Tomfo Yamba Scandi
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7 Easy Luxury Bathroom Decor Ideas

Bought to you by Emporia and Nuffnang   Someone once said…Luxury is a state of mind. I’ve been doing a bit of that lately. We took a holiday, and we’ve been home to see the folks. It was wonderful. Luxurious even. And while I was reminiscing I found some gems that never made their way to you. Like

An inspiring quote for you

This may be my shortest post ever! But I don’t think you need many words, to tell this story.   You just need to READ the words….   “Speak to your children, as if  they were the wisest, kindest, most beautiful & magical humans on earth.   For what they believe, is what they will become.”   Brooke Hampton. Magical. Inspiring.

DIY Wine Glass Marker – Scandinavian Inspired

Never know which drink is yours at a party? No need to worry anymore… because you can make these Scandinavian inspired DIY Wine Glass Markers in a jiffy. And the best bit is… you can wear them as a necklace, so you’ll always know which drink is yours, whatever party you’re at. We had an epic

DIY Balloon Invite + a Free Printable

Bought to you by Nuffnang and Spotlight – Home of National Craft Month 1-31st March.   Need a super easy party invitation that will pop? I’ve got just the thing. Literally. Try this DIY Balloon Invite. There’s a free printable for you too!   It’s super simple and could be used for all kinds of parties, we used this as

DIY Outdoor Curtains – Yamba Scandi Style

I’ve always wanted some outdoor curtains. You know the kind, see through, tropical oasis like, your own resort style curtains, for special events and parties. And I wanted to make them myself.   But what I got was more than that. I found out about neighbours and friends. And the barter system. And a couple of

DIY Wood Table Runner

Remember last week, I said I was going to make something from this piece of wood?   Well here it is. The simplest DIY, with added wow factor you’ll ever make!   A DIY Wood Table Runner. We have some great markets here in Yamba. The other week I bought a piece of wood home to our place to

DIY Leather Tassel Keyring

Ready to get your tassel on? Me too! But first, I have a confession, I’ve been using a keyring with a soccer ball from the $2 shop for the last year or so, and it’s definitely time to do something about it. (You can’t even tell it’s a soccer ball anymore, all the ink has

DIY floating frame art

Some things are just too good to be true… but this isn’t one of them. You can make this DIY floating frame art and create your own personal style in a jiffy. Truly wonderful! Great even. And definitely too good! Especially when it’s this simple.   DIY Floating frame art What you need: Floating frame (I got mine from Target for

DIY wine bottle holder

The other day, I went to a pool party. And we sipped wine. It was that 40+ degree day. And… then I met the golden bottle of prosecco.   I loved it because it was gold. And it was spray painted already.     But it was more than that… It was time spent together with friends, floating

DIY Eucalyptus Wreath

Helloooo, I’m back. I took the longest break ever! And it was so good, but I’ve missed you all.     How have you been? Did you have a wonderful Christmas? We did. Magical even.   I made this Eucalyptus wreath for our very first Airbnb guests this Christmas and it was so easy I thought

DIY Guest Book – Scandinavian inspired

I should have done it last year… but I didn’t. Made a Scandinavian inspired guest book that is… to capture the memories and the people who came into our home.       Some came for a week, a day, or even a quick drop in. They were all precious moments.     I finally made one

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

Yamba Scandi Collection // Black and white prints and canvasses // Home decor //Paper goods

Santa's beard calendar | Christmas countdown calendar | Tomfo | Christmas calendar | Advent calendar


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is © Tomfo. Thank you xx

Sexy home video 🔞