Showing posts with label Columbia River. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Columbia River. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2013

City Daily Photo Theme Days: September Gallery - PINK!

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At the fundraiser known as the Special Olympics Polar Plunge at the Columbia River on February 9, 2013, a lady in black and white completed her look with a pink swim cap and bouquet of pink fake flowers.

Wearing a handmade silk banner emblazoned with references to Polar Bear and Polar Plunge 2013, the lady carries her bag of dry clothing which she must have put down on shore before entering the water. In this photo it looks to me like she heard that photographer say something that made her look back toward him. She turned to look, mid-step.

I know you're all focusing on how tightly clenched her toes are on her left foot as she put on the brakes!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Framed for Christmas, No. 6


The night of my birthday in 2007, December 12, cold air kept me inside my friend's great big white boat, some of the time. You see, he and his sweet family took Mama and me and other friends of theirs out on the Columbia River to experience the Christmas Ship Parade. When I got warm, I'd step from the living room onto the back deck, maybe it's a swim deck, I don't know the exact term. I just know that I felt safe enough there to stand very still and try to get a good photo of any nearby boats, all lit up for Christmas. Here you see one of the clearest images I managed to get that memorable night.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

August 26, an emotional yet wonderful day

A friend gave us, Mama's family and friends, a ride on the Columbia River, so that we could sprinkle Mama and Duncan's ashes. It was especially poignant to see her ashes change the color of the water instantly, then float away.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thursday, August 25, Part 3 of this day's fun, watching this woman and her dog!

I hope you have as much fun looking at these photos as I did watching the two of them playing in the Columbia River!

First, here's a photo, out of sequence, so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about here. The dog had been in the river well before the activity caught my eye. I don't know if the woman had thrown a stick out over the river or not, but it's obvious from this shot that the dog wants that stick!






This is the next photo in sequence after the one at the top of today's post.





Someone sees just where the stick landed!

And it's not the woman!


I am so glad that I got the dog looking back to see what the woman is doing. I believe that's because the instant the dog gets on dry land, it'll be ready to do it all over again. If you've ever played with a dog, you know I speak the truth!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, August 25, Part 2 of this day's fun!

We continued east in the SUV. Our plan was to go south at Hood River, Oregon, and have our picnic in Parkdale, Oregon, beside the Ries-Thompson House. Given the blue skies, I knew we'd be able to see Mt. Hood.

Little did I know that just when we turned off the interstate that we'd notice lots of colorful activity right there on the Columbia River. Quickly we decided to head to the park beside the river for a closer look. I stopped at the shack at the entrance to the parking lot, asked the young man what we needed to do to park for about 20 minutes, and he told us to back up and park in an empty space on the entry road--no charge. Sweet!

We walked towards the river, looking here, looking there, the wind blowing our hair inside out.

Color and motion everywhere. These waves are made by the wind, not a big ship going by.

I don't know what these sail-wing-things are called, so I'll guess colorful, flexible fun.

Here's a dog having fun with a fluorescent tennis ball.

Walking out into the river.

Sort of make you think of that old saw, two ships that pass in the night, doesn't it?

Looks like fun, even to scared ol' me.

From this photo you can certainly understand why I said that our hair was blowing inside out, can't you?

Folks having fun on the Columbia River.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monumental Mt. Hood, in the distance ...

... beyond the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office boat, Liberty, anchored in the mighty Columbia River. I took this photo Saturday morning as I rode in a smaller MCSO boat towards Liberty, my station for the Polar Plunge. I had volunteered to take photos of that fund-raising event for Oregon Special Olympics. There on the right you can glimpse one of the Sheriff's dive team members and the floating border of the plunge area, created by those blue and white floats that have a rope going from one to the other.

Rain had been predicted but didn't show. A brisk wind did, however. I cannot imagine how those waiting to plunge and those wet with the 39 degree water felt in that wind. I thanked my lucky stars that the Liberty's bow pointed into the wind as I stood on the back to the right of that door, snapping one photo after another.

About the mountain, if you go by I-84, it is 76.3 miles from where I rode as I took this photo. Monumental indeed.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Polar Plunge Pix

I volunteered to take photos for the Oregon Special Olympics Polar Plunge fund raiser on Jan. 30. Lots and lots of folks raised lots and lots of money by splashing their way into the Columbia River at the 42nd Street Boat Ramp. That's where the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office has a River Patrol office, and they let me ride on one of their boats to take the photos! How lucky for me because I had a splendid view. Plus I got to hear lots and lots of squeals as various folks realized just how cold the water felt.

Unfortunately I don't know the identity of any of the groups, but I can tell you that this is a shot of most of the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office plungers, employees and family members I was told. See the man in the orange vest? He's the sheriff--I've seen him on TV.

More photos soon of costumes, splashes, and smiles!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Birthday and Christmas Celebratory Fun, Portland Style!


Mama and I spent several totally enjoyable hours on the Trader Vic, a really nice, big boat owned by the owners of that cute Chihuahua in the Santa suit. Yep, that's Mama holding Lexi and Flat Stanley, with me peering at you over her shoulder. Thank you, Fred and Lori, for inviting us aboard! What an outta sight way to spend my 60th birthday!

Here's Captain Fred, wishing all of you "Mele Kalikimaka" from the Columbia River portion of the Christmas Ships Parade here in Portland. The Christmas Ship Parade has a rich history.


Please go to Mama and Me from PDX for lots and lots of photos of friends and fun. Here's just one picture to entice you to make that click!
