Showing posts with label panama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label panama. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Generational Wingnut Welfare Cases


This obnoxious weird and wrong little man is married to Dinesh D'Souza's daughter.  D'Souza had to apologize for being very badly wrong about the 2020 election. His little son-in-law is just being part of the family--pay him little mind, because little mind is all they have 

Post-script: A lot of the GOP have adopted the "should be flattered" talking point, but to get at why this stupidity makes me furious--it's not a serious opinion. Telling a country "We will economically or militarily threaten you because we want something you have" is,a war of choice--and it amounts to saying "If someone threatens to rape you, you should be flattered." 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

TWGB: Putting us on the Map


You know, maybe Trump can't end Russia's war in Ukraine with a phone call, or bring the hostages home from Gaza, or really do anything at all in the Middle East except make things worse, and maybe he won't bring down grocery prices and it's a whole lot to think he'll do much about fuel prices, but maybe he and his magic Sharpie can change the map

The Gulf of Mexico was the Gulf of Mexico, before there was a USA. If we have a national security issue regarding Greenland, well, we have had an air base there since 1943--Pituffik, formerly known as Thule. (Does he think it went away because the name changed? He seems to have a problem with accepting that military bases can change their name but still exist. His sense of object permanence is fleeting.) 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

A Man, a Plan, a Canal--A Dumbfuck (UPDATES)


Just as with Canada, which Trump wants to be our 51st state or first province, whichever the case may be, the dotard who wanted to buy Greenland is looking to expand and retake the Panama Canal. I don't know who put him on this current tip. Maybe some import-export guy from Vandelay with a Mar-A-Lago membership. All I'm saying is, this is the next four years. 

Tiresome, innit?

UPDATE: He's talking about Greenland again. For all I know, the Trump Administration will be looking at invading Mexico not just because of the cartels, but if they are going to call Baja "California" then goddamn it....


Well, shit.

The Cruelty is *Almost* the Point

  NEWSMAX: Why should other states be bailing out California for choosing the wrong people to run their state? TUBERVILLE: We shouldn't...