engineering the First Humanities Computing Center, 2018: v12 n2
Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
From the Presupposition of Doom to the Manifestation of Code: Using Emulated Citation in the Study of Games and Cultural Software, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Canonical References in Electronic Texts: Rationale and Best Practices, 2014: v8 n2
Creating Spaces for Interdisciplinary Research across Literature, Neuroscience, and DH: A Case Study of The Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition Lab (DHLC), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Texts, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Modelling Medieval Hands: Practical OCR for Caroline Minuscule, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Stitching the Fragmented: Feminist Maker Pedagogy and Immersive Technologies for Cultural Learning, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Reference Rot in the Digital Humanities Literature: An Analysis of Citations Containing Website Links in DHQ, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
Materiality Comics, 2015: v9 n4
Forward to the Past: Nostalgia for Handwriting in Scribblenauts and The World Ends with You , 2011: v5 n3
Because It's Not There: Ekphrasis and the Threat of Graphics in Interactive Fiction, 2011: v5 n1
Raising Visibility in the Digital Humanities Landscape: Academic Engagement and the Question of the Library’s Role, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Developing a Process-Oriented, Inclusive Pedagogy: At the Intersection of Digital Humanities, Second Language Acquisition, and New Literacies, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The Arrival Fallacy: Collaborative Research Relationships in the Digital Humanities, 2015: v9 n2
A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Getting on the Map: A Case Study in Digital Pedagogy and Undergraduate Crowdsourcing, 2017: v11 n3
Interlude: Gaining Access, Gaming Access: Balancing Internal and External Support For Interactive Digital Projects , 2019: v13 n2
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Defining scholarly practices, methods and tools in the Lithuanian digital humanities research community, 2018: v12 n4
Augmenting Access to Embodied Knowledge Archives: A Computational Framework, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
A Long-Belated Welcome: Accepting Digital Humanities Methods into Non-DH Classrooms, 2017: v11 n3
From Distracted to Recursive Reading: Facilitating Knowledge Transfer through Annotation Software, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Lost Spaces, Lost Technologies, and Lost People: Online History Projects Seek to Recover LGBTQ+ Spatial Histories, 2020: v14 n3
Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Classifying and Contextualizing Edits in Variants with Coleto: Three Versions of Andy Weir’s The Martian, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Category Development at the Interface of Interpretive Pragmalinguistic Annotation and Machine Learning: Annotation, detection and classification of linguistic routines of discourse referencing in political debates, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
More than Distant Viewing: Qualitative Views on Machine Learning as an Automated Analysis Method in Networked Climate Image Communication, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Excavating Infrastructure in the Analog Humanities’ Lab: An Analysis of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, 2020: v14 n3
Another Type of Human Narrative: Visualizing Movement Histories Through Motion Capture Data and Virtual Reality, 2021: v15 n1
Sentiment Analysis: Limits and Progress of the Syuzhet Package and Its Lexicons, 2022: v16 n2
One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
DH as Data: Establishing Greater Access through Sustainability, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
[en]From Semi-structured Text to Tangible Categories: Analysing and annotating death lists in 18th century newspaper issues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Non-Latin Script Periodicals: A Case Study in the Ottoman Turkish Print Archive, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The .txtual Condition: Digital Humanities, Born-Digital Archives, and the Future Literary, 2013: v7 n1
Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
Done: Finishing Projects in the Digital Humanities, 2009: v3 n2
Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Computers, Comics and Cult Status: A Forensics of Digital Graphic Novels, 2014: v8 n3
Towards Hermeneutic Visualization in Digital Literary Studies, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Texts, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Project Quintessence: Examining Textual Dimensionality with a Dynamic Corpus Explorer, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a differentiated digital-hermeneutic analysis tool for the detection of short quotations using the example of the Church Father Jerome, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Curating Digital Spaces, Making Visual Arguments: A Case Study in New Media Presentations of Ancient Objects, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
From Archive to Database: Using Crowdsourcing, TEI, and Collaborative Labor to Construct the Maria Edgeworth Letters Project, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
What Does A Photograph Sound Like? Digital Image Sonification As Synesthetic AudioVisual Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1
Friedrich Kittler's Digital Legacy – PART I - Challenges, Insights and Problem-Solving Approaches in the Editing of Complex Digital Data Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Do You Want to Save Your Progress?: The Role of Professional and Player Communities in Preserving Virtual Worlds, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Conjectural Criticism: Computing Past and Future Texts, 2009: v3 n4
Large-Scale Humanities Computing Projects: Snakes Eating Tails, or Every End is a New Beginning? , 2009: v3 n2
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Topological properties of music collaboration networks: The case of Jazz and Hip Hop, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Decolonial by Design: Building Sekuru's Stories, 2024: v18 n4
An Ontology for Gendered Content Representation of Cultural Heritage Artefacts, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Prison Writer as Witness: Can DH Read for Social Justice?, 2021: v15 n3
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Inferring standard name form, gender and nobility from historical texts using stable model semantics, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Why Digital Humanists Should Emphasize Situated Data over Capta, 2021: v15 n2
Theorizing Connectivity: Modernism and the Network Narrative, 2011: v5 n2, [co-authored]
The Globe is All One: Wars I Have Seen as Proto-Network Narrative, 2011: v5 n2
The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Systems of Intertextuality: Towards a formalization of text relations for manual annotation and automated reasoning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
OCR of historical printings with an application to building diachronic corpora: A case study using the RIDGES herbal corpus, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Building an Interface as an Argument? The Case Study of Untangling the Cordel, 2024: v18 n1
The Role of Critical Thinking in Humanities Infrastructure: The Pipeline Concept with a Study of HaToRI (Hansard Topic Relevance Identifier), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Compounded Mediation: A Data Archaeology of the Newspaper Navigator Dataset, 2021: v15 n4
Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Shakespeare’s Tragic Social Network; or Why All the World’s a Stage, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Shakespeare’s Tragic Social Network; or Why All the World’s a Stage, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
Knowledge Organization and Cultural Heritage in the Semantic Web – A Review of a Conference and a Special Journal Issue of JLIS, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Stretched Skulls: Anamorphic Games and the memento mortem mortis , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities on Reserve: From Reading Room to Laboratory at Yale University Library, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Underlying Sentiments in 1867: A Study of News Flows on the Execution of Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico in Digitized Newspaper Corpora, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
