Saturday, 15 March 2025

Mega Mansion

I pass this enormous building site every Thursday as I drive to my artist group meetings.... the house gets bigger and uglier and more ostentatious each week. Domes and turrets and what-not. I think this is just a single dwelling and it's hidden away on a narrow country road. But I suppose it won't be a narrow country road forever, the city is encroaching.

I can't hazard a guess as to the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and there's probably an indoor swimming pool in there somewhere. Would you like to live in a house like this?

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Listen to the Music

Open House and a free concert at the Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra. All the familiar orchestral hit parade pieces.... Beethoven's Fifth, excerpts from Swan Lake, some Strauss waltzes, Pomp and Circumstance of course, Offenbach's "Can-Can", lots of foot tapping themes.  Finishing up with a rousing chorus of "O Canada", Elbows Up!

As well as the familiar classical music, North Atlantic Drift played some Celtic selections. Dan Macdonald on fiddle, Brian Taheny on guitar and banjo, Ross Griffiths on Uilleann pipes. The concert hall was full, I was there with Older Son and 17 year old grandson.

It was a Petting Zoo for instruments! Grandson tried out the drum kit, I investigated lots of different percussion rhythm instruments, and we both had a go on the trombone, it sounded pretty awful! I'm sure the trombone player's ears were hurting. There were lots of instruments to try; violin, cello, clarinet, trumpet, oboe, French horn.  This all took place at the Chinese Canadian Cultural Centre so some Chinese instruments were available too.

An enjoyable afternoon. Thank you CBSO.

Sunday, 9 March 2025

My Furry Neighbour

Meet Billy the Squilly... sunning himself on my deck railings on one of the first above freezing sunny mornings for a long time. He's enjoying the warmth of the sun through his furry coat and through the wooden railing.

The cheeky chap's hoping for a yummy handout, better luck next time, Billy, nothing to spare today.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Traffic Jam

 Another one from the Altered Board Book.

A map of.... where? Looks like a busy place with all those vehicles heading across town.  Streets printed on rice paper using string from paper potato bags. The cars were cut from the CAA magazine that comes in my mailbox. Sort of like the AAA but further north.  

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Creatures of the Forest

 Another page from the Altered Board Book.

Beware the wild creatures of the deep dark forest. The noble stags arrived from Scotland on a paper napkin from a Rabbie Burns dinner, and the Swedish Dala Horse was lurking on a sheet of Japanese tissue paper.

And now they are living together in a forest of Canadian maple leaves printed on Chinese rice paper. Quite international.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Wind Sculpture

The snow was snowing...
The wind was blowing...
And in the morning
Sunshine was showing.

(I'll never win the Nobel Prize for Poetry!)

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Tea for Two?

 Another image from the Altered Board Book.  

My collection of fancy paper napkins is far too large, but so useful when looking for images to use. The zebras and the lizards are napkin animals released from their paper jungle.... did you know that all paper napkins (or serviettes if you prefer) consist of three layers of very thin paper that have to be separated before using the image in a collage?

I'm not sure where the teapot came from, but the background is a print of maple leaves on rice paper.  The zebras look quite puzzled, they are wondering where the teapot came from too.