DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly

Author Index



Abd Alhadi, Heyam, University of Haifa

Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Agarwal, Himadri, University of Maryland

Gamer Trouble: A Review, 2024: v18 n1

Ainsworth, Peter, Dept of French and Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield

e-Science for Medievalists: Options, Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]

Akbari, Suzanne, Institute for Advanced Study

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Albagli, Sarita, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)

[pt]Geovisualização de dados e ciência aberta e cidadã - a experiência da Plataforma LindaGeo
[en]Data Geovisualization and Open and Citizen Science - the LindaGeo Platform Prototype, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Allen, Colin, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, USA; Philosophy, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

Finding and Interpreting Arguments: An Important Challenge for Humanities Computing and Scholarly Practice, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]

Alliata, Giacomo, Laboratory for Experimental Museology, EPFL, Switzerland

Augmenting Access to Embodied Knowledge Archives: A Computational Framework, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Almas, Bridget, Tufts University

Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Continuous Integration and Unit Testing of Digital Editions, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS), 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Alpert-Abrams, Hannah, University of Texas at Austin

Introduction: Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Machine Reading the Primeros Libros, 2016: v10 n4

Alrasheed, Nouf, Department of Computer Science. & Electrical Engineering. University of Missouri-Kansas City

Character Recognition Of Seventeenth-Century Spanish American Notary Records Using Deep Learning, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Amaral, Telmo, Digital Interactions Group, Newcastle University

Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Ananieva, Anna, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) Regensburg

Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Anderson, Katrina, Simon Fraser University

Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Anderson, Mark, Independent Consultant

Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Anderson, Steve F., University of Southern California

Aporias of the Digital Avant-Garde, 2007: v1 n2

Anderson, Talea, Washington State University

Open Access and the Theological Imagination, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Antonijevic, Smiljana, The Pennsylvania State University

Researcher as Bricoleur: Contextualizing humanists’ digital workflows, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Antoniuk, Jeffery, University of Alberta

Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Arbuckle, Alyssa, University of Victoria

An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]

Argamon, Shlomo, Linguistic Cognition Lab, Dept. of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

Words, Patterns and Documents: Experiments in Machine Learning and Text Analysis, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Armoskaite, Solvegia, University of Rochester

Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Arnold, Taylor, University of Richmond

Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Building Pedagogy into Project Development: Making Data Construction Visible in Digital Projects, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]

Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Arvidsson, Viktor, Swedish Center for Digital Innovation. Department of Informatics, University of Oslo

Experiential Analogies: A Sonic Digital Ekphrasis as a Digital Humanities Project, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Atiya, Alexandra, University of Toronto

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Atkinson, Sarah, King's College London

Applied Digital Humanities and the Creative Industries in the United Kingdom, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Aurnhammer, Christoph, Department of Language Sciene and Technology, Saarland University

Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Austin, Dr. Jeanie, San Francisco Public Library

Affective Absence: Risks in the Institutionalization of the FemTechNet Archive, 2019: v13 n2

Auvil, Loretta, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]


Babeu, Alison, Tufts University

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Bailey, Moya, Northeastern University

My DH Present, Past, & Future, 2022: v16 n3

#transform(ing)DH Writing and Research: An Autoethnography of Digital Humanities and Feminist Ethics , 2015: v9 n2

Baillot, Anne, Le Mans Université

Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

[fr]Reconstruire ce qui manque – ou le déconstruire ? Approches numériques des sources historiques
[en]Rebuilding what is missing – or deconstructing it? Digital approaches to historical sources, 2018: v12 n1

Bakels, Jan-Hendrik, Freie Universität Berlin

Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Baker, James, University of Southampton

Detecting and Characterising Transmission from Legacy Collection Catalogues, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Baker Josephs, Kelly, York College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York

DH Moments, Caribbean Considerations: On Reaction, Response, and Relevance in the Digital Humanities, 2019: v13 n3

Balck, Sandra, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) Regensburg

Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Bamman, David, Tufts University

Computational Linguistics and Classical Lexicography, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Bannister, Lindsey, Simon Fraser University

Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Bannister, Michael, Independent Programmer Analyst

The Form of the Content: The Digital Archive Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Barats, Christine, Cerlis, University of Paris Descartes

Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Barber, John F., The Creative Media & Digital Culture Program, Washington State University Vancouver

Sound and Digital Humanities: reflecting on a DHSI course, 2016: v10 n1

Bardiot, Clarisse, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France

Theatre analytics: developing software for theatre research, 2020: v14 n3

Barmpounis, Epameinondas-Konstantinos, Athens University of Economics and Business

[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Barnet, Belinda, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne

Machine Enhanced (Re)minding: the Development of Storyspace, 2012: v6 n2

Crafting the User-Centered Document Interface: The Hypertext Editing System (HES) and the File Retrieval and Editing System (FRESS), 2010: v4 n1

The Technical Evolution of Vannevar Bush’s Memex , 2008: v2 n1

Barnett, Tracy L., Flinders University

The Age Old Question: A Review of What is Digital History? by Hannu Salmi, 2021: v15 n4

Distributed reading: Literary reading in diverse environments, 2018: v12 n2

Barrett, Paul, University of Guelph

Unjust Readings: Against the New New Criticism, 2025: v19 n1

Basaraba, Nicole, Maastricht University, the Netherlands

Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Bayeck, Joseph M., World Language, Montgomery Public Schools

Digital Sankofa: Understanding the Past and Futures of Black Digital Humanities, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]

Bayeck, Rebecca Y., Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences, Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services, Utah State University

Digital Sankofa: Understanding the Past and Futures of Black Digital Humanities, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]

Bridging the Gap of Exhibition Design, Instructional Design, and the Learning Sciences for the Future of Black Digital Humanities, 2024: v18 n4

Büchler, Marco, Institute of Computer Science, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Introduction to Göttingen Dialogues 2016, 2021: v15 n1

Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Beal, Wesley, Lyon College

Theorizing Connectivity: Modernism and the Network Narrative, 2011: v5 n2, [co-authored]

Network Narration in John Dos Passos’s U.S.A. Trilogy, 2011: v5 n2

Bechmann Pedersen, Sune, Stockholm University

Historical GIS and Guidebooks: A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Bellandi, Andrea, CoPhiLab, ILC, CNR Pisa

[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

A Model for Representing Diachronic Terminologies: the Saussure Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Bellavia, Giovanni, VisitLab - Cineca Interuniversity Consortium, Italy

Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Beloued, Abdelkrim, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Bennett, Carl, SUNY Polytechnic

Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Benotto, Giulia, Extra Group

Can an author style be unveiled through word distribution?, 2021: v15 n1

Berardi, Vincent, Chapman University

Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Berens, Kathi Inman, Portland State University

Ooligan Press: Building and Sustaining a Feminist Digital Humanities Lab at a R-2, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Berkman, Natalie, Princeton University

Digital Oulipo: Programming Potential Literature, 2017: v11 n3

Bermúdez-Sabel, Helena, University of Neuchâtel

An Annotated Multilingual Dataset to Study Modality in the Gospels, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Bernstein, Neil W., Ohio University

Digital Methods and Classical Studies, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Berra, Aurélien, Université Paris-Nanterre

[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

The Explainability Turn, 2023: v17 n2

The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Berti, Monica, University of Leipzig

The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS), 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Bettivia, Rhiannon Stephanie, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

All and Each: A Socio-Technical Review of the Europeana Project, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Beveridge, Aaron, University of Florida

Attention Ecology: Trend Circulation and the Virality Threshold, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Beyer-Thoma, Hermann, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) Regensburg

Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Bhargava, Rahul, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Creative Data Literacy: A Constructionist Approach to Teaching Information Visualization , 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Bhattacharyya, Sayan, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Digital Humanities Inside Out: Developing a Digital Humanities Curriculum for Computer Scientists in Singapore , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

Bidhendi, Mehrdad Qayyoomi, Faculty of Architecture & Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

Probing Through Iranian Architectural History Within the Framework of an Ontology Development Process, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Bikakis, Antonis, University College London (UCL)

An Ontology for Gendered Content Representation of Cultural Heritage Artefacts, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Bilansky, Alan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Velvet Evolution: A Review of Lev Manovich's Software Takes Command (Bloomsbury Academic, 2013), 2019: v13 n1

A Digital Humanist-Informatician Review of Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson, editors, Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1

TypeWright: An Experiment in Participatory Curation, 2015: v9 n4

Binkyte, Ruta, Inria Saclay - Île-de-France Research Centre, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Distant Reading and Viewing: Big Questions in Digital Art History and Digital Literary Studies, 2023: v17 n2

Birnbaum, David J., University of Pittsburgh

Reassessing the locus of normalization in machine-assisted collation, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Bizzoni, Yuri, University of Gothenburg

Diachronic trends in Homeric translations, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Bjork, Olin, Georgia Institute of Technology

Reinventing the Classroom Edition: Paradise Lost Book IX Flash Audiotext, 2009: v3 n3

Blackwell, Christopher, Furman University

Technology, Collaboration, and Undergraduate Research, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Conclusion: Cyberinfrastructure, the Scaife Digital Library and Classics in a Digital age, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Blaney, Jonathan, Institute of Historical Research, University of London

A Culture of non-citation: Assessing the digital impact of British History Online and the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Blanke, Tobias, Centre for e-Research, King's College London

Predicting the Past, 2018: v12 n2

Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Cluster on Arts and Humanities e-Science, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]

Blank, Peter, Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University

A Life Lived in Media, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

Bleeker, Elli, Huygens Institute for Dutch History and Culture

Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Bleier, Roman, Centre for Information Modelling, University of Graz

How to cite this digital edition?, 2021: v15 n3

Blevins, Cameron, Rutgers University

Jane, John … Leslie? A Historical Method for Algorithmic Gender Prediction, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Blidstein, Moshe, University of Haifa

Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

Bludau, Mark-Jan, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Bénard, Élodie, Université Paris-Sorbonne

[fr]Les Sganarelle de Molière : un nom, des syntaxes ?
[en]Molière's Sganarelles: one name, several syntaxes?, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Bocksberger, Sophie, University of Oxford

Ghosts in the Machine: a motion-capture experiment in distributed reception, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Bodard, Gabriel, King's College London

Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Boddie, Stephanie, Baylor University, Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, the School of Education, and the George W. Truett Seminary and University of South Africa, Institute for Gender Studies

The Making and Re-making of The Philadelphia Negro, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Bogen, David, Rhode Island School of Design

Designing Choreographies for the New Economy of Attention , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Bolter, Jay David, Georgia Institute of Technology

Digital Literature and the Modernist Problem, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Bolton, Joe, Business Insight 3

Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Boluk, Stephanie, Vassar College

Stretched Skulls: Anamorphic Games and the memento mortem mortis , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Bonnell, Jerry, Department of Computer Science, University of Miami

Rule-based Adornment of Modern Historical Japanese Corpora using Accurate Universal Dependencies, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

Bonnett, John, Brock University

Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Bonn, Maria, School of Information Sciences, Univesity of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Borek, Luise, Technical University of Darmstadt

TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Borgman, Christine L., Professor & Presidential Chair in Information Studies, UCLA

The Digital Future is Now: A Call to Action for the Humanities, 2009: v3 n4

Bories, Anne-Sophie, University of Basel

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Bornhofen, Stefan, CY Cergy Paris University

Graph based modelling of prosopographical datasets. Case study: Romans 1by1, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Boschetti, Federico, CoPhiLab, ILC, CNR Pisa

Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Bouchard, Elsa, University of Montreal

[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Boukhaled, Mohamed Amine, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6 UPMC) / Labex OBVIL

Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Digital Stages for Old Plays: A Review of Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools , 2021: v15 n3

Boyle, Douglas, Department of Geography, University of Nevada, Reno

Ethical and Effective Visualization of Knowledge Networks, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Boyles, Christina, Michigan State University

Power and Precarity: Lessons from the Makers by Mail Project, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Making and Breaking: Teaching Information Ethics through Curatorial Practice, 2018: v12 n4

Boyles Petersen, Andy, Michigan State University

Power and Precarity: Lessons from the Makers by Mail Project, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Bradley, Adam James, University of Waterloo

Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Bradley, John Douglas, Kings College London

A Prosopography as Linked Open Data: Some Implications from DPRR, 2020: v14 n2

Fitting Personal Interpretation with the Semantic Web: lessons learned from Pliny, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Towards a Richer Sense of Digital Annotation: Moving Beyond a "Media" Orientation of the Annotation of Digital Objects, 2012: v6 n2

Critically engaging with data visualization through an information literacy framework, 2018: v12 n4

Brenger, Bela, Natural Media Lab, Human Technology Centre, RWTH Aachen University

Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Brennan, Kathleen P.J., University of Queensland

Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Brennan, Rob, Trinity College Dublin

A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Breuel, Thomas, Technical University of Kaiserslautern

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Breure, Leen, Utrecht University & DANS (Dutch Data Archive)

Xpos’re: A Tool for Rich Internet Publications, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Brüggemann, Viktoria, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Brügger, Niels, The Centre for Internet Studies, and NetLab Aarhus University

Digital Humanities in the 21st Century: Digital Material as a Driving Force , 2016: v10 n3

Briggs, James, Graphcore

Computer Vision and the Creation of a Database of Printers’ Ornaments, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Broadwell, George Aaron, University of Florida

Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Broadwell, Peter, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Stanford University

Comparative K-Pop Choreography Analysis through Deep-Learning Pose Estimation across a Large Video Corpus, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

[en]Reading the Quan Tang shi: Literary History, Topic Modeling, Divergence Measures, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]

Broersma, Marcel, Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen

Finding Narratives in News Flows: The Temporal Dimension of News Stories, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Brosens, Koenraad, University of Leuven

Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Brown, Elspeth, University of Toronto

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Brown, Hannah L.P., Department of Psychology, University of Florida

Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Broyles, Paul A., North Carolina State University

Digital Editions and Version Numbering, 2020: v14 n2

Brumfield, Sara, Brumfield Labs

The AudiAnnotate Project: Four Case Studies in Publishing Annotations for Audio and Video, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Buckland, Philip I., Umeå University, Sweden

To tree, or not to tree? On the Empirical Basis for Having Past Landscapes to Experience., 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Budzise-Weaver , Tina, Texas A&M University

Developing a Qualitative Coding Analysis of Visual Artwork for Humanities Research, 2016: v10 n4

Buitendijk, Bram, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - Humanities Cluster, Digital Infrastructure department.

Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Buitinck, Lars, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam

War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

Bulgakowa, Oksana, Institute for Film, Theatre and Empirical Cultural Studies, University of Mainz, Germany

Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Burges, Joel, University of Rochester

Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Burgess, Helen J., University of Maryland Baltimore County

New Media in the Academy: Labor and the Production of Knowledge in Scholarly Multimedia, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Burghardt, Manuel, Leipzig University, Germany

Topological properties of music collaboration networks: The case of Jazz and Hip Hop, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Burke, Robin, University of Colorado — Boulder

Reading Chicago Reading: Quantitative Analysis of a Repeating Literary Program, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Burns, Patrick, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Classics

Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Missed Connections: The Collective Novel and the Metropolis, 2011: v5 n2

Byszuk, Joanna, Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences

The Voices of Doctor Who – How Stylometry Can be Useful in Revealing New Information About TV Series, 2020: v14 n4


Callaway, Elizabeth, University of Utah

Organic and Locally Sourced: Growing a Digital Humanities Lab with an Eye Towards Sustainability, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Calvo Figueras, Blanca, University of Gronigen

Finding Narratives in News Flows: The Temporal Dimension of News Stories, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Canon, Chelsea, Department of Geography, University of Nevada, Reno

Ethical and Effective Visualization of Knowledge Networks, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Capitanu, Boris, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]

Carassai, Mauro, University of Florida

Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Carpendale, Sheelagh, University of Calgary

Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Carrera, Dashiel, Virginia Tech

Afrofuturist Intellectual Mixtapes: A Classroom Case Study , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Carrive, Jean, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Caselli, Tommaso, University of Groningen

Finding Narratives in News Flows: The Temporal Dimension of News Stories, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Casenave, Joana, University of Montreal

[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Cashner, Andrew A., University of Rochester

Lilypond Music-Notation Software in the Digital-Humanities Toolbox, 2024: v18 n2

Causer, Tim, Bentham Project, University College London

Building A Volunteer Community: Results and Findings from Transcribe Bentham , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Cayless, Hugh, University of North Carolina

Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Writing to be Found and Writing Readers, 2011: v5 n3

Cerrato, Lisa, Tufts University

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Chakrabarti, Ankita, University of Virginia

Developing Research through Podcasts: Circulating Spaces, A Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Chambers, Sally, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University

DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Champion, Erik, University of South Australia

Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Chan, Anela, Independent Scholar

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital
 Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Chan, Tiffany, University of Victoria Libraries

Minimal Computing from the Labor Perspective , 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Chapman, Adam, University of Gothenburg

Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue: Digital Technology in the Study of the Past, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Chastang, Pierre, UVSQ-Université Paris-Saclay

A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Chauhan, Rohan, Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi

Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Chen, Anna, The University of Texas at Austin

In One's Own Hand: Seeing Manuscripts in a Digital Age, 2012: v6 n2

Chen, Han, Nanjing Art Institute

Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Chenhall, Richard, University of Melbourne

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital
 Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Chen, Jing, University of Virginia

Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

[en]Reading the Quan Tang shi: Literary History, Topic Modeling, Divergence Measures, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]

Chen, Tianxiang, Harbin Engineering University

Digital Methods in Literary Criticism: A Review of Digital Humanities and Literary Studies (2022), : v n, [co-authored]

Chesley, Amelia, Northwestern State University of Louisiana

The In/Visible, In/Audible Labor of Digitizing the Public Domain, 2019: v13 n2

Chovanec, Kevin, Christian Brothers University

Episodic Theater and the Digital Text: Editing the Traveling Players’ Fortunatus, 2020: v14 n1

Christian-Lamb, Caitlin, Davidson College

Starting From Scratch? Workshopping New Directions in Undergraduate Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Christie, Alex, Brock University

Building a Toolkit for Digital Pedagogy, 2017: v11 n3

Church, Christopher, University of Nevada, Reno

Racism in the Machine: Visualization Ethics in Digital Humanities Projects, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Ciccoricco, David, University of Otago

The Materialities of Close Reading: 1942, 1959, 2009, 2012: v6 n1

Circling around texts and language: towards pragmatic modelling in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

The New Edition of the Letters of Vincent van Gogh on the Web, 2010: v4 n2

Clavert , Frédéric, Université Paris-Sorbonne

Reading Today, 2014: v8 n4

Clements, Patricia, University of Alberta

Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Clement, Tanya, University of Texas, Austin

The AudiAnnotate Project: Four Case Studies in Publishing Annotations for Audio and Video, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Audiated Annotation from the Middle Ages to the Open Web, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Towards a Rationale of Audio-Text, 2016: v10 n3

An Information Science Question in DH Feminism, 2015: v9 n2

Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]

Clivaz, Claire, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Covers and Corpus wanted! Some Digital Humanities Fragments , 2016: v10 n3

Clérice, Thibault, Centre Jean-Mabillon (École des chartes) - PSL

Continuous Integration and Unit Testing of Digital Editions, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Coffee, Neil, University at Buffalo

Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Digital Methods and Classical Studies, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Coker, Cait, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Building the Women in Book History Bibliography, or Digital Enumerative Bibliography as Preservation of Feminist Labor., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Collins, Christopher, Ontario Tech University

Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Comeau, Emily, University of British Columbia

The Project Endings Interviews: A Summary of Methodological Foundations, 2023: v17 n1

Condee, William, Ohio University

Nonsense Code: A Nonmaterial Performance, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Conroy, Melanie, The University of Memphis

Networks, Maps, and Time: Visualizing Historical Networks Using Palladio, 2021: v15 n1

Cooper, Allison, Bowdoin College

Exploring Film Language with a Digital Analysis Tool: the Case of Kinolab, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Cordell, Ryan, Northeastern University

Review: Katherine Bode's A World of Fiction, 2021: v15 n3

Taken Possession of: The Reprinting and Reauthorship of Hawthorne's Celestial Railroad in the Antebellum Religious Press, 2013: v7 n1

Cornejo, Aisha, Chapman University

Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Corujo, Luís, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, Centro de Estudos Clássicos

[pt]Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de abordagens e perceções
[en]Digital Curation and its Costs: A Study of Practices and Insights, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Court, Kate, Newcastle University

Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Courtney, Angela, Indiana University Bloomington

Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Craig, Alan, Independent Consultant and Researcher

Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Craig, Kalani, Indiana University Bloomington

Reaping the Harvest: Descendant Archival Practice to Foster Sustainable Digital Archives for Rural Black Women, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Crane, Gregory R., Tufts University

The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS), 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Acknowledgements and Dedications, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Computational Linguistics and Classical Lexicography, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Conclusion: Cyberinfrastructure, the Scaife Digital Library and Classics in a Digital age, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]

Does your historical collection need a database-driven website?, 2015: v9 n1

FairCite, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]

Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Cummings, Rebekah, University of Utah

Organic and Locally Sourced: Growing a Digital Humanities Lab with an Eye Towards Sustainability, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Cunningham, Richard, Acadia University

The Humanities HyperMedia Centre @ Acadia University: An Invitation to Think About Higher Education, 2008: v2 n1, [co-authored]

Cunningham, Sid, York University

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Currie, Thomas, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus

A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Cutter, Nat, University of Melbourne; Australian Cultural Data Engine

Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]


, DHQ editorial team, Association for Computers and the Humanities

Remembering Stéfan Sinclair, 2020: v14 n2

DHQ Statement on Black Lives Matter and Structural Racism, 2020: v14 n1

Dallas, Costis, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto; Digital Curation Unit, IMSI-Athena Research Centre

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Danforth, Christopher, Computational Story Lab, Vermont Complex Systems Center, MassMutual Center of Excellence for Complex Systems and Data Science, Vermont Advanced Computing Core, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Vermont

Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Dang, Sarah-Mai, Institute of Media Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg

Unknowable Facts and Digital Databases: Reflections on the Women Film Pioneers Project and Women in Film History, 2020: v14 n4

da Silva, Carlos Guardado, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, Centro de Estudos Clássicos

[pt]Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de abordagens e perceções
[en]Digital Curation and its Costs: A Study of Practices and Insights, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Davis, Ethan, Computational Story Lab, Vermont Complex Systems Center, MassMutual Center of Excellence for Complex Systems and Data Science, Vermont Advanced Computing Core, Watzek Library, Lewis & Clark College

Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Davis, Matthew, McMaster University

BigDIVA and Networked Browsing: A Case for Generous Interfacing and Joyous Searching, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Day, Shawn, University College Cork

Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

De Angelis, Viviana, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

Visual Communication and the promotion of Health: an exploration of how they intersect in Italian education, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Deckers, Daniel, Hamburg University

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

de Jong, Ruud, University of Twente, Enschede

Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Dekker, Ronald Haentjens, Huygens Institute for Dutch History and Culture

Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Delamarter, Steve, George Fox University

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

del Bosque González, Isabel, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Del Gratta, Riccardo, CoPhiLab, ILC, CNR Pisa

Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Del Grosso, Angelo, Institute for Computational Liguistics A. Zampolli

Diachronic trends in Homeric translations, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Dell'Oro, Francesca, University of Neuchâtel; Swiss National Science Foundation

An Annotated Multilingual Dataset to Study Modality in the Gospels, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Dell'Unto, Nicolò, Lund University, Sweden

To tree, or not to tree? On the Empirical Basis for Having Past Landscapes to Experience., 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

De Léon, Romina, CONICET (National Council on Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina)

Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

del Rio Riande, Gimena, National Council on Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina

Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

De Luca, Daniele, VisitLab - Cineca Interuniversity Consortium, Italy

Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Dentler, Jonathan, Catholic University of Paris; German Historical Institute, Washington D.C.

[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

De Prekel, Inez, University of Leuven

Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Derillo, Eyob, SOAS, University of London

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

DeRose, Catherine, Yale University

Digital Humanities on Reserve: From Reading Room to Laboratory at Yale University Library, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

de Sousa, Maria Clara Paixão, Universidade de São Paulo

[pt]Ler a prosa do mundo hoje
[en]Reading Prose in this Day and Age, 2020: v14 n2

DeSouza-Coelho, Shawn, University of Waterloo

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Deuze, Mark, Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University

A Life Lived in Media, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

De Wilde, Max, Université libre de Bruxelles(ULB), Information Science Department

Semantic Enrichment of a Multilingual Archive with Linked Open Data, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Diamond, Sara, OCAD University Faculty of Arts & Science

The Dangers of Disappearance, the Opportunities of Recovery, 2023: v17 n1

Diaz, Chris, Northwestern University

Minimal Computing with Progressive Web Apps, 2022: v16 n2

Dickinson, Melanie, University of California Santa Cruz

Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Dietrich, Anya, MEG Unit, Brain Imaging Center

Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

D'Ignazio, Catherine, Emerson College

Creative Data Literacy: A Constructionist Approach to Teaching Information Visualization , 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Via Gradenigo 6/b, 35131 Padova, Italy

[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Dobson, Teresa M., University of British Columbia

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Dodd, Janey, University of British Columbia

Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Dodds, Peter Sheridan, Computational Story Lab, Vermont Complex Systems Center, MassMutual Center of Excellence for Complex Systems and Data Science, Vermont Advanced Computing Core, Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont, Santa Fe Institute

Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Dogadov, Sergej, Machine Learning Group, Technische Universität Berlin

Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Dombrowski, Quinn, Miami University

Minimizing Computing Maximizes Labor, 2022: v16 n2

TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Douglass, Jeremy, University of California, Santa Barbara

Can Open-Source Fix Predictive Policing? Anti-Racist Critical Code Studies Approach to Contemporary AI Policing Software, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]

Introduction: Situating Critical Code Studies in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Dowling, David, University of Iowa

Escaping the Shallows: Deep Reading’s Revival in the Digital Age, 2014: v8 n2

Dörk, Marian, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Urban Futures

The Fold: Rethinking Interactivity in Data Visualization, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Past Visions and Reconciling Views: Visualizing Time, Texture and Themes in Cultural Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Drucker, Johanna, University of Virginia

Heterochronologies: a platform for correlation and research in temporal graphics, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

The Why and How of Middleware, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Performative Materiality and Theoretical Approaches to Interface, 2013: v7 n1

Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display, 2011: v5 n1

A Review of Matthew Kirschenbaum, Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination Cambridge, MA and London, UK: MIT University Press, 2008, 2009: v3 n2

Philosophy and Digital Humanities: A review of Willard McCarty, Humanities Computing (London and NY: Palgrave, 2005), 2007: v1 n1

Dué, Casey, University of Houston, Texas

Digital Criticism: Editorial Standards for the Homer Multitext , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Duguid, Timothy C., University of Glasgow

Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Duhaime, Douglas Ernest, University of Notre Dame

Textual Reuse in the Eighteenth Century: Mining Eliza Haywood’s Quotations, 2016: v10 n1

Dunn, Stuart, Centre for e-Research, King's College London

Explaining Events to Computers: Critical Quantification, Multiplicity and Narratives in Cultural Heritage, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Digital Humanities Quarterly Special Cluster on Arts and Humanities e-Science, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]

DuPont, Quinn, University of Washington

Tracking the telepathic sublime as a phenomenon in a digital humanities archive, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

DuVernay, Jina, Clark Atlanta University; Gwinnett County Public Library

Library Professionals: Instrumental in Black Digital Humanities, 2024: v18 n4


, ETCL Research Group, University of Victoria

An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Earhart, Amy, Texas A&M University

Introduction, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Mapping Concord: Google Maps and the 19th-Century Concord Digital Archive, 2009: v3 n3

Eaves, Morris, University of Rochester

Picture Problems: X-Editing Images 1992-2010, 2009: v3 n3

Ebbott, Mary, College of the Holy Cross

Digital Criticism: Editorial Standards for the Homer Multitext , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Eckert, Lindsey, Georgia State University

The Almanac Archive: Theorizing Marginalia and Duplicate Copies in the Digital Realm, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

How Scholars Read Now: When the Signal Is the Noise, 2018: v12 n2

Edmondson, Chloe, Stanford University

An Enlightenment Utopia: The Network of Sociability in Corinne, 2017: v11 n2

Čejka, Martin, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

El Hajj, Tracey, University of Victoria

Book Review: Digital Sound Studies (2018) , 2021: v15 n1

El Khatib, Randa, University of Victoria

An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Elliott, Tom, New York University

Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Digital Geography and Classics, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Engberg, Maria, Blekinge Institute of Technology

Digital Literature and the Modernist Problem, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Engel, Deena, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Reconstructing Brandon (1998-1999): A Cross-disciplinary Digital Humanities Study of Shu Lea Cheang’s Early Web Artwork, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Textual Artifacts and their Digital Representations: Teaching Graduate Students to Build Online Archives, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Engel, Maureen, University of Alberta

Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Englmeier, Tobias, CIS, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany

Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Ernst, Marlene, University of Passau

Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Collaborative Knowledge Creation and Student-Led Assignment Design: Wikipedia in the University Literature Class, 2017: v11 n3

Eve, Eric, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

All Hope Abandon: Biblical Text and Interactive Fiction, 2007: v1 n2

Eve, Martin Paul, Birkbeck College, University of London

Lessons from the Library: Extreme Minimalist Scaling at Pirate Ebook Platforms, 2022: v16 n2

Evens, Aden, Dartmouth College

Web 2.0 and the Ontology of the Digital, 2012: v6 n2

Ewerth, Ralph, Leibniz Information Centre of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover, Germany; L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]


Fabo, Pablo Ruiz, Laboratoire LiLPa, Université de Strasbourg

[en]Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Faghihi, Yasmin, Cambridge University Library; Cambridge Digital Humanities

Manuscript Catalogues as Data for Research: From Provenance to Data Decolonisation, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Faltesek, Dan, Oregon State University

Obama’s Sixth Annual Address: Image, Affordance, Flow, 2016: v10 n4

Algorithmic Close Reading: Using Semantic Triplets to Index and Analyze Agency in Holocaust Testimonies, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Farrar , Renée, United States Military Academy at West Point

Word Processor Art: How User-friendly Inhibits Creativity, 2016: v10 n1

Favila-Vázquez, Mariana, Museo del Templo Mayor, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Feeney, Kevin, Trinity College Dublin