A Review of Memes in Digital Culture, 2016: v10 n2
Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
A Visual Sense is Born in the Fingertips: Towards a Digital Ekphrasis, 2013: v7 n1
Sequential Rhetoric: Using Freire and Quintilian to Teach Students to Read and Create Comics , 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]
Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities Pedagogy as Essential Liberal Education: A Framework for Curriculum Development, 2017: v11 n3
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
The Fulll Monty, 2022: v16 n3
What can the digital humanities learn from feminist game studies?, 2015: v9 n2
[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Curating Digital Spaces, Making Visual Arguments: A Case Study in New Media Presentations of Ancient Objects, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]
An Integral Web-map for the Analysis of Spatial Change over Time in a Complex Built Environment: Digital Samos, 2023: v17 n2
Reading Chicago Reading: Quantitative Analysis of a Repeating Literary Program, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Music Theory, the Missing Link Between Music-Related Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
DH for History Students: A Case Study at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (National Autonomous University of Mexico) , 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
May the Text Rise up to Meet You: New Ways of Reading Old Manuscripts, 2009: v3 n3
Social Networks and Archival Context Project: A Case Study of Emerging Cyberinfrastructure, 2014: v8 n3
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Slow Listening: Digital Tools for Voice Studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Deep Learning for Historical Cadastral Maps and Satellite Imagery Analysis: Insights from Styria's Franciscean Cadastre, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Tachypaedia Byzantina: The Suda On Line as Collaborative Encyclopedia, 2009: v3 n1
The Digital Classicist: building a Digital Humanities Community, 2017: v11 n3
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities as Epistemic Cultures: How DH Labs Make Knowledge, Objects, and Subjects, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Treebanking in the world of Thucydides. Linguistic annotation for the Hellespont Project, 2016: v10 n2
The Poetess Archive Database, 2009: v3 n3
A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
How Technology Means: Texts, History, and Their Associated Technologies, 2018: v12 n3
Can Open-Source Fix Predictive Policing? Anti-Racist Critical Code Studies Approach to Contemporary AI Policing Software, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Nutha Planets: On Telos and Digital Blackness, 2022: v16 n3
Methodological Nearness and the Question of Computational Literature, 2018: v12 n2
[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Visualization of Categorization: How to see the wood and the trees, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Can Open-Source Fix Predictive Policing? Anti-Racist Critical Code Studies Approach to Contemporary AI Policing Software, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
Introduction: Situating Critical Code Studies in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Code as Ritualized Poetry: The Tactics of the Transborder Immigrant Tool, 2013: v7 n1
Review: The Electronic Literature Collection Volume I: A New Media Primer , 2008: v2 n1
The History of Digital History: A Review of Crymble (2021), 2023: v17 n1
Circling around texts and language: towards pragmatic modelling in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Hearing Change in the Chocolate City: Computational Methods for Listening to Gentrification, 2021: v15 n1
Teaching and Learning from the U.S. South in Global Contexts: A Case Study of Southern Spaces and Southcomb, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Technology, Collaboration, and Undergraduate Research, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Encoding as a Hermeneutic and Semiotic Act: The Case of Valerio Magrelli, 2010: v4 n1, [co-authored]
Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
The Form of the Content: The Digital Archive Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
AR and Public Participation in Maputo City: An Exploratory Study, 2023: v17 n4
Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Versioning Loss: Jonathan Safran Foer’s Tree of Codes and the Materiality of Digital Publishing, 2014: v8 n4
Deep Learning for Historical Cadastral Maps and Satellite Imagery Analysis: Insights from Styria's Franciscean Cadastre, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Going Digital: Teaching Crevecoeur in the Twenty-First Century, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
An Approach to Designing Project-Based Digital Humanities Internships, 2021: v15 n3
Introduction: Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
XML, Interoperability and the Social Construction of Markup Languages: The Library Example, 2009: v3 n3
[en]Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Reappearing Acts: A Review of Lori Emerson’s Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound, 2017: v11 n3
From Stone to Screen: Digital Revitalization of Ancient Epigraphy, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The MoEML Pedagogical Partnership Program, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Mining for the Meanings of a Murder: The Impact of OCR Quality on the Use of Digitized Historical Newspapers, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
Visual Communication and the promotion of Health: an exploration of how they intersect in Italian education, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
The MoEML Pedagogical Partnership Program, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Changes in Lyrical and Hit Diversity of Popular U.S. Songs 1956-2016, 2019: v13 n4
Creating Spaces for Interdisciplinary Research across Literature, Neuroscience, and DH: A Case Study of The Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition Lab (DHLC), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Playing with Playthroughs: Distance Visualization and Narrative Form in Video Games, 2020: v14 n3
Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Infrastructure and Social Interaction: Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities in India, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Seeking Information in Spanish Historical Newspapers: The Case of Diario de Madrid (18th and 19th Centuries), 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
e-Science for Medievalists: Options, Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
A Pedagogy for Computer-Assisted Literary Analysis: Introducing GALGO (Golden Age Literature Glossary Online) , 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Racial Proxies in Daily News: A Case Study of the Use of Directional Euphemisms, 2016: v10 n4
Black Digital Humanities for the Rising Generation, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
These Violent Delights: A Review of Timothy J. Welsh’s Mixed Realism: Videogames and the Violence of Fiction, 2019: v13 n3
[fr]Le texte numérique : enjeux herméneutiques
[en]Digital text: hermeneutic issues , 2018: v12 n1
Deconstructing Bricolage: Interactive Online Analysis of Compiled Texts with Factotum, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
[fr]Que mille lectures s’épanouissent… Modélisation du
personnage et expérience de crowdreading
[en]Let a thousand readings flourish . . . A
crowdreading experience, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
SpotiBot — Turing Testing Spotify, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Language, Materiality, and Digital Neapolitanitá, 2023: v17 n2
A multi-dimensional ontology-based analysis of the Censorship of Hebrew Manuscripts, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Slow Listening: Digital Tools for Voice Studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Introducing DREaM (Distant Reading Early Modernity), 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Deformin' in the Rain: How (and Why) to Break a Classic Film , 2021: v15 n1
Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Category Development at the Interface of Interpretive Pragmalinguistic Annotation and Machine Learning: Annotation, detection and classification of linguistic routines of discourse referencing in political debates, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Visualization of Categorization: How to see the wood and the trees, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Interpreting Measures of Meaning: Introducing Salience Differentiated Stability, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
