Showing posts with label rufo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rufo. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

What Do MAGA have Against Sign Language?


I see Chris Rufo has also decided he needs to be mad about sign language interpreters, too.  Deaf people deserve to have access to information in a way that is immediate and relatable to them. It actually doesn't distract anyone--mostly. If you are distracted, maybe this is a cognitive problem about YOURSELF you need to get addressed. 

But as a person who finds aural processing a little more difficult in my older years who uses CC for tv--it sucks and is not reliable. I can hear, but I am aware it is not always adequate for people who can't. Also, CC is absolutely not great at all for someone who might be deaf or hard of hearing and also has an issue with reading facility, like dyslexia. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Anatomy of a Panic Featuring Chris Rufo


Chris Rufo was the guy who brought us the "CRT" moral panic, when he didn't actually know anything about CRT, but decided that if it made people uncomfortable, that was his angle--their discomfort, not whether the theory was right. Now I could be biased: when I see Discovery Institute and Claremont Institute in someone's bio, I immediately feel some kind of way. The Discovery Institute is the kind of people who will genuinely lie in your face that intelligent design is not some kind of creationism, when all they did is rebrand it. Claremont Institute always gives me mad "David Barton but without the ugly shirts" vibe. Historical revisionist think tankery about how maybe "Save babby makes Christofascist possible?? If states rights definitely???"

The Cruelty is *Almost* the Point

  NEWSMAX: Why should other states be bailing out California for choosing the wrong people to run their state? TUBERVILLE: We shouldn't...