A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Fendel, Victoria Beatrix, University of Oxford

Discourse cohesion in Xenophon’s On Horsemanship through Sketch Engine, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Fensham, Rachel, University of Melbourne; Australian Cultural Data Engine

Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Ferguson, Kevin L., Queens College / CUNY

Digital Surrealism: Visualizing Walt Disney Animation Studios, 2017: v11 n1

Ferla, Luis, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

[pt]Apresentação - Edição especial da DHQ em português
[en]Introduction: A Portuguese-language Special Issue of DHQ, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

[pt]Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais no Brasil
[en]Approaches to the Digital Humanities Scene in Brazil, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Fernandez, Luke, Weber State University

Studying Up: A Review of Alice Marwick’s Status Update, 2015: v9 n2

Fernández Freire, Carlos, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Feustle, Maristella, University of North Texas

Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Fickers, Andreas, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering in a Digital History Lab, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Fifield, David, Independent Scholar

[en]SEDES: Metrical Position in Greek Hexameter, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Finegold, Mike, Carnegie Mellon University

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Finkel, Raphael, University of Kentucky

What Your Teacher Told You is True: Latin Verbs Have Four Principal Parts , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Fiormonte, Domenico, Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Italianistica

Digital Encoding as a Hermeneutic and Semiotic Act: The Case of Valerio Magrelli, 2010: v4 n1, [co-authored]

Fischer, Liz, University of Texas at Austin

Audiated Annotation from the Middle Ages to the Open Web, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Flanagan, Mary, Tiltfactor Laboratory, Dartmouth College, USA

By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Flanders, Julia, Brown University

FairCite, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]

The Productive Unease of 21st-century Digital Scholarship, 2009: v3 n3

Welcome to Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2007: v1 n1, [co-authored]

Fletcher, Joseph, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

All Relate to Art: The William Blake Archive and Its Web of Relations, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Flinn, Andrew, Lecturer, UCL

A short Introduction to the Hidden Histories project and interviews , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Flueckiger, Barbara, University of Zurich

Methods and Advanced Tools for the Analysis of Film Colors in Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Foka, Anna, Umeå University

Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue: Digital Technology in the Study of the Past, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Ghosts in the Machine: a motion-capture experiment in distributed reception, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Experiential Analogies: A Sonic Digital Ekphrasis as a Digital Humanities Project, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Foliard, Daniel, Université Paris Cité, LARCA (UMR 8225)

[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Fong, Deanna, Simon Fraser University

Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Foradi, Maryam, University of Leipzig

Translation Alignment for Historical Language Learning: a Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Forberg, Peter L., Department of Sociology, University of Chicago

Critical Design as Theory, Experiment, and Data: A Sociologically-Informed Approach to Visualizing Networks of Loss, 2022: v16 n3

Forlini, Stefania, University of Calgary

The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Forsyth, Richard, Independent Researcher

The Writeprints of Man: a Stylometric Study of Lafayette's Hand in Paine's 'Rights of Man', 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Fossati, Giovanna, University of Amsterdam / Eye Filmmuseum

Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Fox-Horton, Julie, Cross-Disciplinary Studies, East Tennessee State University

History Harvesting: A Case Study in Documenting Local History, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Fox, Michael, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

All Relate to Art: The William Blake Archive and Its Web of Relations, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Fraistat, Neil, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, University of Maryland

Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

Franc, David, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Francis, David, Bowdoin College

Exploring Film Language with a Digital Analysis Tool: the Case of Kinolab, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Frank, Ingo, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) Regensburg

Interlinking Text and Data with Semantic Annotation and Ontology Design Patterns to Analyse Historical Travelogues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

François, Pieter, University of Hertfordshire, University of Oxford

A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Freeman, Zohar, Harvard Law School

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Fritz, Samantha, Department of History, University of Waterloo

Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Frontini, Francesca, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 - Praxiling UMR 5267 CNRS - UPVM3

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

[fr]Les Sganarelle de Molière : un nom, des syntaxes ?
[en]Molière's Sganarelles: one name, several syntaxes?, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Fukushima, Kailey, University of British Columbia

The Lives of Mistresses and Maids: Editing Victorian Correspondence with Genealogy, Prosopography, and the TEI, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Fuller, Simon, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Structure over Style: Collaborative Authorship and the Revival of Literary Capitalism, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Furiasse, Amanda, Nova Southeastern University

The Model is the Message: Modelling and the Future of Humanities Scholarship, 2024: v18 n3

The Banality of Big Data: A Review of Discriminating Data, 2022: v16 n4

Furuta, Richard, Texas A&M University

Cervantes Project: The Digital Quixote Iconography Collection, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Digital Pedagogy Unplugged, 2011: v5 n3


Gage, Molly, University of Minnesota

Winesburg, Ohio: A Modernist Kluge, 2011: v5 n2

Gainor, Elana, University of California Merced

Traveling the Silk Road on a Virtual Globe: Pedagogy, Technology and Evaluation for Spatial History, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]

Galina Russell, Isabel, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Creating a regional DH community – A Case Study of the RedHD, 2015: v9 n3

Gallelli, Rosa, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

Visual Communication and the promotion of Health: an exploration of how they intersect in Italian education, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Galston, Fiona, Newcastle University

Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Galvin, Mary, University College Cork

Introduction to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium Special Issue, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6 UPMC) / Labex OBVIL

Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Gao, Jianbo, Center for Geodata and Analysis, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies between Articles and Advertisements in Dutch Newspapers, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

García Guzmán, Moisés, pueblo of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya

Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

García-Serrano, Ana, ETSI Informática, UNED

Seeking Information in Spanish Historical Newspapers: The Case of Diario de Madrid (18th and 19th Centuries), 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]

Garcia, Tiago Sousa, Newcastle University

Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Gardner, Chelsea, University of British Columbia

From Stone to Screen: Digital Revitalization of Ancient Epigraphy, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Garnett, Alex, University of Victoria

Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

Gassner, Sebastian, University of Passau

Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Gaterud, Abbey, Chemeketa Community College

Ooligan Press: Building and Sustaining a Feminist Digital Humanities Lab at a R-2, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Gatica Cote, Paulo Antonio, Universidad de Salamanca

[es]Cartografías de la sociedad red
[en]Cartographies of the Network Society, 2018: v12 n1

Gavin, Michael, University of South Carolina

Agent-Based Modeling and Historical Simulation, 2014: v8 n4

Göderle, Wolfgang Thomas, University of Innsbruck; Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology

Deep Learning for Historical Cadastral Maps and Satellite Imagery Analysis: Insights from Styria's Franciscean Cadastre, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Geoghegan, Patrick, Trinity College Dublin

Reconstructing historical texts from fragmentary sources: Charles S. Parnell and the Irish crisis, 1880-86, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Gerdjikov, Stefan, FMI, University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria

Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Gerstmeier, Markus, University of Passau

Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Gerstorfer, Dominik, Technical University of Darmstadt

Working on and with Categories for Text Analysis: Challenges and Findings from and for Digital Humanities Practices, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Gervais, Kyle, University of Western Ontario

Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Gervers, Michael, University of Toronto

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Göggelmann, Michael, University of Tübingen / University of Cologne

Case Study: Annotating the ambiguous modality of "must" in Jane Austen’s Emma, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Ghedini, Fiammetta, RIVA Illustrations

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Giannetti, Francesca, Rutgers University

Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Gibbs, Fred, George Mason University

Building Better Digital Humanities Tools: Toward broader audiences and user-centered designs, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Gienapp, Lukas, Leipzig University

Topological properties of music collaboration networks: The case of Jazz and Hip Hop, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Giffard, Hermione, Utrecht University

Mining Public Discourse for Emerging Dutch Nationalism, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Giglio, Katheryn, University of Central Florida (English Department)

The Radical Historicity of Everything: Exploring Shakespearean Identity with Web 2.0, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Gil, Alex, Yale University

Introduction: The Questions of Minimal Computing, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Gillespie, Alexandra, University of Toronto

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Gillies, Sean, New York University

Digital Geography and Classics, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Giovannetti, Emiliano, Institute for Computational Linguistics

A Model for Representing Diachronic Terminologies: the Saussure Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Giovannetti, Francesca, University of Bologna

Linked data from TEI (LIFT): A Teaching Tool for TEI to Linked Data Transformation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Glinka, Katrin, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Past Visions and Reconciling Views: Visualizing Time, Texture and Themes in Cultural Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Glover, Kaiama L., Barnard College

Caribbean Futures in Black DH, 2022: v16 n3

Gómez Cifuentes, Blanca, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Gochenour, Phillip H., Towson University

Nodalism, 2011: v5 n3

Goetschel, Pascale, Centre d'Histoire Sociale des Mondes Contemporains

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Gold, Nicolas, King's College London, Department of Computer Science

Service-Oriented Software in the Humanities: A Software Engineering Perspective, 2009: v3 n4

Gonzalez-Blanco García, Elena, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

[es]Introducción de los editores
[en]Editors' Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Gordin, Shai, Ariel University; Open University of Israel

Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Gordon, Eric, Emerson College

Designing Choreographies for the New Economy of Attention , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Gorissen, Dirk, Machine Learning Ltd.

Computer Vision and the Creation of a Database of Printers’ Ornaments, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Gorman, Robert, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Universal Dependencies and Author Attribution of Short Texts with Syntax Alone, 2022: v16 n2

Gornall, Alastair, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Digital Humanities Inside Out: Developing a Digital Humanities Curriculum for Computer Scientists in Singapore , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

Goulain, Jean-Baptiste, Linguistic Cognition Lab, Dept. of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology

Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Graban, Tarez Samra, Florida State University

Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]

Grabowska, Klaudia, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Graham, Elyse, SUNY Stony Brook

The Printing Press as Metaphor, 2016: v10 n3

Grandison, Julia, University of Toronto

The Almanac Archive: Theorizing Marginalia and Duplicate Copies in the Digital Realm, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Gray, Nicole, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Vivas to those who have failed: Walt Whitman Electric and the (Digital) Humanities, 2020: v14 n4

Green, Harriett, Washington University in St. Louis

Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Greenspan, Brian, Carleton University

The New Place of Reading: Locative Media and the Future of Narrative, 2011: v5 n3

GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Grieco, Viviana, Department of History. University of Missouri-Kansas City

Character Recognition Of Seventeenth-Century Spanish American Notary Records Using Deep Learning, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Grieggs, Samuel, University of Notre Dame

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Griffin, Gabriele, Uppsala University

Collaboration in Digital Humanities Research – Persisting Silences, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Grigar, Dene, Washington State University Vancouver

Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Curating Electronic Literature as Critical and Scholarly Practice, 2014: v8 n4

Grile, Courtney Helen, School of Creative Arts, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings: A DH-Inspired Exploration of the Virtual Incunabular in the Time of COVID 19, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Grotkopp, Matthias, Freie Universität Berlin

Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Grow, April, University of California Santa Cruz

Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Grumbach, Elizabeth, Arizona State University

Music Scholarship Online (MuSO): A Research Environment for a More Democratic Digital Musicology, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Grunspan, Claude, LATTICE (CNRS & ENS/PSL & Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle)

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Guadagnolo, Dan, University of Toronto

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Guidazzoli, Antonella, VisitLab - Cineca Interuniversity Consortium, Italy

Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Guiliano, Jennifer, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis

The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

Guimont, Corinne, Virginia Tech

DH as Data: Establishing Greater Access through Sustainability, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

The Role of Critical Thinking in Humanities Infrastructure: The Pipeline Concept with a Study of HaToRI (Hansard Topic Relevance Identifier), 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Gutman, Gilad, Tel-Aviv University; The Open University of Israel

A Network Analysis of Figurative Topic Classification: The Case Study of Timon of Athens, 2024: v18 n3


Hagedoorn, Berber, University of Groningen

Linking Data and Disciplines: Interdisciplinary brokering in digital humanities research , 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Hagen, Anette, University of South-Eastern Norway

Worlds and Readers: Augmented Reality in Modern Polaxis, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Hajič, Jan , Jr., National Library of the Czech Republic; Masaryk Institute and Archive, Czech Academy of Sciences; Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University

Problems of Authorship Classification: Recognising the Author Style or a Book?, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]

Hall, Crystal, Bowdoin College

What Counts? Digital Humanities Pedagogy Seminars as Teaching, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]

Hall, Elliott, King's Digital Lab

Applied Digital Humanities and the Creative Industries in the United Kingdom, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Halstrom, Adam, University of Utah

The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Halter, Gaudenz, University of Zurich

Methods and Advanced Tools for the Analysis of Film Colors in Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Haltrich, Martin, Library, Klosterneuburg Abbey

Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Hamming, Jeanne, Centenary College of Louisiana

New Media in the Academy: Labor and the Production of Knowledge in Scholarly Multimedia, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Hamplová, Adéla, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Hancock, Mark, University of Waterloo

Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Hanlon, Ann M., Marquette University

Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools: Report on a Survey of Tool Developers , 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

Hansen, Samuel, University of Michigan and University of Wisconsin-Madison

PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Harlan, John, SUNY Polytechnic

Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Harpold, Terry, University of Florida

The Underside of the Digital Field, 2012: v6 n2

Hassani, Marwan, Data Management and Exploration Group, RWTH Aachen University

Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Adobe Photoshop and Eighteenth-Century Manuscripts: A New Approach to Digital Paleography, 2014: v8 n4

Hawk, Brandon W., Rhode Island College

Modelling Medieval Hands: Practical OCR for Caroline Minuscule, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Hayatdavoodi, Dena Shamsizadeh, Shahid Beheshti University

Probing Through Iranian Architectural History Within the Framework of an Ontology Development Process, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Hayler, Matt Steven, Birmingham University, UK

Collaboration in Digital Humanities Research – Persisting Silences, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Hedges, Mark, Centre for e-Research, King’s College London

Grid-enabling Humanities Datasets, 2009: v3 n4

Heftberger, Adelheid, Bundesarchiv, Germany

Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Heijden, Tim van der, University of Luxembourg

Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering in a Digital History Lab, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Heil, Jacob, The Five Colleges of Ohio

Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Helms, Jason Muir, Texas Christian University

Is this Article a Comic?, 2015: v9 n4

Hempel, Tim, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science / Department of Physics

Studying Large-Scale Behavioral Differences in Auschwitz-Birkenau with Simulation of Gendered Narratives, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Henderson, C. E. M., University of Toronto’s Centre for Medieval Studies

One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Hendrickx, Iris, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Hengchen, Simon, University of Helsinki (UH)

Semantic Enrichment of a Multilingual Archive with Linked Open Data, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Henry Ibekwe, Onyekachi, University of Nigeria

New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis and Pedagogy, 2022: v16 n2

Hepworth, K. J., University of Nevada, Reno

Ethical and Effective Visualization of Knowledge Networks, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Racism in the Machine: Visualization Ethics in Digital Humanities Projects, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Hernández, Nidia, National Council on Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina

Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Herrmann, J. Berenike, Basel University

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

In a test bed with Kafka. Introducing a mixed-method approach to digital stylistics, 2017: v11 n4

Heuvel, Charles van den, Huygens ING, The Hague, Netherlands; University of Amsterdam

Metaphors in Digital Hermeneutics: Zooming through Literary, Didactic and Historical Representations of Imaginary and Existing Cities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Heyer, Gerhard, Natural Language Processing Group, Leipzig University, Germany

Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Hiemstra, Djoerd, University of Twente, Enschede

Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Higuchi, Suemi, Fundação Getulio Vargas

[pt]Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais no Brasil
[en]Approaches to the Digital Humanities Scene in Brazil, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Hillier, Amy, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice

The Making and Re-making of The Philadelphia Negro, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Hinnell, Jennifer, Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta

Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Hinrichs, Uta, University of St. Andrews

The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Hogenbirk, Hugo Dirk, University of Groningen, Departement of the History of Philosophy

Interpreting Measures of Meaning: Introducing Salience Differentiated Stability, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

Hoiem, Elizabeth Massa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Scaffolding and Play Approaches to Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Assessment and Iteration in Topically-Driven Courses, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Hollander, Martha, Hofstra University

The Imaginary Museum: Teaching Art History with Mobile Digital Technology, 2018: v12 n2

Holloway-Attaway, Lissa, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

Beyond Representation: Embodied Expression and Social Me-dia, 2012: v6 n2

Holmes, David, Department of Statistics, George Mason University

The Writeprints of Man: a Stylometric Study of Lafayette's Hand in Paine's 'Rights of Man', 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Holmes, Martin, University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre

Introduction to Special Issue: Project Resiliency in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

From Tamagotchis to Pet Rocks: On Learning to Love Simplicity through the Endings Principles, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

Holterhoff, Kate, Georgia Institute of Technology

From Disclaimer to Critique: Race and the Digital Image Archivist, 2017: v11 n3

Hołobut, Agata, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

The Stylometry of Film Dialogue: Pros and Pitfalls, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Hoogerwerf, Maarten, DANS (Dutch Data Archive)

Xpos’re: A Tool for Rich Internet Publications, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Hope Polley, Diana, United States Air Force Academy

Going Digital: Teaching Crevecoeur in the Twenty-First Century, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Horton, Russell, Digital Library Development Center, University of Chicago

Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Hou, Yumeng, Laboratory for Experimental Museology, EPFL, Switzerland

Augmenting Access to Embodied Knowledge Archives: A Computational Framework, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Howard, Jeff, University of Texas, Austin

Interpretative Quests in Theory and Pedagogy, 2007: v1 n1

Howard-Sukhil, Christian, University of California, Berkeley

Developing Research through Podcasts: Circulating Spaces, A Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Howell, Sonia, University of Notre Dame, USA

A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Visualizing and Analyzing the Hollywood Screenplay with ScripThreads, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]

Hürriyetoğlu, Ali, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Hswe, Patricia, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Hua, Minh, University of California, Santa Barbara

How to Do Things with Deep Learning Code, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Playing With Unicorns: AI Dungeon and Citizen NLP, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Huang, Winbin, Department of Information Management, Peking University

Rediscussing the Political Struggle in the Light of Reform in Late 11th Century China under the View of Digital Humanities, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Huculak, J. Matthew, University of Victoria Advanced Research Services & Digital Scholarship Librarian

Introduction to Special Issue: Project Resiliency in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

Huitfeldt, Claus, University of Bergen

Are Ontologies Trees or Lattices?, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Hulle, Dirk Van, University of Oxford

Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Huskey, Samuel J., University of Oklahoma

Decoupling Quality Control and Publication: The Digital Latin Library and the Traveling Imprimatur., 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]

Hussein, Ali Ahmad, University of Haifa

Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]


, Implementing New Knowledge Environment (INKE)

Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]

Imboden, Silvano, VisitLab - Cineca Interuniversity Consortium, Italy

Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Ireland, Matthew T., Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge

Discourse cohesion in Xenophon’s On Horsemanship through Sketch Engine, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Irish, Sharon, Interim Director, Community Informatics Initiative, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

History, People, and Informatics: A Conversation between Sharon Irish and Wendy Plotkin, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

Isasi, Jennifer, Pennsylvania State University

Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Ives, Maura, Texas A&M University

Introduction, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Iwama, Allan Yu, Universidad de Los Lagos - Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Regional y Políticas Públicas (CEDER)

[pt]Geovisualização de dados e ciência aberta e cidadã - a experiência da Plataforma LindaGeo
[en]Data Geovisualization and Open and Citizen Science - the LindaGeo Platform Prototype, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]


Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Jacobs, Jarod, Warner Pacific College

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Jaillant, Lise, Loughborough University, UK

Introduction to the Special Issue: Using Visual AI Applied to Digital Archives, 2024: v18 n3

[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

AI and Medical Images: Addressing Ethical Challenges to Provide Responsible Access to Historical Medical Illustrations, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Jakacki, Diane K., Bucknell University

A Review of Feminist in a Software Lab: Difference + Design (2018), 2024: v18 n2

Introduction to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium Special Issue, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Jenkins, Bryan M., Penn State Behrend

Digital Black Voices: Podcasting and the Black Public Sphere, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Jenstad, Janelle, University of Victoria

Introduction to Special Issue: Project Resiliency in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

The MoEML Pedagogical Partnership Program, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Jerz, Dennis, Seton Hill University

Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

Somewhere Nearby is Colossal Cave: Examining Will Crowther's Original Adventure in Code and in Kentucky , 2007: v1 n2

Jähnichen, Patrick, Machine Learning Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Jiménez–Badillo, Diego, Museo del Templo Mayor, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Jofre, Ana, SUNY Polytechnic

Crowdsourcing Image Extraction and Annotation: Software Development and Case Study, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Johansson, Mathias, Lund University

Historical GIS and Guidebooks: A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Johnston, John, Emory University

Webbots and Machinic Agency, 2012: v6 n2

Johnston, Peter, Royal Holloway, University of London

J. M. Coetzee's Work in Stylostatistics, 2014: v8 n3

Jones, Catherine, University of Luxembourg

DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Jones, Huw, University of Cambridge

Manuscript Catalogues as Data for Research: From Provenance to Data Decolonisation, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Reconstructing historical texts from fragmentary sources: Charles S. Parnell and the Irish crisis, 1880-86, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Jones, Madison Percy, University of Florida

Environing Media: A Review of Nicole Starosielski’s The Undersea Network, 2017: v11 n4

Jones, Steven, University of South Florida

Reverse Engineering the First Humanities Computing Center, 2018: v12 n2

Junokas, Michael J., University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]


Kaltman, Eric, Department of Computer Science, California State University Channel Islands

From the Presupposition of Doom to the Manifestation of Code: Using Emulated Citation in the Study of Games and Cultural Software, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Karaisl, Antonia, Rescribe Ltd

Modelling Medieval Hands: Practical OCR for Caroline Minuscule, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Karlin, Jojo, New York University Libraries

Reference Rot in the Digital Humanities Literature: An Analysis of Citations Containing Website Links in DHQ, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

Kashtan, Aaron Jacob, Department of English, University of Florida

Materiality Comics, 2015: v9 n4

Forward to the Past: Nostalgia for Handwriting in Scribblenauts and The World Ends with You , 2011: v5 n3

Because It's Not There: Ekphrasis and the Threat of Graphics in Interactive Fiction, 2011: v5 n1

Kaufman, Geoff, Tiltfactor Laboratory, Dartmouth College, USA

By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Keating, John, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland

A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Keck, Jana, German Historical Institute Washington

Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Kelleher, Margaret, University College Dublin (UCD)

A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Kelpšienė, Ingrida, Vilnius University, Lithuania

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Defining scholarly practices, methods and tools in the Lithuanian digital humanities research community, 2018: v12 n4

Kenderdine, Sarah, Laboratory for Experimental Museology, EPFL, Switzerland

Augmenting Access to Embodied Knowledge Archives: A Computational Framework, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Kettunen, Kimmo, National Library of Finland, Mikkeli, Finland

Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Khan, Anas Fahad, CoPhiLab, ILC, CNR Pisa

Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Khazraee, Emad, School of Information, Kent State University

Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Kinnaman, Alex, Virginia Tech

DH as Data: Establishing Greater Access through Sustainability, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Kinnison, Jeffery, University of Notre Dame, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Kirchmair, Thomas, Austrian Academy of Sciences

[en]From Semi-structured Text to Tangible Categories: Analysing and annotating death lists in 18th century newspaper issues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Kirk , David, Digital Interactions Group, Newcastle University

Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

Done: Finishing Projects in the Digital Humanities, 2009: v3 n2

Kirton, Travis, University of Calgary

Language DNA: Visualizing a Language Decomposition , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Kirtz, Jaime Lee, University of Colorado

Computers, Comics and Cult Status: A Forensics of Digital Graphic Novels, 2014: v8 n3

Kleymann, Rabea, University of Hamburg

Towards Hermeneutic Visualization in Digital Literary Studies, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Kobayashi-Better, Daniel, Osaka University

The Kuzushiji Project: Developing a Mobile Learning Application for Reading Early Modern Japanese Texts, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Kohn, Tamara, University of Melbourne

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital
 Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Konstantina, Dritsa, Athens University of Economics and Business

[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Kołodziejska, Marta, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Koolen, Corina, University of Victoria

Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

Koolen, Marijn, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision

DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Kovacs, Alexandra, University of Toronto

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Kraus, Kari, College of Information Studies and Department of English, University of Maryland

Do You Want to Save Your Progress?: The Role of Professional and Player Communities in Preserving Virtual Worlds, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Conjectural Criticism: Computing Past and Future Texts, 2009: v3 n4

Krishna, Alisha, University of Toronto Faculty of Law

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Kruckenberg, Clara, Leipzig University

Topological properties of music collaboration networks: The case of Jazz and Hip Hop, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Kuflik, Tsvi, University of Haifa

Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in classical Arabic Poetry, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Kuijpers, Erika, Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Kunneman, Florian, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Kuokkala, Juha, University of Helsinki, Department of Modern Languages, Helsinki, Finland

Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Kuras, Christoph, Natural Language Processing Group, Leipzig University, Germany

Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Kwon, Christine, University of Notre Dame

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Kyker, Jennifer W., University of Rochester

Decolonial by Design: Building Sekuru's Stories, 2024: v18 n4

Kyvernitou, Ioanna, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)

An Ontology for Gendered Content Representation of Cultural Heritage Artefacts, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]


Labov, Jessie, Center for Media, Data, and Society, Central European University, Hungary

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

LaLonde, Tara, The Pennsylvania State University

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Lamqaddam, Houda, University of Leuven

Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Langmead, Alison, University of Pittsburgh

Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Lang, Sabine, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, Heidelberg University

Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Laramée, François Dominic, University of Ottawa and Université de Montréal

Relocating Complexity: The Programming Historian and Multilingual Static Site Generation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Larson, Doran, Hamilton College

Prison Writer as Witness: Can DH Read for Social Justice?, 2021: v15 n3

Lassner, David, Machine Learning Group, Technische Universität Berlin

Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Lauc, Davor, Chair of Logic, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Inferring standard name form, gender and nobility from historical texts using stable model semantics, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Laurent, Antoine, Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Lavin, Matthew, Data Analytics Program, Denison University

Why Digital Humanists Should Emphasize Situated Data over Capta, 2021: v15 n2

Lavin, Stacy, Independent Scholar

Theorizing Connectivity: Modernism and the Network Narrative, 2011: v5 n2, [co-authored]

The Globe is All One: Wars I Have Seen as Proto-Network Narrative, 2011: v5 n2

Layne-Worthey, Glen, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities , 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Lee, Benjamin, The Library of Congress & The University of Washington

Compounded Mediation: A Data Archaeology of the Newspaper Navigator Dataset, 2021: v15 n4

Lee, James, Independent Scholar

Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Shakespeare’s Tragic Social Network; or Why All the World’s a Stage, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Shakespeare’s Tragic Social Network; or Why All the World’s a Stage, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Leemans, Inger, Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Legault, Amy, Billyard Insurance Group

Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Leitch, Cara, University of Victoria

Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]

Lejeune, Edgar, Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences (University of Amsterdam)

Open or Close Research Instruments? Conflicting Rationales in the Organization of Early Digital Medieval History in Europe (1960–1990)., 2024: v18 n2

LeMieux, Patrick, Duke University

Stretched Skulls: Anamorphic Games and the memento mortem mortis , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Leonard, Peter, Yale University

Digital Humanities on Reserve: From Reading Room to Laboratory at Yale University Library, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Levy, Michelle, Simon Fraser University

Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Lewis, Kevin, Virginia Tech

A Review of Memes in Digital Culture, 2016: v10 n2

Löfberg, Laura, Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK

Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Liceras-Garrido, Raquel, Digital Humanities Hub–History Department, Lancaster University

Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Liebmann, Tom, Image and Signal Processing Group, Leipzig University, Germany

Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Liguori, Maria Chiara, VisitLab - Cineca Interuniversity Consortium, Italy

Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle, Haverford College

Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Li, Mengqi, Shanghai Traditionow Culture Development Corp

Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Lindhé, Cecilia, Umeå University

A Visual Sense is Born in the Fingertips: Towards a Digital Ekphrasis, 2013: v7 n1

Lindsley, Tom, Interaction Designer, Workiva

Sequential Rhetoric: Using Freire and Quintilian to Teach Students to Read and Create Comics , 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]

Lin, Jimmy, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Lin, Wensi, Ohio University

Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Comparative rates of text reuse in classical Latin hexameter poetry, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Lisena, Pasquale, EURECOM

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Lockhart, Jessica, University of Toronto, Mississauga

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Lopez, Felipe H., Haverford College Libraries

Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Losh, Elizabeth, University of California, San Diego

The Fulll Monty, 2022: v16 n3

What can the digital humanities learn from feminist game studies?, 2015: v9 n2

Louridas, Panos, Athens University of Economics and Business

[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Lučić, Ana, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois

Reading Chicago Reading: Quantitative Analysis of a Repeating Literary Program, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Lupker, Jeffrey A. T., The University of Western Ontario

Music Theory, the Missing Link Between Music-Related Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Álvarez Sánchez, Adriana, National Autonomous University of Mexico

DH for History Students: A Case Study at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (National Autonomous University of Mexico) , 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Lyman, Eugene, University of Rhode Island

May the Text Rise up to Meet You: New Ways of Reading Old Manuscripts, 2009: v3 n3


MacAfee, Erin, University of Ottawa

Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

MacArthur, Marit J., University of California, Davis

Slow Listening: Digital Tools for Voice Studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

MacMaster, Kayt, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Mahony, Simon, University College London

The Digital Classicist: building a Digital Humanities Community, 2017: v11 n3

Maignant, Mylène, LATTICE (CNRS & ENS/PSL & Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle)

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Maks, Isa, Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Malazita, James W., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Digital Humanities as Epistemic Cultures: How DH Labs Make Knowledge, Objects, and Subjects, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Mambrini, Francesco, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin

Treebanking in the world of Thucydides. Linguistic annotation for the Hellespont Project, 2016: v10 n2

Mandell, Laura, Miami University of Ohio

The Poetess Archive Database, 2009: v3 n3

Manzo, Christina, Simmons College, USA

By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Maples, Stacey, Stanford University

Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Maraj, Louis M., University of British Columbia

Nutha Planets: On Telos and Digital Blackness, 2022: v16 n3

Marcinkowski, Michael, Bath Spa University

Methodological Nearness and the Question of Computational Literature, 2018: v12 n2