[fr]Élaboration d’un modèle appuyé sur le modèle RDF
dans le cadre de la réalisation d’une Bibliothèque virtuelle
Chris Marker à la Cinémathèque française
[en]Developing an RDF data model for describing the
Chris Marker digital archives at the Cinémathèque française, 2018: v12 n1
Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
cut to fit the toolspun course, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
Stitching the Fragmented: Feminist Maker Pedagogy and Immersive Technologies for Cultural Learning, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
The Brain Is Deeper Than the Sea: Sea and Spar Between, Computational Stuplimity, and Fragmentation, 2022: v16 n1
Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
Attention Ecology: Trend Circulation and the Virality Threshold, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
A Keyword Analysis of Climate Change in Contemporary Literary Studies, 2000-2022, 2023: v17 n1
[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Voluptuous Disintegration: A Future History of Black Computational Thought , 2022: v16 n3
Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Traveling the Silk Road on a Virtual Globe: Pedagogy, Technology and Evaluation for Spatial History, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]
The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Stealing a Corpus: Appropriating Aesop’s Body in the Early Age of Print , 2018: v12 n2
Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Shakespeare His Contemporaries: collaborative curation and exploration of Early Modern drama in a digital environment, 2014: v8 n3
Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Jane, John … Leslie? A Historical Method for Algorithmic Gender Prediction, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Undergraduate Students and Digital Humanities Belonging: Metaphors and Methods for Including Undergraduate Research in DH Communities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
A Design Methodology for Web-based Sound Archives, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Varieties of Digital Literary Studies: Micro, Macro, Meso, 2022: v16 n2
Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Beyond the Word: Immersion, Art, and Theory in Environmental and Digital Humanities Prototyping, 2021: v15 n2
Machine-aided close listening: Prosthetic synaesthesia and the 3D phonotext, 2018: v12 n3
Digital Black Voices: Podcasting and the Black Public Sphere, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Project Quintessence: Examining Textual Dimensionality with a Dynamic Corpus Explorer, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Foreword, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Reconstructing a website’s lost past Methodological issues concerning the history of, 2017: v11 n2
A Review of Twitter and Tear Gas, 2021: v15 n1
Studying Large-Scale Behavioral Differences in Auschwitz-Birkenau with Simulation of Gendered Narratives, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Exploring Film Language with a Digital Analysis Tool: the Case of Kinolab, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
As You Can See: Applying Visual Collaborative Filtering to Works of Art, 2008: v2 n1
DH2018: A Space to Build Bridges, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Old Ways for Linking Texts in the Digital Reading Environment: The Case of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
What Counts? Digital Humanities Pedagogy Seminars as Teaching, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies between Articles and Advertisements in Dutch Newspapers, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
For the master’s [DH] tools will never dismantle the master’s house: An Alternative Primer for a Critical Black DH Praxis, 2022: v16 n3
Deconstructing Bricolage: Interactive Online Analysis of Compiled Texts with Factotum, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Ooligan Press: Building and Sustaining a Feminist Digital Humanities Lab at a R-2, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Systems of Intertextuality: Towards a formalization of text relations for manual annotation and automated reasoning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
New Questions, Next Work, 2022: v16 n3
Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
It is time to address the Public Communication of DH, 2016: v10 n3
A short Introduction to the Hidden Histories project and interviews , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a User-Friendly Tool for Automated Sign Annotation: Identification and Annotation of Time Slots, Number of Hands, and Handshape , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Foreword, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Rule-based Adornment of Modern Historical Japanese Corpora using Accurate Universal Dependencies, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Lab and Slack. Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities - Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue., 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Words, Patterns and Documents: Experiments in Machine Learning and Text Analysis, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
The Invisible Work of the Digital Humanities Lab: Preparing Graduate Students for Emergent Intellectual and Professional Work, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
The App-Maker Model: An Embodied Expansion of Mobile Cyberinfrastructure, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
From the Presupposition of Doom to the Manifestation of Code: Using Emulated Citation in the Study of Games and Cultural Software, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Structure over Style: Collaborative Authorship and the Revival of Literary Capitalism, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Introduction to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium Special Issue, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Follow the Money?: Funding and Digital Sustainability, 2023: v17 n1
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Building Better Digital Humanities Tools: Toward broader audiences and user-centered designs, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Building the Women in Book History Bibliography, or Digital Enumerative Bibliography as Preservation of Feminist Labor., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
DH2018: A Space to Build Bridges, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Translation Alignment for Historical Language Learning: a Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Towards 3D Scholarly Editions: The Battle of Mount Street Bridge, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Best Practices: Teaching Typographic Principles to Digital Humanities Audiences, 2018: v12 n4
Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Graphic Images of YHWH: Exploring and Exploding the Bounds of Sexual Objectification in Ezekiel 16, 2015: v9 n4
The Lives of Mistresses and Maids: Editing Victorian Correspondence with Genealogy, Prosopography, and the TEI, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Fitting Personal Interpretation with the Semantic Web: lessons learned from Pliny, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Modernism and Gender at the Limits of Stylometry, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Encoding for Endangered Tibetan Texts, 2007: v1 n1
The Humanities HyperMedia Centre @ Acadia University: An Invitation to Think About Higher Education, 2008: v2 n1, [co-authored]
Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Lab and Slack. Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities - Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue., 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
The Laboratory Turn: Exploring Discourses, Landscapes, and Models of Humanities Labs , 2020: v14 n3
DH for History Students: A Case Study at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (National Autonomous University of Mexico) , 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Creating Spaces for Interdisciplinary Research across Literature, Neuroscience, and DH: A Case Study of The Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition Lab (DHLC), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Tracking the telepathic sublime as a phenomenon in a digital humanities archive, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Creating Spaces for Interdisciplinary Research across Literature, Neuroscience, and DH: A Case Study of The Digital Humanities and Literary Cognition Lab (DHLC), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Reconstructing Brandon (1998-1999): A Cross-disciplinary Digital Humanities Study of Shu Lea Cheang’s Early Web Artwork, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Locating Grid Technologies: Performativity, Place, Space: Challenging the Institutionalized Spaces of e-Science, 2009: v3 n4
