Showing posts with label Merkava. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merkava. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2010

PLO Acquisition

Yesterday, the PLO acquired a T34/85 tank from their friends at Peter Pig. There was a great deal of celebration when it was placed on the painting table. It is hoped that this will lead the PLO to victory over the Israeli forces and their militias.

In a related report, new recruits were also seen entering Israeli armor school and related support weapons training (needed packs of Peter Pig IDF crews and weapon crews needed for the Merkava and Centurion tanks). 

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Battle of El Ishiya

This, our second battle, was to simulate a battle in the Bekaa. This engagement was part of two assaults on the village. One was to heard south to north, while the other was to head east to west. Off board artillery assets were limited. The IDF player had a platoon of Magach tanks and section of infantry in a M113. Reinforcements included a M109AL and another platoon of Merkavas (my latest painting project). The PLO had a unit (20+ troops) in the town with the possibility of additional troops. There was also a HMG at one end of the village, and a recoilless rifle at the other end of the village near a mosque (it was not in the mosque, no matter what the media says).

The village of El Ishiya. North is to the right.

A slight traffic jam on the first turn.

An unhappy HGM seen by two Magachs

Magach tanks approaching the village center.

A corner ambush position.

Close up of the ambush position.

Another ambush position.

The Magach platoon entered the cross roads and underwent an ambush, first from the two buildings and than from the two buildings on the far side. The attack was short lived. The machine guns on the Magach made short work of the RPG gunners as the PLO lost three of the four gunners to accurate fire.

Areal view of the ambush.

The north side of the village.

The Magach approach the mosque and a recoilless rifle position.

The rife from the position held up the Magach platoon for only a short period of time. The only survivor was the PLO Big Man who made off in the GAZ jeep who tried to organize two small troops of reinforcements. His new eight fighters had come on the board without ant RPGs. It was decide that is was a good time to stop the game.

In the last two turns the IDF finally received reinforcements. First was the M109AL...

...and than my new platoon of Merkavas. Well at least they did come on the board.

This was a major win for the IDF. While the lead tank did take a number of hits, none were fatal to the crew. Although the turret was jammed and the gun was knocked out. It became a big machine gun position. The PLO lost a HMG, the recoilless rifle and over twenty men. Not a good day for the PLO.

All in all a great game, and I look forward to playing it again.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Merkavas in Battle

Well my three Merkavas are based and painted and looking for a battle. With any luck they will be engaging my PLO/Militia troops this Thursday at Marks. I will have images by Friday and it does not matter to me who wins as I will have troops on both sides.

The way my RPGs fire I would bet heavily on the IDF.

As for the castings, QRF did a good job. There was little to clean up on the bodies and just a small seem line on the turrets. Not a big surprise as there is a lot of detail on the turrets.

Image from QRF.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Merkava Mk I Turret Hatches Part 2

I want to thank Chris Stoesen ( ) for the link For those interested here is a great Merkava I image of the turret top.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Merkava Mk I Turret Hatches

I recently bought these miniatures in 15mm from QRF. It appears that the hatches for the miniature were designed to be closed. I wanted to have at least two with the hatches open and the commander sitting tall. Only problem is that I do not know were they were connected. Does anyone know or have an image of the turret open.

Thank you

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Simple Update

Well reports are coming in for our armament suppliers in the UK and California (as well as Laurys Station, PA) that the tanks and armored personnel carriers are on the way. These will give comfort to the IDF with the Merkavas and the militias with the BTR40. OK, they are not in the same league but a gift is a gift. 

Our next battle is set for Tuesday the 12th. I am not sure what we will be doing but I can bet that Mark's new Magach 6 (I believe) will be looking for a little action.

I know it is not a Merkava I but it is to cool of an image not to use it. I also like the uniforms, great colors.