Marcotte, Sophie, Concordia University

[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Marienberg-Milikowsky, Itay, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Visualization of Categorization: How to see the wood and the trees, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Introduction: Situating Critical Code Studies in the Digital Humanities, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Code as Ritualized Poetry: The Tactics of the Transborder Immigrant Tool, 2013: v7 n1

Review: The Electronic Literature Collection Volume I: A New Media Primer , 2008: v2 n1

Marodin, Helen B. Kampmann, University of South Carolina

The History of Digital History: A Review of Crymble (2021), 2023: v17 n1

Marras, Cristina, Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Circling around texts and language: towards pragmatic modelling in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Martins, Bruno, The Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, INESC–ID, University of Lisbon

Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Martin, Thomas R., College of the Holy Cross

Technology, Collaboration, and Undergraduate Research, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Martiradonna, Valentina, Università di Roma, La Sapienza

Digital Encoding as a Hermeneutic and Semiotic Act: The Case of Valerio Magrelli, 2010: v4 n1, [co-authored]

Marty, Paul, Florida State University

Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]

Marx, Maarten, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam

War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

Maryl, Maciej, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Masson, Eef, University of Amsterdam / Rathenau Institute

Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Mateas, Michael, University of California Santa Cruz

Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Matthew, Laura, Marquette University

The Form of the Content: The Digital Archive Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Matusse, Anselmo, Bloco 4 Foundation, Maputo, Mozambique

AR and Public Participation in Maputo City: An Exploratory Study, 2023: v17 n4

Mauer, Roman, Institute for Film, Theatre and Empirical Cultural Studies, University of Mainz, Germany

Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Mauro, Aaron, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Versioning Loss: Jonathan Safran Foer’s Tree of Codes and the Materiality of Digital Publishing, 2014: v8 n4

Mazuet, Franck, Centre d'Histoire Sociale des Mondes Contemporains

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Mazurek, Cezary, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Making the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Taxonomy development as a site of negotiation and compromise in an interdisciplinary software development project, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Mcaleer Balkun, Mary, Seton Hall University

Going Digital: Teaching Crevecoeur in the Twenty-First Century, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

McCarl, Clayton, University of North Florida

An Approach to Designing Project-Based Digital Humanities Internships, 2021: v15 n3

Introduction: Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

McCarty, Willard, King's College London and University of Western Sydney

Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

McDonough, Jerome, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

XML, Interoperability and the Social Construction of Markup Languages: The Library Example, 2009: v3 n3

McGillivray, Barbara, The Alan Turing Institute and University of Cambridge

[en]Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

McIntyre, Gwynaeth, University of British Columbia

From Stone to Screen: Digital Revitalization of Ancient Epigraphy, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

McKinney, Cait, Simon Fraser University

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

McLean-Fiander, Kim, University of Victoria

The MoEML Pedagogical Partnership Program, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

McNamara, Patricia Mannix, University of Limerick

Visual Communication and the promotion of Health: an exploration of how they intersect in Italian education, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

McPherson, Kathryn R., Utah Valley University

The MoEML Pedagogical Partnership Program, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Meder, Theo, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam / University of Groningen, Groningen

Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Meignier, Sylvain, Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Meindertsma, Peter, Department of Language Technology - Computational Linguistics, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Changes in Lyrical and Hit Diversity of Popular U.S. Songs 1956-2016, 2019: v13 n4

Playing with Playthroughs: Distance Visualization and Narrative Form in Video Games, 2020: v14 n3

Mellet, Margot, University of Montreal

[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Mendelssohn, Joanna, University of Melbourne

Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Menon, Nirmala, Indian Institute of Technology

Infrastructure and Social Interaction: Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities in India, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Meredith-Lobay , Megan, University of Alberta

The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Meredith, Michael, Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield

e-Science for Medievalists: Options, Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]

Mertens, Jacob, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Messer-Kruse, Timothy, Bowling Green State University

Racial Proxies in Daily News: A Case Study of the Use of Directional Euphemisms, 2016: v10 n4

Messina, Cara Marta, Northeastern University

Black Digital Humanities for the Rising Generation, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

These Violent Delights: A Review of Timothy J. Welsh’s Mixed Realism: Videogames and the Violence of Fiction, 2019: v13 n3

Meunier, Jean Guy, Université du Québec à Montréal

[fr]Le texte numérique : enjeux herméneutiques
[en]Digital text: hermeneutic issues , 2018: v12 n1

Mews, Constant J., Monash University

Deconstructing Bricolage: Interactive Online Analysis of Compiled Texts with Factotum, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Mezo Gonzalez, Juan Carlos, University of Toronto

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Mähler, Roger, Umeå University

SpotiBot — Turing Testing Spotify, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Mieder, Wolfgang, Department of German & Russian, University of Vermont

Computational Paremiology: Charting the temporal, ecological dynamics of proverb use in books, news articles, and tweets, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Miffitt, Kate, The Pennsylvania State University

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Migliaccio, Cristina, CUNY Medgar Evers College

Language, Materiality, and Digital Neapolitanitá, 2023: v17 n2

Miller, Isaac, Department of Information Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 52900, Israel

A multi-dimensional ontology-based analysis of the Censorship of Hebrew Manuscripts, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Miller, Lee M., University of California, Davis

Slow Listening: Digital Tools for Voice Studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Miller, Matthew Thomas, Roshan Institute for Persian Studies, University of Maryland College Park

Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Milligan, Ian, Department of History, University of Waterloo

Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Milner, Matthew

Introducing DREaM (Distant Reading Early Modernity), 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Mimno, David, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Mininsohn, Sarah Marks, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Mitchell, Laura, St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan

One Loveheart at a Time: The Language of Emoji and the Building of Affective Community in the Digital Medieval Studies Environment, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Mittelberg, Irene, Natural Media Lab, Human Technology Centre, RWTH Aachen University

Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Mittell, Jason, Middlebury College

Deformin' in the Rain: How (and Why) to Break a Classic Film , 2021: v15 n1

Mäkelä, Eetu, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities

Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Mélanie-Becquet, Frédérique, LATTICE (CNRS & ENS/PSL & Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle)

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Müller, Klaus-Robert, Machine Learning Group, Technische Universität Berlin; Berlin Big Data Center; Germany Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University; Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik; Germany Berliner Zentrum für Maschinelles Lernen

Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Münz-Manor, Ophir, The Open University of Israel

Visualization of Categorization: How to see the wood and the trees, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Monjour, Servanne, University of Montreal

[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Monroe, Megan, University of Maryland, College Park

Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]

Montfort, Nick, MIT

cut to fit the toolspun course, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]

Moody, Meaghan, University of Rochester

Stitching the Fragmented: Feminist Maker Pedagogy and Immersive Technologies for Cultural Learning, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Mordechai, Lee, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]

Morey, Sean, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Attention Ecology: Trend Circulation and the Virality Threshold, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Morlock, Emmanuelle, Centre national de la recherche scientifique

[en]Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Morris, Jeremy Wade, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Morrison, Romi Ron, University of Southern California (USC)

Voluptuous Disintegration: A Future History of Black Computational Thought , 2022: v16 n3

Mostern, Ruth, University of California Merced

Traveling the Silk Road on a Virtual Globe: Pedagogy, Technology and Evaluation for Spatial History, 2013: v7 n2, [co-authored]

Moynihan, Bridget, University of Calgary

The Stuff of Science Fiction: An Experiment in Literary History, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Mueller, Alex, University of Massachusetts Boston

Stealing a Corpus: Appropriating Aesop’s Body in the Early Age of Print , 2018: v12 n2

Mueller, Darren, University of Rochester

Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Mugelli, Gloria, Laboratorio di Antropologia del Mondo Antico, Università di Pisa

Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Muiser, Iwe Everhardus Christiaan, University of Twente, Enschede / Meertens Institute, Amsterdam

Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Mullen, Lincoln, George Mason University

Jane, John … Leslie? A Historical Method for Algorithmic Gender Prediction, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Murga Castro, Idoia, Instituto de Historia, CSIC

Researching Spanish Dance in Time and Space: A GIS for La Argentina's Ballets Espagnols, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Murphy, Emily Christina, Queen's University

Introduction, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Undergraduate Students and Digital Humanities Belonging: Metaphors and Methods for Including Undergraduate Research in DH Communities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Murray, Annie, University of Calgary

A Design Methodology for Web-based Sound Archives, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Murray, Simone, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University

Varieties of Digital Literary Studies: Micro, Macro, Meso, 2022: v16 n2

Murrieta–Flores, Patricia, Digital Humanities Research Centre, University of Chester

Developing Geographically Oriented NLP Approaches to Sixteenth–Century Historical Documents: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Musiol, Hanna, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Beyond the Word: Immersion, Art, and Theory in Environmental and Digital Humanities Prototyping, 2021: v15 n2

Mustazza, Chris, University of Pennsylvania

Machine-aided close listening: Prosthetic synaesthesia and the 3D phonotext, 2018: v12 n3

Myers, Taryn K., West Chester University

Digital Black Voices: Podcasting and the Black Public Sphere, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]


Nafde, Aditi, Newcastle University

Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Nagda, Chandni, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Project Quintessence: Examining Textual Dimensionality with a Dynamic Corpus Explorer, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Nagy, Gregory, Harvard University

Foreword, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Nakajima, Shinichi, Machine Learning Group, Technische Universität Berlin; Germany Berlin Big Data Center; RIKEN Center for AIP

Automatic Identification of Types of Alterations in Historical Manuscripts, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Narayanamoorthy, Nanditha, York University

A Review of Twitter and Tear Gas, 2021: v15 n1

Narayanan, Shri, USC Viterbi School of Engineering

Studying Large-Scale Behavioral Differences in Auschwitz-Birkenau with Simulation of Gendered Narratives, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Nascimento, Fernando, Bowdoin College

Exploring Film Language with a Digital Analysis Tool: the Case of Kinolab, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Nauta, Gerhard Jan, Leiden University

As You Can See: Applying Visual Collaborative Filtering to Works of Art, 2008: v2 n1

Nebiolo, Molly, Northeastern University

DH2018: A Space to Build Bridges, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Neyt, Vincent, University of Antwerp

Layers of Variation: a Computational Approach to Collating Texts with Revisions, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Ng, Griffin, Bowdoin College

What Counts? Digital Humanities Pedagogy Seminars as Teaching, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]

Nielbo, Kirstoffer L., Center for Humanities Computing Aarhus, Aarhus University, Denmark

Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies between Articles and Advertisements in Dutch Newspapers, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Noh, Susan, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PodcastRE Analytics: Using RSS to Study the Cultures and Norms of Podcasting , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Noorda, Rachel, Portland State University

Ooligan Press: Building and Sustaining a Feminist Digital Humanities Lab at a R-2, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Northam, Lesley, University of Waterloo

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Nowviskie, Bethany, James Madison University

New Questions, Next Work, 2022: v16 n3

Nygren, Christopher J., University of Pittsburgh

Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Nyhan, Julianne, University College London

It is time to address the Public Communication of DH, 2016: v10 n3

A short Introduction to the Hidden Histories project and interviews , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]


O'Donnell, James, Georgetown University

Foreword, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Oesterling, Patrick, Image and Signal Processing Group, Leipzig University, Germany

Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Ogihara, Mitsunori, Department of Computer Science, University of Miami

Rule-based Adornment of Modern Historical Japanese Corpora using Accurate Universal Dependencies, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

Oiva, Mila, University of Turku (Finland)

Lab and Slack. Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities - Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue., 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

The Chili and Honey of Digital Humanities Research:The Facilitation of the Interdisciplinary Transfer of Knowledge in Digital Humanities Centers, 2020: v14 n3

Okuda, Nozomu, SUNY University at Buffalo, Department of Classics

Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Olesen, Christian Gosvig, Utrecht University / University of Amsterdam

Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Olsen, Mark, ARTFL Project, University of Chicago

Words, Patterns and Documents: Experiments in Machine Learning and Text Analysis, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Vive la Différence! Text Mining Gender Difference in French Literature , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Ommer, Björn, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, Heidelberg University

Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Onrust, Louis, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Oppegaard, Brett, University of Hawaii

The App-Maker Model: An Embodied Expansion of Mobile Cyberinfrastructure, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Organisciak , Peter, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Osborn, Joseph, Department of Computer Science, Pomona College

From the Presupposition of Doom to the Manifestation of Code: Using Emulated Citation in the Study of Games and Cultural Software, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

O'Sullivan, James, University of Sheffield

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Structure over Style: Collaborative Authorship and the Revival of Literary Capitalism, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Introduction to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium Special Issue, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Otis, Jessica, Carnegie Mellon University

Follow the Money?: Funding and Digital Sustainability, 2023: v17 n1

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Owens, Trevor, Library of Congress

Building Better Digital Humanities Tools: Toward broader audiences and user-centered designs, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Oyallon-Koloski, Jenny, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Ozment, Kate, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Building the Women in Book History Bibliography, or Digital Enumerative Bibliography as Preservation of Feminist Labor., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]


Pagnutti, Johnathan, University of California Santa Cruz

Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Palermo, Gregory J., Northeastern University

DH2018: A Space to Build Bridges, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Palladino, Chiara, Classics, Furman University

Translation Alignment for Historical Language Learning: a Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Papadopoulos, Costas, Maastricht University

Towards 3D Scholarly Editions: The Battle of Mount Street Bridge, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Pasin, Michele, Springer Nature

Fitting Personal Interpretation with the Semantic Web: lessons learned from Pliny, 2017: v11 n1, [co-authored]

Pastor, Aaren, Pennsylvania State University

Modernism and Gender at the Limits of Stylometry, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Patrik, Linda E., Department of Philosophy, Union College

Encoding for Endangered Tibetan Texts, 2007: v1 n1

Pause, Johannes, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Pavlíček, Josef, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Pavlopoulos, John, Athens University of Economics and Business

[en]Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Pawlicka-Deger, Urszula, Aalto University

Lab and Slack. Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities - Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue., 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

The Laboratory Turn: Exploring Discourses, Landscapes, and Models of Humanities Labs , 2020: v14 n3

Peña Pimentel, Miriam, National Autonomous University of Mexico

DH for History Students: A Case Study at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (National Autonomous University of Mexico) , 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Pedersen, Isabel, University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Tracking the telepathic sublime as a phenomenon in a digital humanities archive, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Pelle, Ilia Curto, Princeton University

Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]

Perkins, Jody, Miami University

TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Piccini, Silvia, Institute for Computational Linguistics

[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

A Model for Representing Diachronic Terminologies: the Saussure Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Pickle, Sarah, The Claremont Colleges Library

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Piekielek, Nathan, The Pennsylvania State University

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Pielström, Steffen, University of Würzburg

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Pierce, Rachel, KvinnSam, National Library for Gender Studies; Humanities Library, Gothenburg University

Sustainability and Swedish Women's History: Digitizing Photographs from the KvinnSam Archives, 2024: v18 n3

Piersma, Hinke, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies

War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

Pietsch, Christopher, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Past Visions and Reconciling Views: Visualizing Time, Texture and Themes in Cultural Collections, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Piez, Wendell, Mulberry Technologies, Inc.