[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
A Model for Representing Diachronic Terminologies: the Saussure Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Visual Communication and the promotion of Health: an exploration of how they intersect in Italian education, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Hierarchical or Non-hierarchical? A Philosophical Approach to a Debate in Text Encoding, 2021: v15 n1
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Sustainability and Swedish Women's History: Digitizing Photographs from the KvinnSam Archives, 2024: v18 n3
War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
Past Visions and Reconciling Views: Visualizing Time, Texture and Themes in Cultural Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
The Ludii Games Database: A Resource for Computational and Cultural Research on Traditional Board Games, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
Impractical Applications, 2011: v5 n1
Something Called Digital Humanities , 2008: v2 n1
Welcome to Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2007: v1 n1, [co-authored]
Deep Learning for Historical Cadastral Maps and Satellite Imagery Analysis: Insights from Styria's Franciscean Cadastre, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Where’s the ML in DH? And Where’s the DH in ML? The Relationship between Modern Languages and Digital Humanities, and an Argument for a Critical DHML , 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Project Quintessence: Examining Textual Dimensionality with a Dynamic Corpus Explorer, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
The Humans and Algorithms of Music Recommendation: A Review of Computing Taste (2022), : v n
Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
History, People, and Informatics: A Conversation between Sharon Irish and Wendy Plotkin, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
To tree, or not to tree? On the Empirical Basis for Having Past Landscapes to Experience., 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Annotating German in Austria: A Case-study of manual annotation in and for digital variationist linguistics, 2023: v17 n3
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Heterochronologies: a platform for correlation and research in temporal graphics, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Visualizing and Analyzing the Hollywood Screenplay with ScripThreads, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]
Now is the Future Now? The Urgency of Digital Curation in the Digital Humanities, 2013: v7 n2
LdoD Visual - A Visual Reader for Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet: An In-Out-In Metaphor , 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Multimodal Editing and Archival Performance: A Diagrammatic Essay on Transcoding Experimental Literature, 2014: v8 n1
The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine , 2010: v4 n1
Ross Scaife (1960-2008), 2009: v3 n1
Gestured Labor: A Review of Proxies (2021), 2024: v18 n3
Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
To Visualize Past Communities: A Solution from Contemporary Practices in the Industry for the Digital Humanities , 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Community-Driven Linked Data Approaches in Builders and Defenders: Nashville's Historical Black Civil War Database, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
A multi-dimensional ontology-based analysis of the Censorship of Hebrew Manuscripts, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Bias in Big Data, Machine Learning and AI: What Lessons for the Digital Humanities?, 2023: v17 n2
Algorithmic Close Reading: Using Semantic Triplets to Index and Analyze Agency in Holocaust Testimonies, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
The Literary And/As the Digital Humanities, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
Revista Digital Universitaria: A Workshop of Digital Editing at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2007: v1 n2
Underlying Sentiments in 1867: A Study of News Flows on the Execution of Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico in Digitized Newspaper Corpora, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
[es]Introducción de los
Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Curating Digital Spaces, Making Visual Arguments: A Case Study in New Media Presentations of Ancient Objects, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]
Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What's in a Name?, 2009: v3 n3
Black Digital Humanities for the Rising Generation, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Stitching the Fragmented: Feminist Maker Pedagogy and Immersive Technologies for Cultural Learning, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
Calamari − A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Conceptual Modeling of European Silk Heritage with the SILKNOW Data Model and Extension, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
[pt]Geovisualização de dados e ciência aberta e
cidadã - a experiência da Plataforma LindaGeo
[en]Data Geovisualization and Open and Citizen
Science - the LindaGeo Platform Prototype, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
[en]Fingerprints of British Book History: A Feminist Labor History of EEBO, 2024: v18 n1
Over Uncle Tom's Dead Body: Publication Context and Textual Variation in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin , 2009: v3 n3
Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
The App-Maker Model: An Embodied Expansion of Mobile Cyberinfrastructure, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Introducing Issues in Humanities Computing, 2007: v1 n1
Tenure, Promotion and Digital Publication, 2007: v1 n1
Designing Data Mining Droplets: New Interface Objects for the Humanities Scholar, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities as Epistemic Cultures: How DH Labs Make Knowledge, Objects, and Subjects, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
A Review of Oral Tradition and the Internet: Pathways of the Mind by John Miles Foley, 2023: v17 n4
How to Do Things with Deep Learning Code, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Playing With Unicorns: AI Dungeon and Citizen NLP, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Deep Learning for Historical Cadastral Maps and Satellite Imagery Analysis: Insights from Styria's Franciscean Cadastre, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
The Politics of Tools, 2023: v17 n2
The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Character Recognition Of Seventeenth-Century Spanish American Notary Records Using Deep Learning, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
LdoD Visual - A Visual Reader for Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet: An In-Out-In Metaphor , 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
[en]From Semi-structured Text to Tangible Categories: Analysing and annotating death lists in 18th century newspaper issues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Finding and Interpreting Arguments: An Important Challenge for Humanities Computing and Scholarly Practice, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]
Investing in Project Maintenance: Auditing the Digital Transgender Archive, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
[pt]Apresentação - Edição especial da DHQ em
[en]Introduction: A Portuguese-language Special Issue of DHQ, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
[es]Geografías digitales: Iluminando las relaciones
espaciales en una colección de blogs
[en]Digital Geographies: Illuminating Spatial
Relationships in a Collection of Literary Blogs, 2018: v12 n1
Probing Through Iranian Architectural History Within the Framework of an Ontology Development Process, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
[es]Retorno a trazos de mil
[en]A Return to the Traces of a Thousand
Stories, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies. A Critical Survey, 2023: v17 n2
Diachronic trends in Homeric translations, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
[fr]Criminocorpus. Un projet numérique pour l'histoire
de la justice
[en]Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of
Justice, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
