Showing posts with label War of Attrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War of Attrition. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2011

Egyptian Vehicles 1968 to 2011

The War of Attrition ended over forty years ago. The Crossing of the Canal occurred four years latter. It is surprising that much of the equipment still exists in the Egyptian inventory. While most is in reserve or storage I would think they have more value as scrap.

Some of the logistic goes back to the very early days of the Cold War. I am sure there are even a few UAZ-469s lying around there somewhere.

Here is a partial list of what I found.



TPP Tracked Pontoon Bridge
PMP Heavy Folding Pontoon Bridging Systems
TMM-3 Motorized Bridge Layer
KMM Motorized Bridge Layer

ZIL-157 6X6
ZIL-131 6X6

Any additions or comments are welcome.

"Now if we could only find the driver."
One of my
UAZ-469 from Peter Pig. Figures from QRF.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It keeps growing...

Right now I have two big terrain projects going. One is known, a "Lebanese Village", that will allow Mark and myself to run games at either house. His set up is more urban while mine is more like the Bekaa Valley (oh the spellings - have to do a blog post on that one). In theory it allows our friends to chose their battlefield. That is the theory at least.

The other project is Green Island (Operation Bulmus 6 - That is another needed blog post on the numbering of the IDF operations. Could be interesting.) This island in the Gulf of Suez was the scene of a drag out fight during the War of Attrition that was only halted by the indiscriminate use of Egyptian artillery on their own position. (I guess the Egyptian never thought their troops could hold out.)

Today I received a couple of the machine guns I will need for the position. It should be fun and I hope to get it ready for Historicon, just don't ask me which year.

 The only aerial photograph I could find of the island.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Latest Additions to the Eqyptian and IDF Forces

This past week has been very productive on the painting font. Unfortunately less so on the blogging side of life.

I was able to finish up my Israelis for Operation Raviv. These troops are a mixture of Peter Pig Range 17 armed with AK47s and QRF’s Israeli Command armed with Uzis.

They are done by the flowing steps.
  • Prime Black
  • Base dry brush of Yellow Olive (892) or Olive Grey (888)
  • Dry Brush Medium Grey (987)
  • I than did the kit and weapons in various shades.

Egyptian Infantry also made an appearance. These troops will be used for the War of Attrition. I will show the base troops in caps and the mechanized infantry in Soviet style helmets.

They are done by the flowing steps.
  • Prime Black
  • Base Dry Brush of Pale Sand (837)
  • Wash of Citadel Devlan Mud
  • Skin Medium Flesh tone (860)
  • Kit is done in Formula P3 Gun Corps Brown.

I look forward to getting them on the table and into battle.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

100th Post

With this being my 100th posting I would like thank you all for visiting my blog. I have had over 13,000 page views from 72 different countries. This is better than I could have ever hoped for.

I would like to thank my friends like Mark Kinsey for his support. He has helped me to acquire new buildings, terrain and miniatures in a new scale. Something I said I was not going to do. Thank you Mark.

I want to also thank Richard Clarke and Chris Stoesen over at the TOOFALardies for their input on the rules and the period.

So as the year continues I look forward to doing more with Lebanon 1982, and The War of Attrition. Operation Raviv and Green Island are both coming along nicely and I look forward to playing them and reporting back to you about the results.

Once again thank you all.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Egyptian Army 1969

Today the Egyptian Army got a boost in the form of an order received from Peter Pig. These Range 17 Harden Militia figures will form the back bone of the Egyptian Army for Operation Raviv. The down side is I still have to paint them. Oh bother.
Machine Guns for Green Island. Image from Peter Pig website.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Recycling an Item

I had to renew my subscription to Wargames Illustrated and every year I look to see what they offer as an incentive. Recently they were offering some really nice looking tanks and assault guns for World War II from Flames of War. As none of them would convert over to the Middle East (can you imagine a King Tiger in the desert) I went with the American Fire Direction Center. It looked like a nice enough tent set up but I was surprised at the quality of the castings. I see this as a base camp for either side in Lebanon 1982 or the War of Attrition. Possibly to be used as part of an Egyptian camp looking to be raided by the IDF.

What other items have you been able to recycle for the gaming table?

Image from the Flames of War Website.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 - Looking Forward

It is hard to believe that 2010 went so fast. For me it has been great. I started a blog (been wanting to do that for awhile), got back into 15mm figures (thank you Mark), and several new periods.

Lebanon will be an on going project for 2011 as will the War of Attrition. The figures for Operation Raviv are coming along nicely as is the idea of building Green Island for doing the raid (Thank you Mark)

I have even started a check list to show my progress painting. A positive number shows I am getting down the stacks of figures, and a negative number means I bought some more. Not sure how to handle selling figures or the figure I ordered last year from QRF.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you at the conventions and online.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Egyptian T-55s for Operation Raviv

Here we have a platoon of Egyptian T-55s heading south towards the reported IDF landings on the west side of the Gulf of Suez. What will they find?

The tanks were done in Dark Sand (Vallejo) and washed with Games Workshop Devlan Mud.  My references for the period have Egyptian tanks done in a solid pattern but a recent parade picture shows darker brown stripes. I may end up doing my next platoon in those alternate colors.

Tanks are from QRF, bought through Scale Creep.