Impractical Applications, 2011: v5 n1

Something Called Digital Humanities , 2008: v2 n1

Welcome to Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2007: v1 n1, [co-authored]

Pincemin, Bénédicte, ENS Lyon

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Plancq, Clément, LATTICE (CNRS & ENS/PSL & Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle)

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Plantin, Jean-Christophe, London School of Economics and Political Science

The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Ploetz, Thomas, Digital Interactions Group, Newcastle University

Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Plotkin, Wendy, Editor-in-Chief, H-Urban

History, People, and Informatics: A Conversation between Sharon Irish and Wendy Plotkin, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

Pálsson, Gísli, Umeå University, Sweden

To tree, or not to tree? On the Empirical Basis for Having Past Landscapes to Experience., 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Plumb, May Helena, University of Texas at Austin

Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Poels, Géraldine, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Poibeau, Thierry, CNRS / Ecole normale supérieure — PSL/ Université Sorbonne nouvelle

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

[en]Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: Je t’aime... Moi non plus, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Polack, Peter, Department of Information Studies, UCLA

Heterochronologies: a platform for correlation and research in temporal graphics, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Ponto, Kevin, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Visualizing and Analyzing the Hollywood Screenplay with ScripThreads, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]

Poole, Alex H., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Now is the Future Now? The Urgency of Digital Curation in the Digital Humanities, 2013: v7 n2

Portela, Manuel, University of Coimbra

LdoD Visual - A Visual Reader for Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet: An In-Out-In Metaphor , 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Multimodal Editing and Archival Performance: A Diagrammatic Essay on Transcoding Experimental Literature, 2014: v8 n1

Theoretical Permutations for Reading Cybertexts: A Review of Markku Eskelinen, Cybertext Poetics: The Critical Landscape of New Media Literary Theory and C.T. Funkouser, New Directions in Digital Poetry, 2013: v7 n3

The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine , 2010: v4 n1

Porter, Dot, Digital Humanities Observatory

Ross Scaife (1960-2008), 2009: v3 n1

Potvin, Sarah, Texas A&M University

Gestured Labor: A Review of Proxies (2021), 2024: v18 n3

Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Péoux, Gérald, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense & Institut d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (CNRS)

To Visualize Past Communities: A Solution from Contemporary Practices in the Industry for the Digital Humanities , 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Powell, Daniel, University of Victoria

Towards a Seamful Design of Networked Knowledge: Practical Pedagogies in Collaborative Teams, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Power, Jessica, Vanderbilt University; Fisk University

Community-Driven Linked Data Approaches in Builders and Defenders: Nashville's Historical Black Civil War Database, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]

Prebor, Gila, Department of Information Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 52900, Israel

A multi-dimensional ontology-based analysis of the Censorship of Hebrew Manuscripts, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Pressman, Jessica, ACLS Fellow

The Literary And/As the Digital Humanities, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]

Priani Saisó, Ernesto, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Revista Digital Universitaria: A Workshop of Digital Editing at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2007: v1 n2

Priani Saiso, Ernesto, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Underlying Sentiments in 1867: A Study of News Flows on the Execution of Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico in Digitized Newspaper Corpora, 2022: v16 n4, [co-authored]

[es]Introducción de los editores
[en]Editors' Introduction, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Price, Kenneth M., University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What's in a Name?, 2009: v3 n3

Prince, Alanna, Northeastern University

Black Digital Humanities for the Rising Generation, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Péron, Mélanie, University of Pennsylvania

Stitching the Fragmented: Feminist Maker Pedagogy and Immersive Technologies for Cultural Learning, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Pue, A. Sean, Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures, Michigan State University

Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Punjasthitkul, Sukdith, Tiltfactor Laboratory, Dartmouth College, USA

By the People, For the People: Assessing the Value of Crowdsourced, User-Generated Metadata, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Puppe, Frank, Universität Würzburg, Chair of Computer Science VI

Calamari − A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Puren, Marie, LRE, EPITA Paris

Conceptual Modeling of European Silk Heritage with the SILKNOW Data Model and Extension, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Pustu-Iren, Kader, Leibniz Information Centre of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover, Germany

Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Pyzyk, Mark, Getty Research Institute

Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]


Quiring, Ana, University of Missouri — St. Louis

[en]Fingerprints of British Book History: A Feminist Labor History of EEBO, 2024: v18 n1


Raban, Daphne, University of Haifa

Tiresias: A Novel Approach for Mining Book Indices, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

Rabby, Michael, Washington State University Vancouver

The App-Maker Model: An Embodied Expansion of Mobile Cyberinfrastructure, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Raben, Joseph, Queens College, City University of New York

Introducing Issues in Humanities Computing, 2007: v1 n1

Tenure, Promotion and Digital Publication, 2007: v1 n1

Radzikowska, Milena, Mount Royal College, Canada

Designing Data Mining Droplets: New Interface Objects for the Humanities Scholar, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Rafeh, Hined, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Digital Humanities as Epistemic Cultures: How DH Labs Make Knowledge, Objects, and Subjects, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Raffard, Matthieu, Atelier Raffard-Roussel

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Raley, Rita, University of California, Santa Barbara

How to Do Things with Deep Learning Code, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Playing With Unicorns: AI Dungeon and Citizen NLP, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Ralph, William, Brock University

Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Ramsay, Stephen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Politics of Tools, 2023: v17 n2

Ranaweera , Kamal, University of Alberta

The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Rao, Praveen, Department of Health Management & Informatics, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. University of Missouri-Columbia

Character Recognition Of Seventeenth-Century Spanish American Notary Records Using Deep Learning, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Raposo, José, University of Lisbon, INESC-ID, IST

LdoD Visual - A Visual Reader for Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet: An In-Out-In Metaphor , 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Rastinger, Nina C., Austrian Academy of Sciences

[en]From Semi-structured Text to Tangible Categories: Analysing and annotating death lists in 18th century newspaper issues, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Ravenscroft, Andrew, Cass School of Education and Communities, University of East London, UK

Finding and Interpreting Arguments: An Important Challenge for Humanities Computing and Scholarly Practice, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]

Rawson, K.J., Northeastern University

Investing in Project Maintenance: Auditing the Digital Transgender Archive, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

[es]Geografías digitales: Iluminando las relaciones espaciales en una colección de blogs literarios
[en]Digital Geographies: Illuminating Spatial Relationships in a Collection of Literary Blogs, 2018: v12 n1

Razavi, Niloofar, Faculty of Architecture & Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

Probing Through Iranian Architectural History Within the Framework of an Ontology Development Process, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Read, Peter, Australian National University

[es]Retorno a trazos de mil historias
[en]A Return to the Traces of a Thousand Stories, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Rebora, Simone, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies. A Critical Survey, 2023: v17 n2

Reboul, Marianne, Université Paris-Sorbonne

Diachronic trends in Homeric translations, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Rehbein, Malte, University of Passau

Categorising Legal Records – Deductive, Pragmatic, and Computational Strategies, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Renneville, Marc, CLAMOR. Center for Digital Humanities and History of Justice (CNRS)

[fr]Criminocorpus. Un projet numérique pour l'histoire de la justice
[en]Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of Justice, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Reside, Doug, University of Maryland, College Park

Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game, 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

A review of Noah Wardrip-Fruin’s Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies, 2010: v4 n2

Rettberg, Scott, The University of Bergen Dept. of Literary, Linguistic, and Aesthetic Studies

Communitizing Electronic Literature, 2009: v3 n2

Reul, Christian, Centre for Philology and Digitality; University of Würzburg

Calamari − A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Revez, Jorge, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, Centro de Estudos Clássicos

[pt]Curadoria Digital e Custos – Exploração de abordagens e perceções
[en]Digital Curation and its Costs: A Study of Practices and Insights, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Reyes-Santos, Alaí, University of Oregon

Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas: A Decolonial Digital Humanities Project, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Rezai, Yasamin, University of Miami

Data Stories for/from All: Why Data Feminism is for Everyone, 2022: v16 n2

Ribeiro, Cláudio José Silva, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro — Unirio

[pt]Aproximações ao cenário das humanidades digitais no Brasil
[en]Approaches to the Digital Humanities Scene in Brazil, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Ricaurte Quijano, Paola, Tecnológico de Monterrey

[es]Laboratorios ciudadanos y humanidades digitales
[en]Citizen Laboratories and Digital Humanities, 2018: v12 n1

Risam, Roopika, Salem State University

Our Time Is Now (It’s Always Been Our Time), 2022: v16 n3

Introduction: The Questions of Minimal Computing, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Beyond the Margins: Intersectionality and the Digital Humanities, 2015: v9 n2

Rito Silva, António, University of Lisbon, INESC-ID, IST

LdoD Visual - A Visual Reader for Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet: An In-Out-In Metaphor , 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Rivard, Courtney, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Building Pedagogy into Project Development: Making Data Construction Visible in Digital Projects, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]

Rizvi, Zahra, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia

Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Robertson, Bruce, Mount Allison University

Exploring Historical RDF with Heml, 2009: v3 n1

Roberts-Smith, Jennifer, University of Waterloo

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Robinson, Peter, University of Birmingham

Some principles for making collaborative scholarly editions in digital form, 2017: v11 n2

The Ends of Editing, 2009: v3 n3

Rockwell, Geoffrey, University of Alberta

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Tremendous Mechanical Labor: Father Busa’s Algorithm, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Rodriguez-Arenas, Omar, University of Alberta

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Rodriguez, Paul, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Leonardo, Morelli, and the Computational Mirror, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Roe, Glenn, ARTFL Project, University of Chicago

Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Rogers, Katina, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Humanities Unbound: Supporting Careers and Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track, 2015: v9 n1

Roles, Cailin Flannery, Northeastern University

Investing in Project Maintenance: Auditing the Digital Transgender Archive, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Romach, Avital, Yale University

Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Roman, Belinda, St. Mary's University

An Agent-based Model for the Humanities, 2013: v7 n1

Roman, Cynthia, Lewis Walpole Library

Detecting and Characterising Transmission from Legacy Collection Catalogues, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Romanello, Matteo, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin / École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Exploring Citation Networks to Study Intertextuality in Classics, 2016: v10 n2

Romano, Allen, Florida State University

Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]

Romphf, Joshua, University of Rochester

Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Rosenbloom , Paul S., Department of Computer Science and Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California

Towards a Conceptual Framework for the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2

Ross, Heather, The Pennsylvania State University

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

In Praise of Overstating the Case: A review of Franco Moretti, Distant Reading (London: Verso, 2013), 2014: v8 n1

Roueché, Charlotte, King's College London

Epigraphy in 2017, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Roued-Cunliffe, Henriette, University of Copenhagen

The Digital Future of Humanities through the Lens of DIY Culture, 2016: v10 n4

Roundtree, Aimee, University of Houston-Downtown

Simulated Visuals: Some Rhetorical and Ethical Implications, 2009: v3 n3

Rountree, Barry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Nonsense Code: A Nonmaterial Performance, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Roussel, Mathilde, Atelier Raffard-Roussel

[en]Exploring Combinatorial Methods to Produce Sonnets: An Overview of the Oupoco Project, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Rowberry, Simon Peter, Department of Information Studies, University College London

The Ebook Imagination, 2022: v16 n1

Roy, Carrie, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Visualizing and Analyzing the Hollywood Screenplay with ScripThreads, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]

Rozo, Albert, The Pennsylvania State University

A Tale of Two Internships: Developing Digital Skills through Engaged Scholarship, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Ruecker, Stan, University of Alberta

How do we get to the Humanitarium from here?, 2016: v10 n3

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

The Design of an International Social Media Event: A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Designing Data Mining Droplets: New Interface Objects for the Humanities Scholar, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Published Yet Never Done: The Tension Between Projection and Completion in Digital Humanities Research, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Ruest, Nick, Digital Scholarship Infrastructure Department, York Univeristy

Fostering Community Engagement through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Ruokolainen, Teemu, National Library of Finland, Mikkeli, Finland

Old Content and Modern Tools – Searching Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771–1910, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Rybicki, Jan, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

The Stylometry of Film Dialogue: Pros and Pitfalls, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Rydberg-Cox, Jeffrey, University of Missouri-Kansas City

Toward an Open Digital Tutorial for Ancient Greek v. 2.0, 2016: v10 n2

Digitizing Latin Incunabula: Challenges, Methods, and Possibilities, 2009: v3 n1


Sabb, Lana, Grinnell College

Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Salomón Salazar, Mercedes I., México - Biblioteca Histórica José María Lafragua; Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

[es]El Catálogo Colectivo de Marcas de Fuego. Avatares para conformar su canon de autoridades, 2020: v14 n4

Salter, Anastasia, University of Central Florida

Introduction: Comics and the Digital Humanities, 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]

Salvoldi, Daniele, Dahlem Research School, Freie Universität Berlin

A Historical Geographic Information System (HGIS) of Nubia Based on the William J. Bankes Archive (1815-1822), 2017: v11 n2

Salway, Andrew, Sussex Humanities Lab, University of Sussex

Detecting and Characterising Transmission from Legacy Collection Catalogues, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Sample, Mark L., George Mason University

Criminal Code: Procedural Logic and Rhetorical Excess in Videogames, 2013: v7 n1

Sanchez, Jean-Lucien, CLAMOR. Center for Digital Humanities and History of Justice (CNRS)

[fr]Criminocorpus. Un projet numérique pour l'histoire de la justice
[en]Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of Justice, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Sandifer, Elizabeth, University of Florida

Avatari: Disruption and Imago in Video Games, 2009: v3 n3

Sansom, Stephen A., Florida State University

[en]SEDES: Metrical Position in Greek Hexameter, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Santachiara, Pietro, Department of Information Studies, UCLA

Heterochronologies: a platform for correlation and research in temporal graphics, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Sanz-Lázaro, Fernando, Austrian Academy of Sciences

[en]libEscansión: A Recursive Precedence Approach to Metrical Scansion, 2024: v18 n3

Saper, Craig, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Readies Online, 2011: v5 n3

Sapienza, Stephanie, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities

Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Sarkar, Sucharita, D.T.S.S. College of Commerce, Mumbai, India

A Review of Intergenerational Connections in Digital Families, 2021: v15 n1

Satlow, Michael, Brown University

Machine Learning Techniques For Analyzing Inscriptions From Israel, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Sauer, Sabrina, University of Groningen

Linking Data and Disciplines: Interdisciplinary brokering in digital humanities research , 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Saum-Pascual, Alex, University of California, Berkeley

Teaching Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: A Proposal, 2017: v11 n3

Savonick, Danica, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Building a Student-Centered (Digital) Learning Community With Undergraduates, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Sawal, Victor, Ontario Tech University

Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Sayers, Jentery, University of Victoria

Minimal Computing from the Labor Perspective , 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Scagliola, Stefania, Université du Luxembourg

Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Founding the Special Interest Group Audio-Visual in Digital Humanities: An Interview with Franciska de Jong, Martijn Kleppe, and Max Kemman , 2021: v15 n1

Schafer, Valérie, C²DH, University of Luxembourg

Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Schauwecker, Lacey, University of Southern California

Sight and Sound: Counter-mapping the U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis, 2022: v16 n3

Schöch, Christof, University of Würzburg

Classifying and Contextualizing Edits in Variants with Coleto: Three Versions of Andy Weir’s The Martian, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Topic Modeling Genre: An Exploration of French Classical and Enlightenment Drama, 2017: v11 n2