[en]From Semi-structured Text to Tangible Categories: Analysing and annotating death lists in 18th century newspaper issues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
A review of Noah Wardrip-Fruin’s Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies, 2010: v4 n2
Communitizing Electronic Literature, 2009: v3 n2
Calamari − A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a differentiated digital-hermeneutic analysis tool for the detection of short quotations using the example of the Church Father Jerome, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
[pt]Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de
abordagens e perceções
[en]Digital Curation and its Costs: A Study of Practices and Insights, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Data Stories for/from All: Why Data Feminism is for Everyone, 2022: v16 n2
[pt]Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais
no Brasil
[en]Approaches to the Digital Humanities Scene in
Brazil, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
[es]Laboratorios ciudadanos y humanidades
[en]Citizen Laboratories and Digital
Humanities, 2018: v12 n1
A Synoptic Primer: Review of Wissensrohstoff Text: Eine Einführung in das Text Mining (2022), 2023: v17 n4
Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
[fr]Pour une analyse automatique du jugement critique :
les citations modalisées dans le discours littéraire du XIXe siècle
[en]Toward an automatic analysis of critical judgment:
modified quotes in the literary discourse of the nineteenth century, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Our Time Is Now (It’s Always Been Our Time), 2022: v16 n3
Introduction: The Questions of Minimal Computing, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Beyond the Margins: Intersectionality and the Digital Humanities, 2015: v9 n2
LdoD Visual - A Visual Reader for Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet: An In-Out-In Metaphor , 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Building Pedagogy into Project Development: Making Data Construction Visible in Digital Projects, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Exploring Historical RDF with Heml, 2009: v3 n1
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Some principles for making collaborative scholarly editions in digital form, 2017: v11 n2
The Ends of Editing, 2009: v3 n3
[es]United Fronteras como
tercer espacio: Modelo transfronterizo a través de las humanidades digitales
poscoloniales y la computación mínima
[en]United Fronteras as
Third Space: A Transborder Model Through Postcolonial Digital Humanities and Minimal
Computing, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Tremendous Mechanical Labor: Father Busa’s Algorithm, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Humanities Unbound: Supporting Careers and Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track, 2015: v9 n1
Organic and Locally Sourced: Growing a Digital Humanities Lab with an Eye Towards Sustainability, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Investing in Project Maintenance: Auditing the Digital Transgender Archive, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
An Agent-based Model for the Humanities, 2013: v7 n1
Detecting and Characterising Transmission from Legacy Collection Catalogues, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Exploring Citation Networks to Study Intertextuality in Classics, 2016: v10 n2
Bibliographic Translation Data: Invisibility, Research Challenges, Institutional and Editorial Practices, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a Conceptual Framework for the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
In Praise of Overstating the Case: A review of Franco Moretti, Distant Reading (London: Verso, 2013), 2014: v8 n1
Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
The Digital Future of Humanities through the Lens of DIY Culture, 2016: v10 n4
Simulated Visuals: Some Rhetorical and Ethical Implications, 2009: v3 n3
Nonsense Code: A Nonmaterial Performance, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
The Ebook Imagination, 2022: v16 n1
Visualizing and Analyzing the Hollywood Screenplay with ScripThreads, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]
A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
How do we get to the Humanitarium from here?, 2016: v10 n3
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Designing Data Mining Droplets: New Interface Objects for the Humanities Scholar, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
The Digital Environmental Humanities (DEH) in the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities in an Era of Ecological Precarity, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
The Stylometry of Film Dialogue: Pros and Pitfalls, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Toward an Open Digital Tutorial for Ancient Greek v. 2.0, 2016: v10 n2
Digitizing Latin Incunabula: Challenges, Methods, and Possibilities, 2009: v3 n1
Advances in Digital Music Iconography: Benchmarking the detection of musical instruments in unrestricted, non-photorealistic images from the artistic domain, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Underlying Sentiments in 1867: A Study of News Flows on the Execution of Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico in Digitized Newspaper Corpora, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
[es]El Catálogo Colectivo de Marcas de Fuego. Avatares para conformar su canon de autoridades, 2020: v14 n4
Introduction: Comics and the Digital Humanities, 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]
A Historical Geographic Information System (HGIS) of Nubia Based on the William J. Bankes Archive (1815-1822), 2017: v11 n2
Detecting and Characterising Transmission from Legacy Collection Catalogues, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Criminal Code: Procedural Logic and Rhetorical Excess in Videogames, 2013: v7 n1
[fr]Criminocorpus. Un projet numérique pour l'histoire
de la justice
[en]Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of
Justice, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Modeling Afro-Latin American Artistic Representations in Topic Maps: Cuba’s Prominence in Latin American Discourse, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
Avatari: Disruption and Imago in Video Games, 2009: v3 n3
[en]SEDES: Metrical Position in Greek Hexameter, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Heterochronologies: a platform for correlation and research in temporal graphics, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
[en]libEscansión: A Recursive Precedence Approach to Metrical Scansion, 2024: v18 n3
Readies Online, 2011: v5 n3
Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
A Review of Intergenerational Connections in Digital Families, 2021: v15 n1
Machine Learning Techniques For Analyzing Inscriptions From Israel, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Linking Data and Disciplines: Interdisciplinary brokering in digital humanities research , 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Teaching Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: A Proposal, 2017: v11 n3
Building a Student-Centered (Digital) Learning Community With Undergraduates, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Minimal Computing from the Labor Perspective , 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Sight and Sound: Counter-mapping the U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis, 2022: v16 n3
Classifying and Contextualizing Edits in Variants with Coleto: Three Versions of Andy Weir’s The Martian, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Topic Modeling Genre: An Exploration of French Classical and Enlightenment Drama, 2017: v11 n2
TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Teaching Spatial Literacy in the Classical Studies Curriculum, 2016: v10 n2
Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Beyond Gutenberg: Transcending the Document Paradigm in Digital Humanities, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]
Beyond Gutenberg: Transcending the Document Paradigm in Digital Humanities, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]
Investing in Project Maintenance: Auditing the Digital Transgender Archive, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
[en]A Model of Versions and Layers, 2019: v13 n3
Digital Encoding as a Hermeneutic and Semiotic Act: The Case of Valerio Magrelli, 2010: v4 n1, [co-authored]
More than Distant Viewing: Qualitative Views on Machine Learning as an Automated Analysis Method in Networked Climate Image Communication, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
BigDIVA and Networked Browsing: A Case for Generous Interfacing and Joyous Searching, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Playing with Chance: On Random Generation in Playable Media and Electronic Literature, 2013: v7 n3
Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Towards 3D Scholarly Editions: The Battle of Mount Street Bridge, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools: Report on a Survey of Tool Developers , 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]
Raiders of the Lost Corpus, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a differentiated digital-hermeneutic analysis tool for the detection of short quotations using the example of the Church Father Jerome, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Made to Be a Woman: A case study on the categorization of gender using an individuation-based approach in the analysis of literary texts, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Explaining Events to Computers: Critical Quantification, Multiplicity and Narratives in Cultural Heritage, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Recording invisible proofs to compose stone narratives. Applications of Near Infrared Spectroscopy in provenance studies., 2018: v12 n3
Acknowledgements and Dedications, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
[fr]Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en
humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de
[en]Potentialities and difficulties of a digital
humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of
research, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
It’s For Sale, So It Must Be Finished: Digital Projects in the Scholarly Publishing World, 2009: v3 n2
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Reading Chicago Reading: Quantitative Analysis of a Repeating Literary Program, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Rediscussing the Political Struggle in the Light of Reform in Late 11th Century China under the View of Digital Humanities, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Developing Computational Models for Formalizing Concepts in the British Colonial India Corpus, 2023: v17 n3
Complex Modeling and You: A Review of Would-Be Worlds by John L. Casti (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997), 2016: v10 n4
A review of Brett D. Hirsch (Ed.)’s Digital Humanities: Pedagogy: Practices, Principles, and Politics , 2014: v8 n2
Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Placing Graphic Design at the Intersection of Information Visualization Fields, 2018: v12 n4
[en]Reading the Quan Tang shi: Literary History, Topic Modeling, Divergence Measures, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]
Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
How Literary Works Exist: Convenient Scholarly Editions, 2009: v3 n3
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Starting From Scratch? Workshopping New Directions in Undergraduate Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Knowledge Organization and Cultural Heritage in the Semantic Web – A Review of a Conference and a Special Journal Issue of JLIS, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Hidden in Plain-TeX: Investigating Minimal Computing Workflows, 2022: v16 n2
Data Assemblages: A Call to Conceptualize Materiality in the Academic Ecosystem, 2015: v9 n2
A Culture of non-citation: Assessing the digital impact of British History Online and the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Starting and Sustaining Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarships Centers: Lessons from the Trenches, 2023: v17 n3
An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Developing Academic Capacity in Digital Humanities: Thoughts from the Canadian Community, 2013: v7 n1
An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]
Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
Learning Digital Humanities in a Community of Practice: the DEAR model of Postgraduate Research Training, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
The Invisible Work of the Digital Humanities Lab: Preparing Graduate Students for Emergent Intellectual and Professional Work, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Tremendous Mechanical Labor: Father Busa’s Algorithm, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Introducing DREaM (Distant Reading Early Modernity), 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Designing Data Mining Droplets: New Interface Objects for the Humanities Scholar, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
From Distracted to Recursive Reading: Facilitating Knowledge Transfer through Annotation Software, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Ghosts in the Machine: a motion-capture experiment in distributed reception, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Modeling Amerindian Sea Travel in the Early Colonial Caribbean, 2020: v14 n4
Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Applied Digital Humanities and the Creative Industries in the United Kingdom, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities, Postfoundationalism, Postindustrial Culture, 2014: v8 n1
A View from IT, 2011: v5 n3
A Writing Studies Review of Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson, editors, Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1
Citation in Classical Studies, 2009: v3 n1
Introduction, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Undergraduate Students and Digital Humanities Belonging: Metaphors and Methods for Including Undergraduate Research in DH Communities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Cervantes Project: The Digital Quixote Iconography Collection, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Seeking Information in Spanish Historical Newspapers: The Case of Diario de Madrid (18th and 19th Centuries), 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
SpotiBot — Turing Testing Spotify, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Review of Sean Cubitt’s Finite Media: Environmental Implications of Digital Technologies, 2020: v14 n4
Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]
Dendrography and Art History: a computer-assisted analysis of Cézanne’s Bathers., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Studying Large-Scale Behavioral Differences in Auschwitz-Birkenau with Simulation of Gendered Narratives, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Behind the Scenes of a Dissertation in Comics Form, 2015: v9 n4
Reassessing the locus of normalization in machine-assisted collation, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
A Life Lived in Media, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
Are Ontologies Trees or Lattices?, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
The e Prefix: e-Science, e-Art & the New Creativity, 2009: v3 n4
OCR of historical printings with an application to building diachronic corpora: A case study using the RIDGES herbal corpus, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Deconstructing Bricolage: Interactive Online Analysis of Compiled Texts with Factotum, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
Open Access and the Theological Imagination, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]
Project Quintessence: Examining Textual Dimensionality with a Dynamic Corpus Explorer, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
All and Each: A Socio-Technical Review of the Europeana Project, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Towards Hermeneutic Visualization in Digital Literary Studies, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Orientation: Man and His Tool, Again?, 2015: v9 n2
Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
The Ludii Games Database: A Resource for Computational and Cultural Research on Traditional Board Games, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
From the Personal to the Proprietary: Conceptual Writing's Critique of Metadata, 2012: v6 n2
Researcher as Bricoleur: Contextualizing humanists’ digital workflows, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
BigDIVA and Networked Browsing: A Case for Generous Interfacing and Joyous Searching, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Mining for the Meanings of a Murder: The Impact of OCR Quality on the Use of Digitized Historical Newspapers, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
cut to fit the toolspun course, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
#BlackScholarJoy: The Labor, Resistance and Joy Practices of Black Women Graduate Students , 2022: v16 n3
What Your Teacher Told You is True: Latin Verbs Have Four Principal Parts , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Caricature, 2014: v8 n3, [co-authored]