TaDiRAH: a Case Study in Pragmatic Classification, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Scheirer, Walter, University of Notre Dame, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Tesserae Intertext Service, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Scherer, Thomas, Freie Universität Berlin

Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Scheuermann, Gerik, Image and Signal Processing Group, Leipzig University, Germany

Exploratory Search Through Visual Analysis of Topic Models, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Schindler, Rebecca K., DePauw University

Teaching Spatial Literacy in the Classical Studies Curriculum, 2016: v10 n2

Schüller, Daniel, Natural Media Lab, Human Technology Centre, RWTH Aachen University

Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Schloen, David, University of Chicago

Beyond Gutenberg: Transcending the Document Paradigm in Digital Humanities, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]

Schloen, Sandra, University of Chicago

Beyond Gutenberg: Transcending the Document Paradigm in Digital Humanities, 2014: v8 n4, [co-authored]

Schlotterback, Eamon, Northeastern University

Investing in Project Maintenance: Auditing the Digital Transgender Archive, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Schmidt, Desmond, Queensland University of Technology, Information Security Institute

[en]A Model of Versions and Layers, 2019: v13 n3

Digital Encoding as a Hermeneutic and Semiotic Act: The Case of Valerio Magrelli, 2010: v4 n1, [co-authored]

Schneier, Joel, North Carolina State University

BigDIVA and Networked Browsing: A Case for Generous Interfacing and Joyous Searching, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Schoenbeck, Robert, University of California, Irvine

Playing with Chance: On Random Generation in Playable Media and Electronic Literature, 2013: v7 n3

Schofield, Guy, Digital Interactions Group, Newcastle University

Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Schofield , Tom, Culture Lab, Newcastle University

Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Schreibman, Susan, Digital Humanities Observatory

Towards 3D Scholarly Editions: The Battle of Mount Street Bridge, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools: Report on a Survey of Tool Developers , 2010: v4 n2, [co-authored]

Schroeder, Caroline T, University of the Pacific

Raiders of the Lost Corpus, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Schuh, Julien, Université Paris Nanterre; Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes

[en]Sensitivity and Access: Unlocking the Colonial Visual Archive with Machine Learning, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Schulz, Klaus U., CIS, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany

Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Explaining Events to Computers: Critical Quantification, Multiplicity and Narratives in Cultural Heritage, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Schwan, Hannah, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Seales, Brent, University of Kentucky

Acknowledgements and Dedications, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Seatter, Lindsey, University of Victoria

Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]

Seidl, Markus, Media and Digital Technologies, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Seidl, Thomas, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Automated Pattern Analysis in Gesture Research: Similarity Measuring in 3D Motion Capture Models of Communicative Action, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Senseney, Megan, University of Arizona

Innovation Through Collaboration in Humanities Research, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Shalizi, Cosma, Carnegie Mellon University

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Shanahan, John, DePaul University

Reading Chicago Reading: Quantitative Analysis of a Repeating Literary Program, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Shang, Wenyi, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Rediscussing the Political Struggle in the Light of Reform in Late 11th Century China under the View of Digital Humanities, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Shanmugapriya T,, University of Toronto Scarborough

Developing Computational Models for Formalizing Concepts in the British Colonial India Corpus, 2023: v17 n3

A review of Brett D. Hirsch (Ed.)’s Digital Humanities: Pedagogy: Practices, Principles, and Politics , 2014: v8 n2

Shemek, Deanna, University of California, Irvine, USA

Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Shepard, David, Scholarly Innovation Lab, UCLA

[en]Reading the Quan Tang shi: Literary History, Topic Modeling, Divergence Measures, 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]

Sherwood, Emily, University of Rochester

Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Shillingsburg, Peter, Loyola University Chicago

How Literary Works Exist: Convenient Scholarly Editions, 2009: v3 n3

Shortell, Olly, Prescott College

Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Short, Harold, King's College London and University of Western Sydney

Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Shrout, Anelise Hanson, California State University Fullerton

Starting From Scratch? Workshopping New Directions in Undergraduate Digital Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Sichani, Anna-Maria, King's College London

Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Siddiqui, Nabeel, College of William and Mary

Hidden in Plain-TeX: Investigating Minimal Computing Workflows, 2022: v16 n2

Data Assemblages: A Call to Conceptualize Materiality in the Academic Ecosystem, 2015: v9 n2

An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Developing Academic Capacity in Digital Humanities: Thoughts from the Canadian Community, 2013: v7 n1

Siemens, Ray, University of Victoria

An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Enlisting Vertues Noble & Excelent: Behavior, Credit, and Knowledge Organization in the Social Edition, 2015: v9 n2, [co-authored]

Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]

Sillence, Matthew, University of East Anglia

Learning Digital Humanities in a Community of Practice: the DEAR model of Postgraduate Research Training, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Simpson, Erik, Grinnell College

Networked Cross-Dressing: A Digital Refashioning of Shakespearean Gender Subversion, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Sinclair, Stéfan, McMaster University, Canada

Tool criticism in practice. On methods, tools and aims of computational literary studies, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Tremendous Mechanical Labor: Father Busa’s Algorithm, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Introducing DREaM (Distant Reading Early Modernity), 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET), 2013: v7 n3, [co-authored]

Designing Data Mining Droplets: New Interface Objects for the Humanities Scholar, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Singhal, Rashmi, Tufts University

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Sittel, Julian, Institute for Film, Theatre and Empirical Cultural Studies, University of Mainz, Germany

Automated Visual Content Analysis for Film Studies: Current Status and Challenges, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Slaney, Helen, University of Roehampton

Ghosts in the Machine: a motion-capture experiment in distributed reception, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Slayton, Emma, Carnegie Mellon University

Modeling Amerindian Sea Travel in the Early Colonial Caribbean, 2020: v14 n4

Smink, Nigel, University of Twente, Enschede

Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Smith, David A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Smithies, James, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Applied Digital Humanities and the Creative Industries in the United Kingdom, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Digital Humanities, Postfoundationalism, Postindustrial Culture, 2014: v8 n1

A View from IT, 2011: v5 n3

Smith, Neel, College of the Holy Cross

Citation in Classical Studies, 2009: v3 n1

Smith, Shannon R., Texas A&M University

Introduction, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Undergraduate Students and Digital Humanities Belonging: Metaphors and Methods for Including Undergraduate Research in DH Communities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Cervantes Project: The Digital Quixote Iconography Collection, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Sánchez-Salido, Eva, ETSI Informática, UNED

Seeking Information in Spanish Historical Newspapers: The Case of Diario de Madrid (18th and 19th Centuries), 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]

Snickars, Pelle, Umeå University

SpotiBot — Turing Testing Spotify, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Soll, David, University of Iowa

Dendrography and Art History: a computer-assisted analysis of Cézanne’s Bathers., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Sousanis, Nick, University of Calgary

Behind the Scenes of a Dissertation in Comics Form, 2015: v9 n4

Spadini, Elena, Université de Lausanne

Reassessing the locus of normalization in machine-assisted collation, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Speers, Laura, King's College, London

A Life Lived in Media, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

Sperberg-McQueen, C. M., Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Are Ontologies Trees or Lattices?, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Sporton, Gregory, Director, Visualisation Research Unit, School of Art, Birmingham City University

The e Prefix: e-Science, e-Art & the New Creativity, 2009: v3 n4

Springmann, Uwe, LMU Munich & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

OCR of historical printings with an application to building diachronic corpora: A case study using the RIDGES herbal corpus, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Squire, David, Monash University

Deconstructing Bricolage: Interactive Online Analysis of Compiled Texts with Factotum, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Squires, David, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Open Access and the Theological Imagination, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Stahl, Alan, Princeton University

Systematic bias in humanities datasets: ancient and medieval coin finds in the FLAME project, 2025: v19 n1, [co-authored]

Stainforth, Elizabeth, University of Leeds

All and Each: A Socio-Technical Review of the Europeana Project, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Stange, Jan-Erik, ATLAS.ti

Towards Hermeneutic Visualization in Digital Literary Studies, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Narrelations — Visualizing Narrative Levels and their Correlations with Temporal Phenomena, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Starosielski, Nicole, New York University

Orientation: Man and His Tool, Again?, 2015: v9 n2

Steenbergh, Kristine, Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Stein, Sterling, Linguistic Cognition Lab, Dept. of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

Gender, Race, and Nationality in Black Drama, 1950-2006: Mining Differences in Language Use in Authors and their Characters, 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]

Stephenson, Matthew, Flinders University

The Ludii Games Database: A Resource for Computational and Cultural Research on Traditional Board Games, 2024: v18 n4, [co-authored]

Stern Cahoy, Ellysa, The Pennsylvania State University

Researcher as Bricoleur: Contextualizing humanists’ digital workflows, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Stevens, Carolyn, Monash University

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Brokerage in the Digital
 Humanities, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Stewart, Mackenzie, University of Toronto

Transmediation as Radical Pedagogy in Building Queer and Trans Digital Archives, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Stinson, Timothy, North Carolina State University

BigDIVA and Networked Browsing: A Case for Generous Interfacing and Joyous Searching, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

St. John, Matt, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Stoop, Wessel, Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Strange, Carolyn, Australian National University

Mining for the Meanings of a Murder: The Impact of OCR Quality on the Use of Digitized Historical Newspapers, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

Stratil, Jasper, Freie Universität Berlin

Matching Computational Analysis and Human Experience: Performative Arts and the Digital Humanities, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Strickland, Stephanie, Independent scholar

cut to fit the toolspun course, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]

Stump, Gregory, University of Kentucky

What Your Teacher Told You is True: Latin Verbs Have Four Principal Parts , 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Sturm, Sean, The University of Auckland

Digital Caricature, 2014: v8 n3, [co-authored]

Sukovic, Suzana, HETI (Health Education and Training Institute)

[es]Retorno a trazos de mil historias
[en]A Return to the Traces of a Thousand Stories, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Summers, Ed, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities

Healing the Gap: Digital Humanities Methods for the Virtual Reunification of Split Media and Paper Collections, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Sumner, Tyne Daile, Australian National University; Australian Cultural Data Engine

Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Suzuki , Takafumi, Toyo University

Computational Stylistic Analysis of Popular Songs of Japanese Female Singer-songwriters, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

Svensson, Patrik BO, Umeå University

The Why and How of Middleware, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Envisioning the Digital Humanities, 2012: v6 n1

From Optical Fiber To Conceptual Cyberinfrastructure, 2011: v5 n1

The Landscape of Digital Humanities, 2010: v4 n1

Humanities Computing as Digital Humanities, 2009: v3 n3

Swanstrom, Lisa, Florida Atlantic University

The Literary And/As the Digital Humanities, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]


Tabak, Edin, University of Zenica

A Hybrid Model for Managing DH Projects, 2017: v11 n1

Tabbi, Joseph, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

Graphic Sublime: On the Art and Designwriting of Kate Armstrong and Michael Tippett, 2012: v6 n2

Taddei, Andrea, Laboratorio di Antropologia del Mondo Antico, Università di Pisa

Annotating ritual in ancient Greek tragedy: a bottom-up approach in action, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Tagami, Daiki, Columbia University

Machine Learning Techniques For Analyzing Inscriptions From Israel, 2023: v17 n2, [co-authored]

Tagliaferri, Lisa, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Building a Student-Centered (Digital) Learning Community With Undergraduates, 2017: v11 n3, [co-authored]

Takeda, Joey, Digital Humanities Innovation Lab, Simon Fraser University

From Tamagotchis to Pet Rocks: On Learning to Love Simplicity through the Endings Principles, 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

Takehana, Elisabet, Fitchburg State University

Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Introduction, 2011: v5 n3, [co-authored]

Tames, Ismee, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies

War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

Tangherlini, Timothy R., University of Calfornia, Berkeley

Comparative K-Pop Choreography Analysis through Deep-Learning Pose Estimation across a Large Video Corpus, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Tannier, Xavier, Sorbonne Université

A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Tcheng, David, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Sounding for Meaning: Using Theories of Knowledge Representation to Analyze Aural Patterns in Texts, 2013: v7 n1, [co-authored]

Teboul, Ezra J., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Digital Humanities as Epistemic Cultures: How DH Labs Make Knowledge, Objects, and Subjects, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Teehan, Aja, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland

A Digital Humanities Approach to Narrative Voice in The Secret Scripture: Proposing a New Research Method, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Teichmann, Lisa, Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN) at Université de Montréal

Bibliographic Translation Data: Invisibility, Research Challenges, Institutional and Editorial Practices, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Temkin, Daniel, Bard College

The Less Humble Programmer, 2023: v17 n2

The Potential and Problems in using High Performance Computing in the Arts and Humanities: the Researching e-Science Analysis of Census Holdings (ReACH) Project., 2009: v3 n4

Acknowledgements and Dedications, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

DHQ in the Public Eye, 2007: v1 n2

Welcome to Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2007: v1 n1, [co-authored]

Testini, Irene, Special Collections and Archives, Cardiff University

Capturing Captions: Using AI to Identify and Analyse Image Captions in a Large Dataset of Historical Book Illustrations, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Thain, Marion, New York University

Distracted Reading: Acts of Attention in the Age of the Internet, 2018: v12 n2

Reconstructing Brandon (1998-1999): A Cross-disciplinary Digital Humanities Study of Shu Lea Cheang’s Early Web Artwork, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Textual Artifacts and their Digital Representations: Teaching Graduate Students to Build Online Archives, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Theune, Mariët, University of Twente, Enschede

Supporting the Exploration of Online Cultural Heritage Collections: The Case of the Dutch Folktale Database, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Thieberger, Nick, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne, Australia

Doing it for Ourselves: The New Archive Built by and Responsive to the Researcher, 2023: v17 n1

Thomas, Julia, School of English Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University

Capturing Captions: Using AI to Identify and Analyse Image Captions in a Large Dataset of Historical Book Illustrations, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Thompson, Tyechia L., Virginia Tech

Afrofuturist Intellectual Mixtapes: A Classroom Case Study , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Thorat, Dhanashree, Mississippi State University

Infrastructural Sovereignty in the Black Atlantic, 2024: v18 n4

Tilahun, Gelila, University of Toronto

Automated Transcription of Gə'əz Manuscripts Using Deep Learning, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Tilton, Lauren, University of Richmond

What Counts? Digital Humanities Pedagogy Seminars as Teaching, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]

Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Building Pedagogy into Project Development: Making Data Construction Visible in Digital Projects, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]

Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Timney, Meagan, University of Victoria

Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies, 2012: v6 n1, [co-authored]

Tissen, Liselore, Leiden University and Delft University of Technology

The case of the golden background, a virtual restoration and a physical reconstruction of the medieval Crucifixion of the Lindau Master (c. 1425), 2023: v17 n1, [co-authored]

Tønnessen, Elise Seip, University of Agder

Worlds and Readers: Augmented Reality in Modern Polaxis, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Tomasi, Francesca, University of Bologna

Linked data from TEI (LIFT): A Teaching Tool for TEI to Linked Data Transformation, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Torres Aguilar, Sergio, UVSQ-Université Paris-Saclay

A Named Entity Recognition Model for Medieval Latin Charters, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Trace, Ciaran B., The University of Texas at Austin