[es]Retorno a trazos de mil
[en]A Return to the Traces of a Thousand
Stories, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Persuasive Physical Computing: A Review of David M. Rieder’s Suasive Iterations: Rhetoric, Writing, & Physical Computing, 2019: v13 n4
Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Modeling Afro-Latin American Artistic Representations in Topic Maps: Cuba’s Prominence in Latin American Discourse, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
Community-Driven Linked Data Approaches in Builders and Defenders: Nashville's Historical Black Civil War Database, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]
Reaping the Harvest: Descendant Archival Practice to Foster Sustainable Digital Archives for Rural Black Women, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Computational Stylistic Analysis of Popular Songs of Japanese Female Singer-songwriters, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
The Why and How of Middleware, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Envisioning the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n1
From Optical Fiber To Conceptual Cyberinfrastructure, 2011: v5 n1
The Landscape of Digital Humanities, 2010: v4 n1
Humanities Computing as Digital Humanities, 2009: v3 n3
The Literary And/As the Digital Humanities, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
A Hybrid Model for Managing DH Projects, 2017: v11 n1
Graphic Sublime: On the Art and Designwriting of Kate Armstrong and Michael Tippett, 2012: v6 n2
Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Machine Learning Techniques For Analyzing Inscriptions From Israel, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]
Building a Student-Centered (Digital) Learning Community With Undergraduates, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]
From Tamagotchis to Pet Rocks: On Learning to Love Simplicity through the Endings Principles, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]
War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
Comparative K-Pop Choreography Analysis through Deep-Learning Pose Estimation across a Large Video Corpus, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Where’s the ML in DH? And Where’s the DH in ML? The Relationship between Modern Languages and Digital Humanities, and an Argument for a Critical DHML , 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]
Manifesto: A Life on the Hyphen: Balancing Identities as Librarians, Scholars, and Digital Practitioners, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Humanities as Epistemic Cultures: How DH Labs Make Knowledge, Objects, and Subjects, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Bibliographic Translation Data: Invisibility, Research Challenges, Institutional and Editorial Practices, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
The Less Humble Programmer, 2023: v17 n2
The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Acknowledgements and Dedications, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
DHQ in the Public Eye, 2007: v1 n2
Welcome to Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2007: v1 n1, [co-authored]
Capturing Captions: Using AI to Identify and Analyse Image Captions in a Large Dataset of Historical Book Illustrations, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Distracted Reading: Acts of Attention in the Age of the Internet, 2018: v12 n2
Reconstructing Brandon (1998-1999): A Cross-disciplinary Digital Humanities Study of Shu Lea Cheang’s Early Web Artwork, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Textual Artifacts and their Digital Representations: Teaching Graduate Students to Build Online Archives, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Doing it for Ourselves: The New Archive Built by and Responsive to the Researcher, 2023: v17 n1
A Review of James Little’s The Making of Samuel Beckett’s Not I / Pas moi, That Time / Cette fois and Footfalls / Pas (2021), 2024: v18 n2
Capturing Captions: Using AI to Identify and Analyse Image Captions in a Large Dataset of Historical Book Illustrations, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Afrofuturist Intellectual Mixtapes: A Classroom Case Study , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Infrastructural Sovereignty in the Black Atlantic, 2024: v18 n4
Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
What Counts? Digital Humanities Pedagogy Seminars as Teaching, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Building Pedagogy into Project Development: Making Data Construction Visible in Digital Projects, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]
The case of the golden background, a virtual restoration and a physical reconstruction of the medieval Crucifixion of the Lindau Master (c. 1425), 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
Worlds and Readers: Augmented Reality in Modern Polaxis, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Linked data from TEI (LIFT): A Teaching Tool for TEI to Linked Data Transformation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Conference Review: Reading Digital Literature at Brown University, October 4-7, 2007., 2008: v2 n1
A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Teaching and Learning from the U.S. South in Global Contexts: A Case Study of Southern Spaces and Southcomb, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Archives, Information Infrastructure, and Maintenance Work, 2022: v16 n1
Scaffolding and Play Approaches to Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Assessment and Iteration in Topically-Driven Courses, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
A Deep History of Electronic Textuality: The Case of English Reprints Jhon Milton Areopagitica, 2013: v7 n1
Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Infrastructure and Social Interaction: Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities in India, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Studying Large-Scale Behavioral Differences in Auschwitz-Birkenau with Simulation of Gendered Narratives, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]
A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Music Theory, the Missing Link Between Music-Related Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Digital Caricature, 2014: v8 n3, [co-authored]
From Stone to Screen: Digital Revitalization of Ancient Epigraphy, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]
Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Avatar Emergency, 2011: v5 n3
A Genealogy of Distant Reading, 2017: v11 n2
Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
The Making of Our Cultural Commonwealth , 2009: v3 n4
Cervantes Project: The Digital Quixote Iconography Collection, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
The Best Laid Plans: Case Studies of the Loss of Four Early (1996-2003) Digital Humanities Websites, 2024: v18 n4
Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]
Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Information access in the art history domain: Evaluating a federated search engine for Rembrandt research , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Mining Public Discourse for Emerging Dutch Nationalism, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a User-Friendly Tool for Automated Sign Annotation: Identification and Annotation of Time Slots, Number of Hands, and Handshape , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
Unpacking tool criticism as practice, in practice, 2023: v17 n2
[en]The Page Is an Image Again: Bleedmapping as an Analysis Technique for Historical Newspapers, 2023: v17 n1
Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Building Bridges: Collaboration between Computer Sciences and Media Studies in a Television Archive Project, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Xpos’re: A Tool for Rich Internet Publications, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Attention Ecology: Trend Circulation and the Virality Threshold, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Curating Crowds: A Review of Crowdsourcing Our Cultural Heritage (Ashgate, 2014), 2019: v13 n1
Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
The Archive as Repertoire: Transience and Sustainability in Digital Archives , 2016: v10 n4
Graph based modelling of prosopographical datasets. Case study: Romans 1by1, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
BASIC FTBALL and Computer Programming for All, 2023: v17 n2
The Radical Historicity of Everything: Exploring Shakespearean Identity with Web 2.0, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]
Information access in the art history domain: Evaluating a federated search engine for Rembrandt research , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]
Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Coca-Cola: An Icon of the American Way of Life. An Iterative Text Mining Workflow for Analyzing Advertisements in Dutch Twentieth-Century Newspapers, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]
Conceptual Modeling of European Silk Heritage with the SILKNOW Data Model and Extension, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]
Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]
Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
[fr]Criminocorpus. Un projet numérique pour l'histoire
de la justice
[en]Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of
Justice, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
[fr]Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en
humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de
[en]Potentialities and difficulties of a digital
humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of
research, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]
Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Inferring standard name form, gender and nobility from historical texts using stable model semantics, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Problems of Authorship Classification: Recognising the Author Style or a Book?, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]
Dendrography and Art History: a computer-assisted analysis of Cézanne’s Bathers., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]
Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]
The Boundless Book: A Conversation between the Pre-modern and Posthuman, 2013: v7 n1
The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Developing Research through Podcasts: Circulating Spaces, A Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Building A Volunteer Community: Results and Findings from Transcribe Bentham , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]
Comic Book Markup Language: An Introduction and Rationale, 2012: v6 n1
Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Digital Methods in Literary Criticism: A Review of Digital Humanities and Literary Studies (2022), : v n, [co-authored]
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
From the Presupposition of Doom to the Manifestation of Code: Using Emulated Citation in the Study of Games and Cultural Software, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]
Sequential Rhetoric: Using Freire and Quintilian to Teach Students to Read and Create Comics , 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]
Rogue Performances: A Review of Abigail De Kosnik’s Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom, 2020: v14 n1
Digital Collaborations: A Survey Analysis of Digital Humanities Partnerships Between Librarians and Other Academics, 2019: v13 n4
Modernism and Gender at the Limits of Stylometry, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]
Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]
Dendrography and Art History: a computer-assisted analysis of Cézanne’s Bathers., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]
A short Introduction to the Hidden Histories project and interviews , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]
Introduction to Feminisms and DH special issue, 2015: v9 n2
Whence Feminism? Assessing Feminist Interventions in Digital Literary Archives, 2013: v7 n1
Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]
Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue: Digital Technology in the Study of the Past, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]
Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies between Articles and Advertisements in Dutch Newspapers, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
Coca-Cola: An Icon of the American Way of Life. An Iterative Text Mining Workflow for Analyzing Advertisements in Dutch Twentieth-Century Newspapers, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]
Any Means Necessary to Refuse Erasure by Algorithm: Lillian-Yvonne Bertram’s Travesty Generator, 2023: v17 n2
Digital Humanities, Copyright Law, and the Literary, 2013: v7 n1
A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]
Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]
Generous Interfaces for Digital Cultural Collections, 2015: v9 n1
Modelling Medieval Hands: Practical OCR for Caroline Minuscule, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]
Introduction: Comics and the Digital Humanities, 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]
Calamari − A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]
A Design Methodology for Web-based Sound Archives, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
The case of the golden background, a virtual restoration and a physical reconstruction of the medieval Crucifixion of the Lindau Master (c. 1425), 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]
From Archive to Database: Using Crowdsourcing, TEI, and Collaborative Labor to Construct the Maria Edgeworth Letters Project, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
Computer Vision and the Creation of a Database of Printers’ Ornaments, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
The Media Ecology Project: Collaborative DH Synergies to Produce New Research in Visual Culture History, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]
An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]
Introducing DREaM (Distant Reading Early Modernity), 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]
Decoupling Quality Control and Publication: The Digital Latin Library and the Traveling Imprimatur., 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]
The Sentences Commentary Text Archive: Laying the Foundation for the Analysis, Use, and Reuse of a Tradition, 2016: v10 n1
Cluster Analysis in Tracing Textual Dependencies – a Case of Psalm 6 in 16th-century English Devotional Manuals, 2023: v17 n3
Mining for the Meanings of a Murder: The Impact of OCR Quality on the Use of Digitized Historical Newspapers, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
Reading Potential: The Oulipo and the Meaning of Algorithms, 2007: v1 n1
Mining for the Meanings of a Murder: The Impact of OCR Quality on the Use of Digitized Historical Newspapers, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]
History Harvesting: A Case Study in Documenting Local History, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Automated Transcription of Non-Latin Script Periodicals: A Case Study in the Ottoman Turkish Print Archive, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Kindling, Disappearing, Reading, 2013: v7 n1
Ensuring Minimal Computing Serves Maximal Connection, 2022: v16 n2
Laptop Policy: Notes on Boredom, 2018: v12 n2
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Translation Alignment for Historical Language Learning: a Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]
Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]
Deconstructing Bricolage: Interactive Online Analysis of Compiled Texts with Factotum, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]
Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
[es]United Fronteras como
tercer espacio: Modelo transfronterizo a través de las humanidades digitales
poscoloniales y la computación mínima
[en]United Fronteras as
Third Space: A Transborder Model Through Postcolonial Digital Humanities and Minimal
Computing, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Raiders of the Lost Corpus, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]
Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]
Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]
A multi-dimensional ontology-based analysis of the Censorship of Hebrew Manuscripts, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]
Open Data in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Can We Be Better Than Data Brokers?, 2020: v14 n2
Case Study: Annotating the ambiguous modality of "must" in Jane Austen’s Emma, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]
Ontologies and Logic Reasoning as Tools in Humanities?, 2009: v3 n4
The Role of Critical Thinking in Humanities Infrastructure: The Pipeline Concept with a Study of HaToRI (Hansard Topic Relevance Identifier), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]
Published by: The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and The Association for Computers and the Humanities
Affiliated with: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
DHQ has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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