Archives, Information Infrastructure, and Maintenance Work, 2022: v16 n1

Tracy, Daniel G., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Scaffolding and Play Approaches to Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Assessment and Iteration in Topically-Driven Courses, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Troncy, Raphaël, EURECOM

Transdisciplinary Analysis of a Corpus of French Newsreels: The ANTRACT Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

T, Shanmugapriya, Indian Institute of Technology

Infrastructure and Social Interaction: Situated Research Practices in Digital Humanities in India, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Tóth, Gábor Mihály, USC Shoah Foundation / USC Viterbi School of Engineering

Studying Large-Scale Behavioral Differences in Auschwitz-Birkenau with Simulation of Gendered Narratives, 2022: v16 n3, [co-authored]

Turchin, Peter, University of Connecticut

A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Turkel, William J., The University of Western Ontario

Music Theory, the Missing Link Between Music-Related Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Turner, Jeffrey, University of Utah

The Push and Pull of Digital Humanities: Topic Modeling the What is digital humanities? Genre, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Turner, Stephen Francis, The University of Auckland

Digital Caricature, 2014: v8 n3, [co-authored]

Tweten, Lisa, University of British Columbia

From Stone to Screen: Digital Revitalization of Ancient Epigraphy, 2016: v10 n1, [co-authored]


Ullrich, Madeline, University of Rochester

Audiovisualities out of Annotation: Three Case Studies in Teaching Digital Annotation with Mediate, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Ulmer, Gregory L., Professor of English and Media Studies University of Florida, Gainesville

Avatar Emergency, 2011: v5 n3

Underwood, Ted, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

A Genealogy of Distant Reading, 2017: v11 n2

Unsworth, John, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

The Making of Our Cultural Commonwealth , 2009: v3 n4

Urbina, Eduardo, Texas A&M University

Cervantes Project: The Digital Quixote Iconography Collection, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]


Valkanova, Dora, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research , 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

VandeCreek , Dr. Drew E., Northern Illinois University Libraries

The Best Laid Plans: Case Studies of the Loss of Four Early (1996-2003) Digital Humanities Websites, 2024: v18 n4

Webs of Significance: The Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, New Technology, and the Democratization of History, 2007: v1 n1

Vandegrift, Micah, NC State University

Introduction: Questioning Collaboration, Labor, and Visibility in Digital Humanities Research, 2019: v13 n2, [co-authored]

van den Bosch, Antal, Radboud University

Unraveling reported dreams with text analytics, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Information access in the art history domain: Evaluating a federated search engine for Rembrandt research , 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

van den Bos, Maarten, Utrecht University

Mining Public Discourse for Emerging Dutch Nationalism, 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

van der Plaat, Deborah, University of Queensland

Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

van der Zwaan, Janneke M., Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mining Embodied Emotions: A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment and Emotion in Dutch Texts, 1600-1800., 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

van de Ven, Inge, Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences

Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

van Doornik, Johan, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam

War in Parliament: What a Digital Approach Can Add to the Study of Parliamentary History , 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

van Es, Karin, Utrecht University

Unpacking tool criticism as practice, in practice, 2023: v17 n2

van Galen, Quintus, University of Amsterdam

[en]The Page Is an Image Again: Bleedmapping as an Analysis Technique for Historical Newspapers, 2023: v17 n1

Van Gorp, Jasmijn, Utrecht University

Introduction: Special Issue on AudioVisual Data in DH, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Building Bridges: Collaboration between Computer Sciences and Media Studies in a Television Archive Project, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

van Horik , René, DANS (Dutch Data Archive)

Xpos’re: A Tool for Rich Internet Publications, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Van Horn, Nicholas M, Capital University

Attention Ecology: Trend Circulation and the Virality Threshold, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Van Hyning, Victoria, Library of Congress

Curating Crowds: A Review of Crowdsourcing Our Cultural Heritage (Ashgate, 2014), 2019: v13 n1

van Noord, Nanne, University of Amsterdam / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision

Exploring Digitised Moving Image Collections: The SEMIA Project, Visual Analysis and the Turn to Abstraction, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

van Zaanen, Menno, South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Manual Annotation of Unsupervised Models: Close and Distant Reading of Politics on Reddit, 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

van Zundert, Joris, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

DHBeNeLux: Incubator for Digital Humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Varela, Miguel Escobar, National University of Singapore

The Archive as Repertoire: Transience and Sustainability in Digital Archives , 2016: v10 n4

Varga, Rada, Babeș-Bolyai University

Graph based modelling of prosopographical datasets. Case study: Romans 1by1, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Vee, Annette, University of Pittsburgh

BASIC FTBALL and Computer Programming for All, 2023: v17 n2

Venecek, John, University of Central Florida Libraries

The Radical Historicity of Everything: Exploring Shakespearean Identity with Web 2.0, 2009: v3 n3, [co-authored]

Verbert, Katrien, University of Leuven

Perceptual Effects of Hierarchy in Art Historical Social Networks, 2022: v16 n1, [co-authored]

Vernus, Pierre, Université Lumière Lyon 2, LARHRA

Conceptual Modeling of European Silk Heritage with the SILKNOW Data Model and Extension, 2024: v18 n3, [co-authored]

Verri, Luigi, VisitLab - Cineca Interuniversity Consortium, Italy

Renaissance Remix. Isabella d’Este: Virtual Studiolo, 2018: v12 n4, [co-authored]

Veselý, Arnošt, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Cuneiform Stroke Recognition and Vectorization in 2D Images, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Vezzani, Federica, Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies, University of Padova, Via Elisabetta Vendramini, 13 35137 Padova, Italy

[en]LemonizeTBX: Design and Implementation of a New Converter from TBX to OntoLex-Lemon, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Victorien, Sophie, CLAMOR. Center for Digital Humanities and History of Justice (CNRS)

[fr]Criminocorpus. Un projet numérique pour l'histoire de la justice
[en]Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of Justice, 2018: v12 n1, [co-authored]

Viglianti, Raffaele, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, University of Maryland, USA

Open, Equitable, and Minimal: Teaching Digital Scholarly Editing North and South, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Vitali-Rosati, Marcello, University of Montreal

[en]Editorializing the Greek Anthology: The palatin manuscript as a collective imaginary, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Vitek, Darko, Department of History, Centre of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb

Inferring standard name form, gender and nobility from historical texts using stable model semantics, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Válek, František, National Library of the Czech Republic; Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Pardubice; Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Charles University

Problems of Authorship Classification: Recognising the Author Style or a Book?, 2023: v17 n4, [co-authored]

Voss, Edward, University of Iowa

Dendrography and Art History: a computer-assisted analysis of Cézanne’s Bathers., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Mining Eighteenth Century Ontologies: Machine Learning and Knowledge Classification in the Encyclopédie , 2009: v3 n2, [co-authored]


Wainwright, Matt Coneys, Newcastle University

Hands-On Reading: An Experiment in Slow Digital Reading, 2021: v15 n2, [co-authored]

Walker, Alison Tara, Saint Louis University

The Boundless Book: A Conversation between the Pre-modern and Posthuman, 2013: v7 n1

Walkowski, Niels-Oliver, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Wallace, Samantha, University of Virginia

Developing Research through Podcasts: Circulating Spaces, A Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Wallace, Valerie, Bentham Project, University College London,and Center for History and Economics, Harvard University

Building A Volunteer Community: Results and Findings from Transcribe Bentham , 2012: v6 n2, [co-authored]

Walsh, John A., Indiana University

Comic Book Markup Language: An Introduction and Rationale, 2012: v6 n1

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Crafting in Games, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Warren, Christopher N., Carnegie Mellon University

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: A Statistical Method for Reconstructing Large Historical Social Networks , 2016: v10 n3, [co-authored]

Watkins, Robert Dennis, Idaho State University

Sequential Rhetoric: Using Freire and Quintilian to Teach Students to Read and Create Comics , 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]

Webster, Jessica Wagner, Baruch College, City University of New York

Digital Collaborations: A Survey Analysis of Digital Humanities Partnerships Between Librarians and Other Academics, 2019: v13 n4

Weidman, Sean, Pennsylvania State University

Modernism and Gender at the Limits of Stylometry, 2021: v15 n4, [co-authored]

Weißmann, Julius, Media and Digital Technologies, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Cross-codex Learning for Reliable Scribe Identification in Medieval Manuscripts, 2024: v18 n1, [co-authored]

Weinstein, Melinda, Lawrence Technological University

Dendrography and Art History: a computer-assisted analysis of Cézanne’s Bathers., 2019: v13 n3, [co-authored]

Welsh, Anne, University College London

A short Introduction to the Hidden Histories project and interviews , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Video-gaming, Paradise Lost and TCP/IP: an Oral History Conversation between Ray Siemens and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Postmodern Culture and More: an Oral History Conversation between John Unsworth and Anne Welsh , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Collaboration Must Be Fundamental or It's Not Going to Work: an Oral History Conversation between Harold Short and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Questioning, Asking and Enduring Curiosity: an Oral History Conversation between Julianne Nyhan and Willard McCarty , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Trading Stories: an Oral History Conversation between Geoffrey Rockwell and Julianne Nyhan , 2012: v6 n3, [co-authored]

Wernimont, Jacqueline, Scripps College

Introduction to Feminisms and DH special issue, 2015: v9 n2

Whence Feminism? Assessing Feminist Interventions in Digital Literary Archives, 2013: v7 n1

Westgard, Joshua, University Libraries, University of Maryland College Park

Manuscript Study in Digital Spaces: The State of the Field and New Ways Forward, 2018: v12 n2, [co-authored]

Westin, Jonathan, University of Gothenburg

Introduction to the DHQ Special Issue: Digital Technology in the Study of the Past, 2018: v12 n3, [co-authored]

Westling, Carina, King's College London

Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King’s Digital Lab , 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Wevers, Melvin, DH Group, KNAW HUC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies between Articles and Advertisements in Dutch Newspapers, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Coca-Cola: An Icon of the American Way of Life. An Iterative Text Mining Workflow for Analyzing Advertisements in Dutch Twentieth-Century Newspapers, 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Wexler, Laura, Yale University

Uncovering Latent Metadata in the FSA-OWI Photographic Archive, 2017: v11 n2, [co-authored]

Wharton, Robin, Independent Scholar

Digital Humanities, Copyright Law, and the Literary, 2013: v7 n1

Whitehouse, Harvey, University of Oxford

A Macroscope for Global History: Seshat Global History Databank, a methodological overview, 2016: v10 n4, [co-authored]

Whitelaw, Mitchell, University of Canberra, Australia

Archival Liveness: Designing with Collections Before and During Cataloguing and Digitization, 2015: v9 n3, [co-authored]

Generous Interfaces for Digital Cultural Collections, 2015: v9 n1

White, Nick, Rescribe Ltd

Modelling Medieval Hands: Practical OCR for Caroline Minuscule, 2019: v13 n1, [co-authored]

Whitson, Roger Todd, Washington State University

Introduction: Comics and the Digital Humanities, 2015: v9 n4, [co-authored]

Wick, Christoph, Universität Würzburg, Chair of Computer Science VI

Calamari − A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition, 2020: v14 n2, [co-authored]

Wiercinski, Jared, Concordia University

A Design Methodology for Web-based Sound Archives, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]

Wilcox, Eliza Alexander, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

From Archive to Database: Using Crowdsourcing, TEI, and Collaborative Labor to Construct the Maria Edgeworth Letters Project, 2024: v18 n2, [co-authored]

Wilkinson, Hazel, University of Birmingham, UK

Computer Vision and the Creation of a Database of Printers’ Ornaments, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Willinsky, John, University of British Columbia/Stanford

It May Change My Understanding of the Field: Understanding Reading Tools for Scholars and Professional Readers, 2009: v3 n4, [co-authored]

Winter, Caroline, University of Victoria

An Open Lab? The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab in the Evolving Digital Humanities Landscape, 2020: v14 n3, [co-authored]

Winter, Michael, Brock University

Annotating our Environs with the Sound and Sight of Numbers: The DataScapes Project, 2021: v15 n1, [co-authored]

Wittek, Stephen, Carnegie Mellon

Introducing DREaM (Distant Reading Early Modernity), 2017: v11 n4, [co-authored]

Witt, Jeffrey C., Loyola University Maryland

Decoupling Quality Control and Publication: The Digital Latin Library and the Traveling Imprimatur., 2019: v13 n4, [co-authored]

The Sentences Commentary Text Archive: Laying the Foundation for the Analysis, Use, and Reuse of a Tradition, 2016: v10 n1

Wójcik, Jerzy, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Cluster Analysis in Tracing Textual Dependencies – a Case of Psalm 6 in 16th-century English Devotional Manuals, 2023: v17 n3

Wolff, Mark, Hartwick College

Reading Potential: The Oulipo and the Meaning of Algorithms, 2007: v1 n1

Wood, Ian, Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University

Mining for the Meanings of a Murder: The Impact of OCR Quality on the Use of Digitized Historical Newspapers, 2014: v8 n1, [co-authored]

Woodring, Kimberly, Department of History, East Tennessee State University

History Harvesting: A Case Study in Documenting Local History, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Wu, Yung-Hsing, University of Louisiana, Lafayette

Kindling, Disappearing, Reading, 2013: v7 n1

Wythoff, Grant, Pennsylvania State University

Ensuring Minimal Computing Serves Maximal Connection, 2022: v16 n2

Laptop Policy: Notes on Boredom, 2018: v12 n2


Xie, Yongqing, Nanjing Art Institute

Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]


Yousef, Tariq, Institute of Computer Science, University of Leipzig

Translation Alignment for Historical Language Learning: a Case Study, 2021: v15 n3, [co-authored]

Yu, Joyce, University of Alberta

Burying Dead Projects: Depositing the Globalization Compendium, 2014: v8 n2, [co-authored]


Zahora, Tomas, Monash University

Deconstructing Bricolage: Interactive Online Analysis of Compiled Texts with Factotum, 2015: v9 n1, [co-authored]

Zaidi, Nishat, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia

Minimal Computing for Exploring Indian Poetics, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Zarafonetis, Mike, Haverford College Libraries

Ticha: Collaboration with Indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Zeldes, Amir, Humboldt-University, Berlin

Raiders of the Lost Corpus, 2016: v10 n2, [co-authored]

Classics in the Million Book Library, 2009: v3 n1, [co-authored]

Zeppelzauer, Matthias, St. Pölten University, Austria

Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog, 2020: v14 n4, [co-authored]

Zhang, Mengyue, Nanjing University

Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Zhao, Yinzhou, Art Institute of Nanjing University

Simple but Beautiful: A Case Study on the ZHI Project of Traditional Craftsmanship, 2022: v16 n2, [co-authored]

Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan, Department of Information Science Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 52900, Israel

A multi-dimensional ontology-based analysis of the Censorship of Hebrew Manuscripts, 2020: v14 n1, [co-authored]

Ziegler, S.L., Louisiana State University Libraries

Open Data in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Can We Be Better Than Data Brokers?, 2020: v14 n2

Zirker, Angelika, University of Tübingen

Case Study: Annotating the ambiguous modality of "must" in Jane Austen’s Emma, 2023: v17 n3, [co-authored]

Zöllner-Weber, Amélie, Uni Digital, Bergen, Norway

Ontologies and Logic Reasoning as Tools in Humanities?, 2009: v3 n4

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